University Adjusts Its Parking Fees.

Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH
Hannover Medical School (MHH) is adjusting its parking fees for patients and guests effective April 1, 2025. The first three hours or part thereof will now cost €2.00 each, and from the fourth hour onward, the hourly rate will be €1.00. Cars will continue to park free of charge for the first 30 minutes.
The maximum daily fee remains unchanged at €10. Discounted offers for long-term parkers will remain in place. Parking for severely disabled people with the aG or Bl designation remains free of charge. The parking spaces on the upper deck in front of the main building and the main entrance are reserved exclusively for patients and guests of the MHH.
Further information is available from the MHH Parking Office by phone at (0511) 532-5218.
Text: Communications Team