Application for a place to study at 1st semester in human medicine or dentistry
Application via Hochschulstart or uni-assist?

In Germany, the application for human medicine and dentistry studies and the allocation of study places is carried out via a central procedure and not directly via the universities. However, it depends both on your nationality and the place where you acquired your university entrance qualification whether you have to apply via Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Hochschulstart) or uni-assist e. V. In order to help you find your way around, we have compiled an overview by nationality.
I am a ...
- ... and acquired my university entrance qualification in Germany. ► Application via Hochschulstart.
- ... and acquired my university entrance qualification outside Germany. ► Application via Hochschulstart and a language certificate from category A or A+ has to be submitted.
- ... and acquired a foreign university entrance qualification in Germany. ► Application via Hochschulstart and a language certificate from category A or A+ has to be submitted if the main part of the lessons was not held in German - even with the subject German.
Click here to find out which language certificates fall into category A and A+ and are accepted.
- ... and acquired my university entrance qualification in a EU- or EEA-country. ► Application via Hochschulstart and a language certificate from category A or A+ has to be submitted.
- ... and acquired my university entrance qualification outside a EU- or EEA-country. ► Application via uni-assist, a language certificate from category A or A+ and a TestAS with the specific test module "Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences" in German language has to be submitted.
Click here to find out which language certificates fall into category A and A+ and are accepted.
* EEA = European Economic Area. The following countries from the EEA are supplementing to European Union countries according to Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
- ... and acquired my university entrance qualification in Germany. ► Application via Hochschulstart.
- ... and acquired my university entrance qualification outside a EU- or EEA-country. ► Application via uni-assist, a language certificate from category A or A+ and a TestAS with the specific test module "Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences" in German languagehas to be submitted.
- ... and have not acquired my university entrance qualification in Germany or a EU- or EEA-country, but I have successfully completed a Studienkolleg. ► Application via uni-assist, a language certificate from category A or A+ and a TestAS with the specific test module "Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences" in German language has to be submitted.
- ... and have neither acquired my university entrance qualification in Germany or a EU- or EEA-country, nor have I completed a Studienkolleg successfully. ► Application via uni-assist, a language certificate from category A or A+ and a TestAS with the specific test module "Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences" in German language has to be submitted.
Click here to find out which language certificates fall into category A and A+ and are accepted.
* EEA = European Economic Area. The following countries from the EEA are supplementing to European Union countries according to Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
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Application via Hochschulstart Application via uni-assist
I've already studied human medicine or dentistry elsewhere...
... and do not want to start studying at MHH from scratch.
If you have already studied the desired or a similar course of study in Germany or abroad and have acquired transferible credits, you may be able to continue your studies at MHH in a higher semester. Further information can be found here.