Application for a place to study at 1st semester in human medicine or dentistry
German, EU citizens and Non-EU citizens and stateless persons with a German university entrance qualification

German and EU citizens or other persons with a German university entrance qualification¹ have to apply via Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Hochschulstart) which allocates all places for medical studies.
At Hannover Medical School, it is only possible to start the degree programme in the winter term (1st semester).
- Please note the different application deadlines for new and old high school graduates.
► Further details can be found at the website of Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Hochschulstart).
¹ If, in addition to a general university entrance qualification, you also hold a subject-related university entrance qualification, you are free to choose with which you would like to apply for a place to study.
In case you did not complete your Abitur/university entrance qualification in German language, you must submit a language certificate from the category A or A+. Click here to find out which certificates fall into these categories and will be accepted.
Besides the required application documents, the language certificate is also to submit latest until the application deadline. You will find general informationen on language certificates here.
Please note: The teaching language at our school is German. We do not offer preparatory German courses or German language tests. Information on German language courses in Hannover can be found on the website of Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Allocation of places to study

The allocation of places to study for German or EU applicants is based exclusively on the criteria listed below by Hochschulstart.
You can find more information about the assessment of the Abitur grade, waiting time and TMS result with regard to the ranking list here (German only).
In this quota, the exclusive criterion is the grade of the university entrance qualification.
In addition to the grade of the university entrance qualification, other criteria (TMS test, services and vocational training (human medicine/dentistry)*) are taken into account. Services must be completed by the application deadline. Click here for further information on the selection procedure (German only).
An applicant can achieve up to 100 points within the quota. The criteria mentioned are taken into account with the following weighting:
- 80% of the places within the quota are allocated as follows:
- up to 30 points depending on the grade of the university entrance qualification
- up to 50 points depending on the result of the TMS test
- and up to 20 points for a service
- 20% of the places within the quota are allocated as follows:
- up to 30 points depending on the grade of the university entrance qualification
- up to 50 points depending on the result of the TMS test
- and up to 20 points for a vocational training.
* Please note that the professions shown here are not congruent with the professions that regulate access to studies ("studying without Abitur").
The additional qualification quota is independent of the high school diploma grade. Only vocational training and the TMS test are taken into account in this quota.
An applicant can achieve up to 100 points within the quota. The criteria mentioned are taken into account with the following weighting:
- Vocational training up to 65 points
- TMS test up to 35 points