IT services for students

Here you will find important information to which systems you can log on to with your MHH login credentials and how you can download your certificates of study course and certificates of enrolment.
Contact persons at IT service
- Malfunctions and service requests: IT service of the ZIMt (0511 532-7777 or
- Have your matriculation number ready!
- Information on IT services for students:
The MHH login credentials which you received from the Registrar's office after enrolment can be used for multiple systems:
- Domain access (for using the workstations in the PC pool rooms of the MHH)
- Student email account (e-mail + calendar)
- eduroam (cross-location WLAN access)
- ILIAS (eLearning platform for study and teaching)
- Citrix web interface (access the MHH intranet from outside and use programs)
- HISQIS (printing of study certificates)
- FACTScience (human medicine and dentistry: curricula)
- MS Teams (tool for collaboration, communication and video conferencing)
- MS Office365 (log in with your student email address)
You can download and print Certificates of study course and Certificates of enrolment which you might need for applications and authorities here.
Go to and log on with your MHH login credentials which you have received after enrolment.
If you have any difficulties in preparing the certificates or other technical difficulties related to your studies, please refer to There you will find instructions and assistance.
When you enrolled, you were activated for campus dial-in, i.e. access to external MHH applications.
To increase account security, the MHH campus login is accessible with 2-factor authentication (2FA). In addition to your MHH domain user data, you will now need a numerical code to log in. You must register accordingly for this OTP procedure.
You received the user data, including the initial code for the OTP procedure, as part of the enrollment process.
Important: This code can only be used once to set up 2-factor authentication for the first time.
To register for the OTP procedure, please log in at using your MHH user name, your password and your initial token mentioned above and follow the instructions there. Detailed instructions can be found on the website under "Help".