
patient, customer, referrer surveys

picture of a survey form, (c) A. Weiser/MHH


It makes a great difference whether you think a situation is or whether you definitely know a situation is!


Patient surveys

In order to find out about your expectations, needs, satisfaction and perceptions as a current or former patient regarding your treatment and the staff at MHH, we have been implemented regular patient surveys since 2006.

The Department of Qualitymanagement supports the various clinics, institutes and departments of MHH in thematic development, logistical implementation and final evaluation of paper & pencil questionnaires and online questionnaires using IT-supported survey systems (e.g. SoSci Survey, Evasys®), which are hosted on MHH's own servers.

Your feedback is very important for us in order to receive tips for improvements or to get the confirmation in what is already positive established.

You can submit your feedback here. (only German)


Customer surveys

In addition to inpatient and outpatient hospital care, MHH also provides external services, e.g. laboratory tests, consultations, offerings for patients or training courses.

In order to get the feedback according expectations and satisfaction of these different groups of customers, customized questionnaires are programmed.


Referrer surveys

In order to achieve a high standard of quality for the interface between referring physicians (GPs, specialists in private practice, hospitals) and the MHH, the needs and current satisfaction are determined by using referrer questionnaires, which are adapted to the needs of the individual department.

The results derived from the surveys improve the collaboration with referring physicians and thus enhance the quality of treatment for patients during their stay and after hospital release.


Axel Weiser

+49 511 532-4927