
Therapeutic bloodletting can reduce a pathological accumulation of blood cells or proteins that impair the functioning of blood or other organs in the body.

Therapeutic bloodletting technique

In principle, therapeutic bloodletting largely corresponds to classical blood donation. First, the donor's suitability is checked by our donor physician. It is also determined whether a retransfer of normal blood components makes sense or whether this can be dispensed with. Once the suitability for donation has been determined, the procedure begins with the puncture of an arm vein. About 450-500 mL of blood flow into a multiple bag system consisting of a bag for blood plasma (yellowish blood liquid), a bag for red and white blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and possibly a bag for blood platelets (thrombocytes). This bag system is provided with a canning number, your name, first name and date of birth and the label "autologous blood" and is presented to you before the puncture to check the labeling (e.g. for correct spelling of your name).