REBIRTH Colloquium
For many years the Research Center for Translational Regenerative Medicine REBIRTH (“From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy”) has promoted the scientific exchange in the field of regenerative therapies through regular lecture events.
The REBIRTH colloquium usually takes place every month, Wednesday at 1 pm. Additionally, special lectures of invited external lecturers take place within the scope of the colloquium.
The colloquium serves as a discussion forum of 'REBIRTH' and is not only supposed to promote the initiation of external cooperations, but rather internal (and interdisciplinary) cooperations. Therefore, in addition to external lecturers, both REBIRTH members and scientists of related research fields present current data and projects.
22.01.2024 REBIRTH Special Lecture (12:30 pm, lecture hall Q)
‘The future is here! The next generation of AAV vector as a foundation of cell and gene therapeutics of the future’
Prof. Leszek Lisowski, Translational Vectorology Research Unit, Children’s Medical Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Westmead, Australia
18.12.2023 REBIRTH Special lecture (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
‘Modelling environmentally triggered cell perturbations and their effect on respiratory health with lung organoids’
Dr. Carola Voss, Helmholtz Center Munich
13.12.2023 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
‘RNA-based therapeutic strategies for liver injuries’
Prof. Dr. Amar Deep Sharma, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology
05.12.2023 REBIRTH Special Lecture (4:15 p.m., lecture hall O)
‘The multidirectionality of life’
Dr. Miguel A. Esteban, BGI-Research, Hangzhou / Shenzhen
22.11.2023 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
‘Capillary endothelial cells as master regulators of cardiac fibrosis and regeneration’
Prof. Dr. Jörg Heineke, Department of Cardiovascular Physiology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg
11.10.2023 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
´When lung regeneration fails - lessons learned from lung fibrosis’
Dr. Jonas Christian Schupp, Clinic of Pneumology and Infectiology, MHH
´Genetic skewing of macrophage function to enhance the therapeutic properties’
Schifaa Abdin (Group of Prof. Dr. Nico Lachmann), Department of Applied Stem Cell and Translational Macrophage Research, MHH
13.09.2023 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
´Precision phenotyping the kidney´
Prof. Dr. Kai Schmidt-Ott, Director of Clinic for Kidney and Hypertension Diseases, MHH
´Relevance of cardiovascular risk factors for novel therapeutic approaches´
Prof. Dr. Rabea Hinkel, German Primate Centre, Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Department of Laboratory Animal Science
10.05.2023 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
‘Bioinstructive materials to study hematopoietic stem cell niches in health and disease’
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Lee-Thedieck, Executive Director of Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics at Leibniz University Hannover
‘mRNA and CRISPR for tissue repair in liver diseases’
Prof. Dr. Michael Ott, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, MHH
19.04.2023 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
‘Aberrant epithelial repair processes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis’
Prof. Dr. Antje Prasse, Department of Pneumology, MHH
Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM)
22.02.2023 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
‘Genetic engineering of organs to support graft survival after transplantation’
Prof. Dr. Constanca Figueiredo, Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Transplant Engineering, MHH
‘Of drugs and tools - novel concepts for pharmaceutical research ‘
Prof. Dr. Oliver Plettenburg, Medicinal Chemistry at Leibniz University Hannover (and Institute for Medicinal Chemistry, Helmholtz Munich)
18.05.2022 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
‘Role of c-myc in chronic liver diseases’
Prof. Dr. Arndt Vogel, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Endocrinology, MHH
16.03.2022 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
PD Dr. Christina Brandenberger, Institute of Functional and Applied Anatomy, MHH:
‘Epithelial injury and regeneration in senescence and pulmonary aging’
16.02.2022 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
PD Dr. Claudia Neunaber, Unfallchirurgie, MHH:
‘Osteochondral allograft transplantation of the knee’
19.01.2022 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm s.t., online lecture)
Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke, Klinik für Hämatologie, Hämostase, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation, MHH:
‘Rebirth of translational immune oncology for leukemias and lymphomas: from the cell engineering, disease models and GMP towards the patients’
15.12.2021 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online und im Hörsaal l R (I6-H0-4050)
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hoffmann, Orthopaedic Clinic, MHH:
‘Innovative biomaterials and the future of mesenchymal ʽstemʼ cells’
Prof. Dr. Günter Höglinger Department of Neurology, MHH:
‘Regeneration in Neurodegenerative Diseases - What is Possible?’
17.11.2021 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online und im Hörsaal l R (I6-H0-4050)
Dr. Sarah Strauß, Department of Plastic, Aesthetic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, MHH:
‘Preliminary Application of Spider Silk in Rats Spinal Cord’
Dr. Ruth Olmer, LEBAO, MHH:
‘iPS derived respiratory and vascular cell types – towards treatment of lung diseases’
13.10.2021 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online und im Hörsaal S (I6-H0-6040)
Anna Rafiei Hashtchin, PhD, Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie, MHH:
‘Moving iPSC-derived macrophages towards clinical applications’
Allan Ertmann Karlsen, Vizepräsident der Zelltherapieforschung, Novo Nordisk:
‘Novo Nordisk’s ambitions in the field of Cell Therapy’
29.09.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online und im Hörsaal H)
PD Dr. Mark Ph. Kühnel, Institut für Pathologie, Laborleiter der Arbeitsgruppe Lungenforschung, Deutsches Zentrum für Lungenforschung (DZL), MHH:
‘COVID-19 – Regenerative Angiogenesis in Lungs and Hearts’
Prof. Dr. Armin Braun, Division Director Preclinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Fraunhofer ITEM:
‘Drug repurposing as a novel approach in drug development using the example of inhalative therapy against Covid-19’
14.07.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof Dr. Claudia Grothe, Institut für Neuroanatomie und Zellbiologie, MHH:
‘Establishment and validation of an alpha-synuclein parkinson disease rat model – possible protective and replacing therapeutic approaches’
Prof. Dr. Thomas Moritz,Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie, MHH:
‘Generation of enhanced macrophages for regenerative therapies and beyond’
02.06.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Dr. Andres Hilfiker, LEBAO, MHH:
‘Decellularized heart valve protheses - from the allogeneic to the xenogeneic graft’
James Thackeray, Ph.D., Klinik für Nuklearmedizin, MHH:
‘Imaging Molecular Markers of Cardiac Injury, Repair and Regeneration’
05.05.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Dr. Christian Bär, Institut für Molekulare und Translationale Therapiestrategien (IMTTS), MHH:
‘Telomerase as therapeutic target in cardiovascular disease’
Prof. David Zebrowski, Ph.D., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, the Centre for Cardiovascular Genomics and Medicine, and the Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence (HK HOPE):
‘Cardiomyocyte terminal differentiation, de-differentiation, and the centrosome’
21.04.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Ina Gruh, LEBAO, MHH:
‘Stem cell-derived cardiac cells and tissues for therapy and disease modeling’
Prof. Dr. Alexander Heisterkamp,Institut für Quantenoptik, LUH:
‘Biophotonics - Application of light in cells and tissues’
10.03.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Axel Schambach, Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie, MHH:
‘From stem cell-based modeling to novel therapeutic strategies’
Dr. Robert Zweigerd, LEBAO, MHH:
‘Making and Maintaining Cardiac Progenitors from human Pluripotent Stem Cells’
17.02.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Hermann Haller, Klinik für Nieren- und Hochdruckerkrankungen, MHH:
‘Regeneration and Aging - Mount Desert Biological Laboratory’
Prof. Dr. Falk Büttner, Institut für Klinische Biochemie, MHH:
‘Identification and validation of a novel glycan cell surface marker for human pluripotent stem cells’
20.01.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Doris Steinemann, Institut für Humangenetik, MHH:
'Repetitive sequences in human genomes and their contribution to disease development'
Prof. Dr. Hildegard Büning, Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie, MHH:
'Tailoring Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Vectors for Gene Therapy'
Scientific afternoon
Scientific afternoons organized by the Department of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery (HTTG) take place every two months on Wednesday at 5 p.m.. The usual venue is lecture hall N of the MHH (near the library). The goal of these meetings is to stimulate improved communication between clinicians and research personnel. Reports are presented by members of HTTG, LEBAO, the Lung Transplantation Unit, or foreign guests who have been invited to present their research. There is typically one report on a clinical topic and one report on a research topic.
Past events

The international conference “Lung Regeneration and Beyond – BREATH meets REBIRTH” is organized as a joint initiative between the Hannover site of the German Center for Lung Research BREATH and the REBIRTH Cluster of Excellence. It will take place from May 8-10 in the “Schloss Herrenhausen” in Hannover.
The topics include regeneration, transplantation, stem cell research, artificial organs and tissue engineering, imaging, ethics in regenerative science, and patients’ view on regenerative science.
Over 30 international and national leaders in these fields will present to an expected audience of up to 400 delegates, including esteemed scientists, early-stage researchers and students. Poster sessions and social events will provide participants with ample opportunities for discussions and networking.
Further information can also be found here.
You can download the flyer here.