REBIRTH Kolloquium
Seit vielen Jahren wird über regelmäßige Vortragsveranstaltungen des Forschungszentrums für translationale regenerative Medizin REBIRTH („From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy“) der wissenschaftliche Austausch rund um das Themenfeld regenerativer Therapien gefördert.
Das REBIRTH Kolloquium findet in der Regel jeden Monat mittwochs um 13.00 s.t. statt.In zusätzlichen „REBIRTH-Special Lectures“ im Rahmen des Kolloquiums stellen eingeladene auswärtige Referenten ihre Forschungsaktivitäten vor.
Das Kolloquium dient als Diskussionsforum von REBIRTH und soll nicht nur die Initiierung externer Kooperationen sondern vor allem die interne (und interdisziplinäre) Zusammenarbeit fördern. Neben externen Referenten stellen deshalb sowohl REBIRTH-Mitglieder als auch Wissenschaftler verwandter Forschungsbereiche aktuelle Daten und Projekte vor.
22.01.2024 REBIRTH Special Lecture (um 12:30 Uhr im Hörsaal Q)
‘The future is here! The next generation of AAV vector as a foundation of cell and gene therapeutics of the future’
Prof. Leszek Lisowski, Translational Vectorology Research Unit, Children’s Medical Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Westmead, Australia
18.12.2023 REBIRTH Special lecture (5 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
‘Modelling environmentally triggered cell perturbations and their effect on respiratory health with lung organoids’
Dr. Carola Voss, Helmholtz Center Munich
13.12.2023 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
‘RNA-based therapeutic strategies for liver injuries’
Prof. Dr. Amar Deep Sharma, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology
05.12.2023 REBIRTH Special Lecture (um 16:15 Uhr im Hörsaal O)
‘The multidirectionality of life’
Dr. Miguel A. Esteban, BGI-Research, Hangzhou / Shenzhen
22.11.2023 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
‘Capillary endothelial cells as master regulators of cardiac fibrosis and regeneration’
Prof. Dr. Jörg Heineke, Department of Cardiovascular Physiology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg
11.10.2023 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
´When lung regeneration fails - lessons learned from lung fibrosis’
Dr. Jonas Christian Schupp, Clinic of Pneumology and Infectiology, MHH
´Genetic skewing of macrophage function to enhance the therapeutic properties’
Schifaa Abdin (Group of Prof. Dr. Nico Lachmann), Department of Applied Stem Cell and Translational Macrophage Research, MHH
13.09.2023 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
´Precision phenotyping the kidney´
Prof. Dr. Kai Schmidt-Ott, Director of Clinic for Kidney and Hypertension Diseases, MHH
´Relevance of cardiovascular risk factors for novel therapeutic approaches´
Prof. Dr. Rabea Hinkel, German Primate Centre, Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Department of Laboratory Animal Science
10.05.2023 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
‘Bioinstructive materials to study hematopoietic stem cell niches in health and disease’
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Lee-Thedieck, Executive Director of Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics at Leibniz University Hannover
‘mRNA and CRISPR for tissue repair in liver diseases’
Prof. Dr. Michael Ott, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, MHH
19.04.2023 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
‘Aberrant epithelial repair processes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis’
Prof. Dr. Antje Prasse, Department of Pneumology, MHH
Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM)
22.02.2023 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
‘Genetic engineering of organs to support graft survival after transplantation’
Prof. Dr. Constanca Figueiredo, Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Transplant Engineering, MHH
‘Of drugs and tools - novel concepts for pharmaceutical research ‘
Prof. Dr. Oliver Plettenburg, Medicinal Chemistry at Leibniz University Hannover (and Institute for Medicinal Chemistry, Helmholtz Munich)
18.05.2022 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
‘Role of c-myc in chronic liver diseases’
Prof. Dr. Arndt Vogel, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Endocrinology, MHH
16.03.2022 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
PD Dr. Christina Brandenberger, Institute of Functional and Applied Anatomy, MHH:
‘Epithelial injury and regeneration in senescence and pulmonary aging’
16.02.2022 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
PD Dr. Claudia Neunaber, Unfallchirurgie, MHH:
‘Osteochondral allograft transplantation of the knee’
19.01.2022 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vortrag)
Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke, Klinik für Hämatologie, Hämostase, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation, MHH:
‘Rebirth of translational immune oncology for leukemias and lymphomas: from the cell engineering, disease models and GMP towards the patients’
15.12.2021 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online und im Hörsaal l R (I6-H0-4050)
Prof. Dr. Andrea Hoffmann, Orthopaedic Clinic, MHH:
‘Innovative biomaterials and the future of mesenchymal ʽstemʼ cells’
Prof. Dr. Günter Höglinger Department of Neurology, MHH:
‘Regeneration in Neurodegenerative Diseases - What is Possible?’
17.11.2021 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online und im Hörsaal l R (I6-H0-4050)
Dr. Sarah Strauß, Department of Plastic, Aesthetic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, MHH:
‘Preliminary Application of Spider Silk in Rats Spinal Cord’
Dr. Ruth Olmer, LEBAO, MHH:
‘iPS derived respiratory and vascular cell types – towards treatment of lung diseases’
13.10.2021 REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online und im Hörsaal S (I6-H0-6040)
Anna Rafiei Hashtchin, PhD, Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie, MHH:
‘Moving iPSC-derived macrophages towards clinical applications’
Allan Ertmann Karlsen, Vizepräsident der Zelltherapieforschung, Novo Nordisk:
‘Novo Nordisk’s ambitions in the field of Cell Therapy’
29.09.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online und im Hörsaal H)
PD Dr. Mark Ph. Kühnel, Institut für Pathologie, Laborleiter der Arbeitsgruppe Lungenforschung, Deutsches Zentrum für Lungenforschung (DZL), MHH:
‘COVID-19 – Regenerative Angiogenesis in Lungs and Hearts’
Prof. Dr. Armin Braun, Division Director Preclinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Fraunhofer ITEM:
‘Drug repurposing as a novel approach in drug development using the example of inhalative therapy against Covid-19’
14.07.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof Dr. Claudia Grothe, Institut für Neuroanatomie und Zellbiologie, MHH:
‘Establishment and validation of an alpha-synuclein parkinson disease rat model – possible protective and replacing therapeutic approaches’
Prof. Dr. Thomas Moritz,Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie, MHH:
‘Generation of enhanced macrophages for regenerative therapies and beyond’
02.06.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Dr. Andres Hilfiker, LEBAO, MHH:
‘Decellularized heart valve protheses - from the allogeneic to the xenogeneic graft’
James Thackeray, Ph.D., Klinik für Nuklearmedizin, MHH:
‘Imaging Molecular Markers of Cardiac Injury, Repair and Regeneration’
05.05.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Dr. Christian Bär, Institut für Molekulare und Translationale Therapiestrategien (IMTTS), MHH:
‘Telomerase as therapeutic target in cardiovascular disease’
Prof. David Zebrowski, Ph.D., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, the Centre for Cardiovascular Genomics and Medicine, and the Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence (HK HOPE):
‘Cardiomyocyte terminal differentiation, de-differentiation, and the centrosome’
21.04.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Ina Gruh, LEBAO, MHH:
‘Stem cell-derived cardiac cells and tissues for therapy and disease modeling’
Prof. Dr. Alexander Heisterkamp,Institut für Quantenoptik, LUH:
‘Biophotonics - Application of light in cells and tissues’
10.03.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Axel Schambach, Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie, MHH:
‘From stem cell-based modeling to novel therapeutic strategies’
Dr. Robert Zweigerd, LEBAO, MHH:
‘Making and Maintaining Cardiac Progenitors from human Pluripotent Stem Cells’
17.02.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Hermann Haller, Klinik für Nieren- und Hochdruckerkrankungen, MHH:
‘Regeneration and Aging - Mount Desert Biological Laboratory’
Prof. Dr. Falk Büttner, Institut für Klinische Biochemie, MHH:
‘Identification and validation of a novel glycan cell surface marker for human pluripotent stem cells’
20.01.2021 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Doris Steinemann, Institut für Humangenetik, MHH:
'Repetitive sequences in human genomes and their contribution to disease development'
Prof. Dr. Hildegard Büning, Institut für Experimentelle Hämatologie, MHH:
'Tailoring Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Vectors for Gene Therapy'
Wissenschaftlicher Nachmittag
Der wiss. Nachmittag der HTTG-Chirurgie findet alle 2 Monate, mittwochs um 17 c.t., in der Regel im Hörsaal N der MHH, statt. Ziel der Veranstaltung ist die verbesserte Kommunikation zwischen Klinik und Forschung. Zum Teil berichten Mitarbeiter der HTTG-Chirurgie oder des LEBAOs, zum Teil auch Mitglieder der klinischen Forschergruppe „Lungentransplantation“ oder auswärtige Gäste von ihren Untersuchungen und Forschungsergebnissen. Meist spricht ein Referent zu einem klinischen Thema, ein zweiter Referent berichtet von Projekten aus der Forschung. Aufgrund der SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie pausiert der wissenschaftliche Nachmittag derzeit.
Frühere Veranstaltungen
09.12.2020 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wirth, Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung, Braunschweig:
'Synthetic biology inspired strategies against viral infections'
Prof. Dr. Michael Ott, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, MHH:
'Therapeutic Research in Hepatology'
25.11.2020 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Heiner Niemann, Hannover Medical School / TwinCore:
'Recent progress in porcine-to-human xenotransplantation'
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kirschning, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leibniz University Hannover:
'New molecular architectures based on SPIONs and maytansin: YELLOW SUBMARINES for selective drug targeting and release'
28.10.2020 - REBIRTH Kolloquium (1 pm s.t., online Vorträge)
Prof. Dr. Constanca Figueiredo, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin, MHH:
'In vitro generation of HLA-silenced Megakaryocytes and Platelets'
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Kai C. Wollert, Molekulare und Translationale Kardiologie, MHH:
'Myeloid-derived growth factor (MYDGF): pathobiology and therapeutic potential'
23.09.2020 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm c.t., Hörsaal R, I6-H0-4050)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Plettenburg, Direktor des Instituts für Medizinalchemie, Helmholtz Zentrum München:
'Drug Discovery in Academia – Challenges and Opportunities'
Prof. Dr. med. Frank Bengel, Direktor der Klinik für Nuklearmedizin, MHH:
'Image-guided cardiac repair'
08.07.2020 REBIRTH colloquium (1 pm c.t., Hörsaal R, I6-H0-4050)
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Thomas Thum, Institut für Molekulare und Translationale Therapiestrategien, MHH:
'Noncoding RNA therapeutics on their way to clinical reality'
PD Dr. Amar Deep Sharma, Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Endokrinologie, MHH:
'Regenerative medicine for the dysfunctional liver'
26.02.2020 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall H)
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Nico Lachmann, Institute for Experimental Hematology, MHH:
'The plasticity of macrophages: from basic biology to cellular therapies'
30.01.2019 Special lecture (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall G)
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Lee-Thedieck, Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Hannover
'Towards an artificial stem cell niche: biomaterials for directing hematopoietic stem cell behavior'
28.11.2018 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall G)
Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Tegtbur, Institut für Sportmedizin, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover:
Rebirth active studies –results and perspectives for children right up to higher age
12.09.2018 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall G)
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Göhring, Cellular and Molecular Pathology, Hannover Medical School: 'Genetic instability of hematological neoplasia- interaction of diagnostics and research'
Prof. Dr. Ursula Rinas, Technical Chemistry, Leibniz University of Hannover: 'Sick microorganisms: autophagy in protein producing yeast'.
16.05.2018 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall N)
Dr. Amar Deep Sharma, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School: ‘Regenerative Medicine for the Dysfunctional Liver‘
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Kalies, Institute for Quantum Optics,Leibniz University Hannover:
‘Identifying regeneration mechanisms via imaging and cell manipulation using ultrashort laser pulses‘.
17.01.2018 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall M)
Prof. Dr. Christian Mühlfeld, Institute of Functional and Applied Anatomy, Hannover Medical School: 'Quantification and 3D reconstruction of the pulmonary vasculature – Potential for pathogenetic and developmental research'
Prof. Dr. Evgeni Ponimaskin, Cellular Neurophysiology, Hannover Medical School: 'Quantitative molecular microscopy to study the multifaceted role of serotonergic system'.
29.11.2017 - Special Lecture (15:00 pm)
Prof. Dr. Emrah Düzel, DZNE.
08.11.2017 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall G)
Prof. Dr. Theresia Kraft, Institute for Molecular- and Cellphysiology, Hannover Medical School: 'Cardiac disease models: from human stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes to transgenic pigs'
Prof. Dr. Falk F. R. Büttner, Institute for Clinical Biochemistry, Hannover Medical School: 'Glycoanalytics in stem cell research: 'Towards understanding the unprecedented richness of the cellular glycome'.
23.10.2017 - Special Lecture (17:00 pm c.t.,TWINCORE, Zentrum für Experimentelle und Klinische Infektionsforschung GmbH Raum Nr. 0020, Gebäude M04 Feodor-Lynen-Str. 7 30625 Hannover)
Noriyuki Kasahara, MD PhD, Professor, Departments of Cell Biology and Pathology, University of Miami: Rebirth of 'Immuno/Gene Therapy for Cancer: Preclinical Development and Clinical Translation'.
Host: Prof. Dr. Hildegard Büning, +49 (0) 511 532 5106,
Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke, +49 (0) 511 532 6999
06.09.2017 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall G)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Heineke, Experimental Cardiology,Hannover Medical School: 'Treating heart failure through regulation of secreted long non-coding RNAs?'
PD Dr. Ina Gruh, Leibniz Research Labs for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs (LEBAO), Hannover Medical School: 'Bioartificial cardiac tissue for transplantation and disease modelling'.
03.07.2017 - Special Lecture (16:00 pm c.t.,Lecture Hall M)
Prof. Jacinta Bustamante MD, PhD, Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, INSERM, Paris; Center for the Study of Primary Immunodeficiencies, Necker Hospital for Sick Children, Paris; Howard Hughes Medical Institute, New York, USA: '“Genetic dissection of atypical mycobacterial infectious diseases in human”'.
Host: PD Dr. Nico Lachmann, Tel. 5266
15.05.2017 - Special Lecture (15:00 pm c.t., Building M20, S0, Seminar room 2520, Lower Saxony Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Implant Research and Development (NIFE), Stadtfelddamm 34, 30625 Hannover)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elias Anastassopoulos, Department of Agricultural Technologists, TEI of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece: 'Freezing in Nature. What can we learn for cryopreservation purposes?'.
Contact: Dr. Oleksandr Gryshkov / AG Glasmacher
Tel.: 0511 / 762-3827 (IMP) / 532-1342 (NIFE)
10.05.2017 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall Q)
Prof. Dr. Anette Melk, Interdisciplinary Experimental Transplant Medicine,
Hannover Medical School: 'Senescence and endothelial dysfunction'
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wirth, RG MSYS - Model Systems for Infection and Immunity,
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research: 'Functionalization of cells by rewiring endogenous regulatory circuits with synthetic expression modules'.
08.05.2017 - Special Lecture (13:30 pm c.t., Building M20, S0, Seminar room 2520, Lower Saxony Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Implant Research and Development (NIFE), Stadtfelddamm 34, 30625 Hannover)
Prof. Dr. Gennadiy Zhegunov, Department of Biochemistry, Kharkov State Zooveterinary Academy, Ukraine: 'A novel approach in complex treatment of babesiosis in dogs with application of cryopreserved red blood cells'.
Contact: Dr. Oleksandr Gryshkov / AG Glasmacher
Tel.: 0511 / 762-3822 (IMP) / 532-1342 (NIFE)
19.04.2017 - Special Lecture (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall G)
Dr. Luca Biasco, Gene Therapy Program, Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center: 'Clonal Tracking of Human Hematopoiesis Through Integration Sites Analysis'.
Host: Prof. Axel Schambach, Tel.: 5170
08.03.2017 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall E)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Moritz, Institute of Experimental Hematology, Hannover Medical School: 'Pulmonary Macrophage Transplantation - Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis and beyond'
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kispert, Institute of Molecular Biology, Hannover Medical School: 'Integration of signaling activities by Tbx2 in lung development and disease'.
21.02.2017 - Special Lecture (5 pm s.t., Lecture Hall G)
Ph.D. Dr. Hab. Ebba Brakenhielm, Inserm U1096, Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine, Normandy University & University of Rouen, France:
'Cardiac lymphangiogenesis – a new target for prevention of heart failure?'
Host: Prof. Dr. Denise Hilfiker-Kleiner, 2531 Prof. Dr. Axel Haverich, 6581.
20.02.2017 - Special Lecture (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall M)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Joachim Knölker, Department Chemie, Technische Universität Dresden: 'Efficient Synthetic Routes to Biologically Active Carbazole Alkaloids'.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Rita Gerardy-Schahn Tel. 0511 / 532-9802
18.01.2017 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall ZIMt K4)
Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke, Department of Hematology, Hemostasis, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation,Hannover Medical School: 'Immune therapy with engineered DCs and T cells for accelerated immune regeneration after stem cell transplantation‘
PD Dr. Nico Lachmann, Institute of Experimental Hematology, Hannover Medical School: ‘Brave new world: Hematopoiesis from the bioreactor to regenerate pulmonary immunity.‘
09.11.2016 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall N)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Armin Braun, Division Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine: ‘Bringing Innovative therapies into the clinic considering a highly regulated environment‘.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Daniel Sedding, Department of Cardiology and Angiology, Hannover Medical School: ‘Mechanismen des vaskulären Remodelings‘.
21.09.2016 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall Q)
Prof. Dr. Boris Chichkov, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Leibniz University of Hannover: '3D laser printing of scaffolds, nanoparticles, and living cells'
Dr. Andres Hilfiker, Leibniz Research Labs for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs (LEBAO), Dept. of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery,
Hannover Medical School: Myocardial Tissue Engineering.
10.08.2016, Special Lecture (Lecture Hall H, 17 s.t.)
Prof. Jonathan Kimmelman, Associate Professor, Biomedical Ethics Unit, McGill University, Chair of the ISSCR ethics committee: ‘The ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation: Presentation and Discussion of its
Relevance and Applicability in Germany’.
23.06.2016, Special Lecture (6 pm, Seminar room, HBZ)
Prof. Dr. Fang Yang, State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biomaterials and Devices, School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China: ‘Ultrasound assisted magnetic microbubble delivery system for multimodal theranostics’.
17.06.2016, Special Lecture (Lecture Hall G, 15 s.t.)
Professor David Williams, MD, Chief, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Boston Children‘s Hospital, Director of Clinical and Translational Research, BCH, Associate Chairman, Dep. of Ped. Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute:
‘Gene therapy in monogenic diseases, a platform for gene editing in the clinic‘
11.05.2016 - REBIRTH colloquium (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall M)
PD Dr. med. Serghei Cebotari, Dept. of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School:
‘Clinical implantation of tissue engineered heart valves‘
Prof. Dr. Ir. Wim Wolkers, Institute of Multiphase Processes, Leibniz University of Hannover:
‘Dry preservation of mammalian cells and tissues inspired by lessons from nature’
28.04.2016, Special lecture (6.00 pm s.t., Lecture Hall H, building I1, MHH)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Thum, Institute of Molecular and Translational Therapeutic Strategies, Hannover Medical School:
‘Interdisciplinary challenges of translational medicine and regulatory needs’
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Qante, Department of Philosophy, Westfälische Wilhelms University Münster: ‘Interdisciplinarity and Trans-Disciplinary Deliberation in Research and Higher Education’.
18.03.2016, Special lecture (1 pm c.t., lecture hall H, building I1, MHH)
Prof. Dr. Jens Madsen, University of Southampton, UK:
‘The Yin-Yang of Airway Lectins and Bugs: To Bind or not to Bind?’
23.02.2016, Special Lecture (4 p.m. c.t., HBZ seminar room (I11-S0-6040), MHH)
Prof. Yair Reisner, Dep. Immunology, Weizmann Inst. Of Science, Rehovot, Israel
‘Towards lung healing by committed lung progenitors: The lung niche and other analogies to bone marrow transplantation’
01.02.2016, Special Lecture (Lecture Hall H, 5 p.m. s.t.)
Dr. Lars Maegdevessel, MD, PhD, Karolinska Institute Stockholm, Denmark
„Non-coding RNAs in vascular disease detection and therapy“
15.01.2016, Special Lecture (11 am s.t., Lecture room of the Institute for Multiphase Processes, Callinstr. 36, 30167 Hannover)
Prof. Dr. Johannes Schenkel, German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg; Cryopreservation W430:
‘Cryopreservation of mutant mice – benefits and challenges’
13.01.2016 - REBIRTH colloquium (Lecture Hall M, 5.15 pm)
Prof. Dr. P. M. Vogt, Dept. Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, Hannover Medical School: ‘Regenerative concepts in plastic surgery’
Dr. Gerald Dräger, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leibniz University of Hannover:
‘From Materials to Surfaces and back again‘.
16.11.2015, Special Lecture (Lecture Hall H 4.45 pm)
Dr. Bernhard Gentner, Translational Stem Cell and Leukemia Research Unit, Department San Raffaele Hospital and Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (TIGET), Milano, Italy:
„Stem Cell Programs in Leukemia and Programming Hematopoietic Stem Cells against Cancer “
10.11.2015, Special Lecture (Lecture Hall M, 4.15 pm c.t.)
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Geissmann, William E. Snee Chair of Immunology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, USA:
„The Layered Macrophage System“
4.11.2015 (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall N)
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wirth, Head of the Research Group (MSYS) Model Systems for Infection and Immunity, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig:
‘Controlled interventions in regulatory networks of cells and mice utilizing synthetic biology strategies’
PD Dr. Constanca Figueiredo, Institute for Transfusion Medicine, Research Group Cellular Therapy, Hannover Medical School, Hannover:
‘Towards the generation of invisible transplants: HLA-universal cells and tissues to prevent rejection after transplantation‘
22.10.2015, Special Lecture (BMWZ, Seminarraum, EG, Schneiderberg 38, 5 pm s.t.)
Dr. Sophia Efstathiou, Norwegian University of Science and Technology:
“Explicating Ethics: The Case of Animal Research”
16.10.2015, Special lecture (12 noon s.t., in seminar room of the HBZ, J11, S0, room 6040, MHH)
Prof. Katja Schenke-Layland, Head of the Dept. Cell and Tissue Engineering, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart:
„Impact of biomedical technologies on regenerative medicine“
28.09.2015, Special lecture (Lecture Hall H, 17:00 st)
Prof. Dr. Gianluigi Condorelli, MD, PhD, Director of Cardiovascular Research Area and Head of Lab Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Milan, Italy:
"Epigenetics and myocardial function”
16.9.2015, Special lecture (Lecture Hall H, 1.00 pm s.t.)
David Kaplan & Carolyn Yong, FDA - U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories & Office of Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies:
„Considerations for Tissue Engineered Medical Products (TEMPs): US FDA Regulatory Perspective“
09.09.2015, (5 pm c.t. in Lecture Hall N, MHH)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Heisterkamp, Applied Laser Physics, Institute for Quantum Optics, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover:
Part 1: ‘New optical tools for microscopic imaging‘
Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Ochs, Institute for Functional and Applied Anatomy, Hannover Medical School, Hannover:
Part 2: ‘Using microscopes to look into the lung’
08.09.2015, Special Lecture (11 am c.t., Walsroder Hörsaal, Callinstr. 5, 2nd floor)
Antonio Villaverde, Chair Professor of Microbiology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona:
„Quality control in the biofabrication of smart protein materials“
24.07.2015, Special lecture (9 am s.t., in seminar room of the HBZ, J11, S0, room 6040, MHH)
Prof. Hossein Baharvand, Dept. of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Director of Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, Tehran, Iran:
„A Robust Integrated Platform for Scalable Production of Human Hepatocyte-like Cells and Cardiomyocytes from Pluripotent Stem Cells in Stirred Suspension Bioreactor“
18.06.2015, Special lecture (5.00 pm ct, Lecture Hall M, building J1, MHH)
Prof. Dr. jur. Jens Kersten, Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht und Verwaltungswissenschaften, Juristische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München:
“Brauchen wir ein Biobank-Gesetz?”
27.05.2015, (4 pm s.t. in Lecture Hall G, MHH)
Ph.D. Micha Drukker, Institute for Stem Cell Research, Helmholtz Institute Munich, Munich:
‘Human developmental progenitors, the curious case of trophoblast differentiation’
Dr. rer. nat. Robert Zweigerdt, Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs, Hannover Medical School, Hannover:
‘Progress in mass culture and differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells’
8.05.2015, Special lecture (2 pm, Lecture room of the Institute for Multiphase Processes, Callinstr. 36, 30167 Hannover (LUH))
Prof. Dr. Gennadiy Zhegunov, Department of Biochemistry, Kharkov State Zooveterinary:
“ Physiological, biochemical and applied aspects of hibernation”
11.03.2015, (5 pm s.t. in Lecture Hall N, MHH)
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Thomas Thum, Institute of Molecular and Translational Therapeutic Strategies, Hannover Medical School:
"Paracrine and translational importance of noncoding RNAs"
Prof. Dr. med. Kai Wollert, Molecular and Translational Cardiology, Dept. of Cardiology and Angiology, Hannover Medical School:
"Myocardial infarct healing as a therapeutic target"
16.02.2015, Special lecture (11 am, Seminar Room Cellular Chemistry, I03-04-2040, MHH)
Dr. Philipp Schmalhorst, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria), Klosterneuburg, Austria:
“The influence of sialylation on cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion”
4.02.2015, Special lecture ( 5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall Q, I06-S0-4100, MHH)
Dr. Catherine Merry, Stem Cell Glycobiology, Materials Science, University of Manchester, UK:
“Sugar-coated webs to drive stem cell differentiation”
3.02.2015, Special lecture (12.00 am s.t., midday, seminar room I06-01-2013, MHH)
Petter S. Woll, PhD, Hematopoietic Stem Cell Laboratory (Jacobsen Lab), Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK
“Genetic fate mapping of cancer stem cells in myelodysplastic syndrome patients”
22.01.2015, Special lecture (5 pm s.t., Lecture Hall Q)
Prof. Mark von Itzstein FAA FRACI, Director of the Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Queensland, Australia:
'Chemical Glycobiology and Targeting-Disease Processes'
20.01.2015, Special lecture (5 pm s.t., Lecture Hall G)
Prof. Joel Clinton Glover, Department of Physiology, Institute of Basic Medical Science, University of Oslo
'Plasticity and functional recovery after traumatic injury in the neonatal spinal cord'
19.1.2015, Special lecture (5 pm s.t., Lecture Hall G, MHH)
Gareth J Sullivan, PhD, Department of Physiology, Institute of Basic Medical Science, University of Oslo:
“hPSC differentiation to hepatocytes – a farewell to growth factors”
15.01.2015, Special lecture (5 pm s.t., Lecture Hall N, MHH)
Prof. Hiroshi Nagashima, PhD, Laboratory of Developmental Engineering, Department of Life Sciences, School of Agriculture, Meiji University, 1-1-1 Higashimita, Tama, Kawasaki 214-8571, Japan
'Challenge to in-vivo organ regeneration using organogenesis-disabled pig as a platform'
14.01.2015 (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall N, MHH)
Dr. Peter Nussbaumer, Managing Director & Head of Medicinal Chemistry, Lead Discovery Center GmbH, Dortmund:
‘Translating academic science into pharmaceutical application’
Dr. Gerald Dräger, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leibniz University of Hannover:
‘Towards Biocompatible Medical Devices and Artificial Extracellular Matrices’
12.11.2014 (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall N, MHH)
Dr. rer. nat. Jens Peter von Kries, Leibniz Research Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V., Berlin:
Prof. Dr. Salim Seyfried, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) / Institute of Molecular Biology, Hannover Medical School:
4.11.2014, Special lecture (12.00 am c.t., Seminar Room of the Institute of Human Genetics, Theoretische Institute II, Building I6, Level 01, Room 2013, MHH)
Jude Fitzgibbon, BA, PhD, Centre for Haemato-Oncology Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London John Vane Science Centre, Charterhouse Square, London, UK
`Follicular lymphoma, it’s now much more than just the t (14;18)`
13.10.2014, Special lecture (11 am s.t., Lecture Hall M, I01-01-1140, MHH)
Hisashi Narimatsu, MD & PhD, Director of the Research Center for Medical Glycoscience National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan:
“Development and clinical application of a liver fibrosis marker”
25.09.2014, REBIRTH-Special Lecture (5 pm, seminar room 30, K05-02, MHH)
Prof. John W. Elrod, PhD, Temple University School of Medicine, Center for Translational Medicine, Philadelphia, USA:
“Synaptolysis – A novel mechanism of programmed necrosis”
17.09.2014 (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall N)
Prof. Dr. Marlies Knipper, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Hearing Research Centre Tuebingen, Molecular Physiology of Hearing, University of Tuebingen:
PD Dr. med. Athanasia Warnecke, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Hannover Medical School:
10.07.2014, REBIRTH-Special Lecture (5 pm, seminar room cellular chemistry I 03-04-2040)
Prof. Dr. Sabine Strahl, University of Heidelberg, Centre for Organismal Sudies (COS) – Cell Chemistry
“Protein O-Mannosylation: News and Views”
03.07.2014, Special Lecture (5.00 pm, Lecture Hall G (I 1), MHH)
Dr. Jeroen Krijgsveld, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany: "Novel approaches in chromatin-centered proteomics to investigate pluripotency and development"
07.05.2014 (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall N, MHH)
Prof. Dr. med. N.P. Malek, Medical Director, Department of Internal Medicine 1, (Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases), University Hospital Tübingen: ‘Differentiation and transformation of hepatic stem cells’
Dr. Amar Deep Sharma, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School: ‘Harnessing the potential of microRNAs to boost liver regeneration’
05.05.2014, Special lecture (5.00 pm, Lecture room of the Institute of Multiphase Processes, Callinstr. 36, 30167 Hannover)
Prof. Dr. Gennadiy Zhegunov, Department of Biochemistry, Kharkov State Zooveterinary Academy:
“New cryotechnologies with HES for long term storage of cat and cannie red blood cells for transfusion”
25.04.2014, Special lecture (2.30 pm, Lecture Hall N, MHH)
Prof. Dr. Michael S.D. Kormann: Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Tübingen, AG Translationale Genomik und Gentherapie:
“In vivo genome manipulation using nuclease encoded chemically modified mRNA”
14.04.2014, Special lecture (5.00 pm, Seminar Room 30, Bldg. K05, Level 02, 2370, MHH)
Dr. Kevin Croce, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA:
“Platelet Profiling Identifies MRP-14 as a Novel Regulator of Vascular Inflammation”
14.03.2014, Special lecture (2.00 p.m. in the HBZ seminar room, MHH, building I11, Level S0)
Dr. Mervin Yoder, MD, Director of Herman B Wells Center of Pediatric Research, Indianapolis, USA:
“Generation of human endothelial colony cells with vascular reparative properties from human induced pluripotent stem cells”
04.03.2014, Special lecture (1.00 p.m. c.t., Seminar Room of the Institute of Cell and Molecular Pathology, Theoretische Institut II (Bldg. I6) Level 01, Room 2013)
Alejandro Vaquero García, BSc, PhD, Group Leader Chromatin Biology Lab,Cancer and Epigenetics Biology Program (PEBC), Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Barcelona, Spain:
“The role of sirtuins in genome stability”
03.02.2014, Special lecture (5 pm, Lecture Hall G)
Prof. David Newby, BHF Centre for Cardiovascular Science University of Edinburgh
“Imaging the Vulnerable Coronary Plaque with Antimatter: Chalk and Cheese”
15.01.2014 (5 pm c.t., Lecture Hall M)
Prof. Evžen Amler, PhD, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Prag, Czech Republik:
‘Functionalized nanofibers for tissue engineering and drug delivery systems’
13.01.2014, Special lecture (2.00 pm, Lecture Hall H, MHH)
Prof. Dr. Hans J. Wester, Technische Universität München, Chair of Pharmaceutical Radiochemistry:
“Molekulare Bildgebung von Chemokin-Rezeptoren”
18.11.2013, Special lecture (3 pm. s.t., in HBZ Seminar room (J11), MHH)
Julia Jung, Working Group Robert David, Reference and Translation Center for Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy (RTC), University of Rostock:
‚Cardiac Pacemaker Cells from ES Cells‘
06.11.2013 (5 pm c.t., in Lecture Hall M)
Prof. Dr. Jerzy Adamski, Genome Analysis Center, Institute of Experimental Genetics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg:
‘Analysis of cell differentiation by metabolomics’
Ass. Prof. Dr. Falk Büttner, Department of Cellular Chemistry, Hannover Medical School:
‘Cleavage of E-cadherin and b-catenin by calpain affects Wnt signaling and spheroid formation in suspension cultures of human pluripotent stem cells‘
25.10.2013, Special lecture (10 a.m. s.t., in HBZ Seminar room, MHH)
Ass. Prof. Bob Scholte, PhD, Cell Biology Department, Erasmus MC University, Netherland:
‚Present and future models of chronic lung disease, towards cellular therapy of cystic fibrosis‘
04.09.2013 (Lecture Hall O, K20, S0, 2030)
Prof. Sonja Schrepfer, Transplant and Stem Cell Immunobiology Lab (TSI), University Heart Center Hamburg
‘Immunological challenge of pluripotent stem cells in myocardial regeneration’
Prof. Andreas Kirschning, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Leibniz University of Hannover
‘The Center of Biomolecular Research (BMWZ) at the Leibniz University in Hannover – a partner for REBIRTH and NIFE‘
03.09.2013, Special Lecture (6.00 pm, HBZ Seminar Room, I11-S0-6040)
Professor Dr. med. Michael Schmitt, MBHA, Siebeneicher Endowment Professor of Cellular Immunotherapy, Medizinische Klinik V, University of Heidelberg
“Lost in Translation? Risks and Opportunities in Translational Immunology”
23.08.2013 Special Lecture (12.00 noon s.t., Seminar Room 3242, K11-S0-3242)
Professor Christina Bonorino, PhD, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Biomedical Research Institute, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
“Role of a neuropeptide in neutrophil migration and tumor growth”
02.08.2013, Special lecture (12.00 Uhr s.t., Seminarraum 226, Institute for Multiphase Processes, Callinstr. 36, 30167 Hannover)
John C. Bischof University of Minnesota Department of Mechanical Engineering
"Nanoparticle Heating for Biomedical Applications"
26.07.2013 Special Lecture (5.30 p.m., Institute of Farm Animal Genetics, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Mariensee, Höltystraße 10, 31535 Neustadt)
Professor Dr. rer. nat. Boris Fehse, Clinic for Stem Cell Transplantation, University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf
“Translational Research in Cell and Gene-Therapy, A Scientists Perspective”
19.06.2013 (5 p.m. c.t. Lecture Hall E)
Prof. Felix Engel, PhD, Experimental Renal and Cardiovascular Research, Department of Nephropathology, Institute of Pathology, University of Erlangen:
‘Cardiac regeneration: from cardiomyocyte proliferation to tissue engineering’
Prof. Michael Ott, MD, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School:
‘Cell and gene therapeutic approaches for liver diseases!’
30.04.2013, Special lecture (4 p.m. s.t., lecture Hall H (I01-H0-1110)
Zolt Arany MD PhD, Cardiovascular Institute, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School:
“Role of PGC-1s in skeletal muscle metabolism”
25.04.2013, Special lecture (6 pm s.t., Lecture Room of the Institute for Multiphase Processes, Callinstr. 36, 30167 Hannover)
Prof. Dr. Gennadiy ZhegunovDepartment of Biochemistry, Kharkov State Zooveterinary Academy:
„Cryopreservation of erythrocytes of some domestic animals"
28.03.2013, Special lecture (4.00 p.m. s.t., seminar room Institute of Multiphase Processes (2nd floor), Callinstrasse 36, Hannover)
Prof. Dr. John H. Crowe, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California Davis, CA, USA
Preservation of Living Cells in the Dry State: Lessons from Nature
27.03.2013 (5 p.m. c.t. , Lecture Hall H)
Prof. Philipp Sasse, MD, Institute of Physiology I, University of Bonn, Life & Brain Center:
“New experimental approaches for the diagnosis and therapy of cardiac arrhythmias”
18.03.2013, Special lecture (5 p.m. c.t., lecture Hall M)
Prof. Dr. Miguel A. Esteban, MD PhD, South China Institute of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Guangzhou Institutes for Biomedicine and Health (GIBH) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS):
“Role of histone deacetylases in somatic cell reprogramming”
13.03.2013, 5 pm (c.t.), Lecture Hall B
Tomas Huser, PhD, Biomolecular Photonics, Department of Physics, University of Bielefeld:
‘Characterization of embryonic stem cells and their derivatives by label-free spectroscopy and microscopy’
Dr.-Ing. Heiko Meyer, Biomedical Optics Department, Biophotonic Imaging and Manipulation, Laser Center Hannover:
‘Large Scale Volumetric Microscopy’
04.03.2013, Special lecture (1 pm s.t., seminar room in building I03, floor 04, room 2040)
Prof. Dr. Lars Nitschke, University of Erlangen – Biologikum – Division of Genetics
CD22 and Siglec-G:Inhibitory receptors on B lymphocytes
16.01.2013 (5 pm c.t. Lecture Hall M)
Prof. Dimosthenis Mavrilas, PhD, Laboratory of Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras, Greece:
‘Decellularised Natural Collagenous Biomaterials for Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering: Biomechanical, Biochemical and Biological characteristics’
Dr. Sotiris Korossis, PhD, Director of Biomedical Engineering, Lower Saxony Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Implant Research and Development, Hannover Medical School, Hannover:
‘Investigation of the Suitability of Decellularised Porcine Pericardium in Mitral Valve Reconstruction’
13.11.2012, Special lecture (2.00 p.m., s.t. , Lecture Hall M, I01-02-1140)
Prof. Dr. Markus Löffler, Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Epidemiologie, Universität Leipzig:
Systems biology of stem cell and tissue organization in regenerating tissues–A model perspective
06.11.2012 (6 pm c.t., Lecture Hall N)
Prof. Eva Mischak-Weissinger, PhD, Clinic for Haematology, Haemostaseology and Oncology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover:
Urinary and Plasma Biomarkers for Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Prof. Dr. Thomas Moritz, REBIRTH Cluster-of Excellence, Hannover Medical School, Hannover:
Targets – Which Cells to Transduce in Gene Therapy Approaches for Haematologic Diseases
17.09.2012, Special lecture (3.15 p.m. , Seminar room Zelluläre Chemie, I03-04-22)
Dr. Stefanie Barbirz, AG Physikalische Biochemie, Universität Potsdam – Campus Golm:
Pathogen invasion by bacteriophages: Carbohydrate recognition and impacts for therapeutic applications
24.08.2012, Special lecture (4.00 p.m., s.t., Lecture Hall H)
PD Dr. Salim Seyfried, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC) Berlin-Buch, Robert-Rössle-Straße 10, 13125 Berlin:
Molecular control of cardiac morphogenesis in zebrafish
29.06.2012, Special lecture (11.00 a.m., s.t., HBZ seminar room, building I11)
Dr. Thorsten M. Schlaeger, PhD, Head, Human Embryonic Stem Cell CoreInstructor, Harvard Medical School (Boston):
Shedding light on reprogramming
28.06.2012, Special lecture (5.00 p.m.,c.t., Lecture Hall N) Professor Ferdinand LeNoble, Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, AG Angiogenesis and Cardiovascular Pathology, Berlin, Germany:
Guidance cues in organ development. Zebrafish as a tool to study development of blood vessels, liver and nerves
26.06.2012, Special lecture (5.15 p.m., s.t., Institute of Farm Animal Genetics (ING), conference room „Pferdestall“ in Mariensee)
Dr. Michael Milsom, Hi-Stem Institut für Stammzellforschung, Heidelberg:
Getting blood out of an EB: the challenges of hematopoietic specification from pluripotent cell lines.
06.06.2012, Special lecture (3.00 p.m., s.t., HBZ seminar room)
Otavio Cabral Marques, MSc, PhD candidate, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil:
X-linked hyper-IgM patients present impaired responses to Candida albicansand Paracoccidioides brasiliensis: Immunopathological mechanisms in CD40 ligand deficiency
04.06.2012, Special lecture (5.00 p.m., s.t., Lecture Hall N)
Professor Dr. phil. Ioannis Missirlis, Department of Mechanical Engineering & AeronauticsLaboratory of Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, University of Patras:
A Multiple Stimuli Approach for the Engineering of Functional Tissues
31.05.2012, Special lecture (6.00 p.m., c.t., Lecture Hall H)
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Thomas Heinemann, Lehrstuhl für Ethik, Theorie und Geschichte der Medizin, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Vallendar:
Prognosis-relevant incidental findings in iPS cells derived from own or non-anonymized tissue samples: ethical considerations and possible solutions
30.05.2012, Special lecture (6.00 p.m., c.t., Lecture Hall B)
Jeroen Bakkers, PhD, Hubrecht Institute Uppsalalaan8, 3584 CT Utrecht, The Netherlands:
Zebrafish as a tool to study myocardial differentationand regeneration
20.05.2012, Special lecture (5 p.m., s.t., HBZ Seminar room)
José Alexandre M. Barbuto, Dept. of Immunology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, USP, São Paulo, SP, Brazil:
Monocyte-derived dendritic cells in human cancer: their status in patients and possible therapeutic applications
15.05.2012, Special lecture (5 p.m., s.t., lecture hall G)
Prof. Zoltan Arany, MD, PhD, Cardiovascular Institute Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Harvard Medical School CLS 906 3 Blackfan Circle Boston MA 02115:
Broken Hearts: PGC-1alpha, Cardiac Angiogenic Imbalances, and Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
25.04.2012, Special lecture (3.00 p.m. (s.t.), HBZ Seminar room, MHH)
PD Dr. Harald Schulze, Institute of Transfusion Medicine, Charité, Berlin:
Thrombocytopenia with absent radii (TAR) is caused by RBM8A deficiency, a gene encoding one of the four exon-junction complex subunits Y14
13.04.2012, Special lecture (lecture hall N, 2 pm, c.t.)
Nicole Dubois, Ph.D., McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Toronto, Canada:
Generation and characterization of cardiomyocytes derived from human pluripotent stem cells
10.04.2012, Special lecture (6 p.m., s.t., lecture hall N)
Dr. Ido Braslavsky, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio & Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environment at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel:
Freeze control by ice binding proteins
21.03.2012 Special lecture (1.00 p.m., s.t., Seminar Room of the Hans Borst Centre, building I11)
Peter Mombaerts, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Department of Molecular Neurogenetics, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt am Main:
Coding Olfaction
20.03.2012 (6 p.m., c.t., Lecture Hall N)
Prof. Ernst Stelzer, PhD, Physical Biology, BMLS, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main:
Light Sheet-based Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) reduces Phototoxic Effects providing new Means for Modern Life Sciences
Prof. Achim Gossler, PhD, Institute for Molecular Biology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover:
Regulation of cilia formation, function and positioning in the early mouse embryo
12.03.2012, Special lecture (6 p.m., s.t., Seminar Room Hans Borst Centre in the building I11)
Noriyuki Kasahara, MD PhD, Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular & Medical Pharmacology, Director, JCCC Vector Shared Resource & CURE Vector Core Facility, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), President, International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy of Cancer (ISCGT), UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine:
Translational development of novel therapies at the interface of cancer, transplantation, and regenerative medicine: Light at the end of the tunnel?
12.03.2012, Special lecture (11 a.m., s.t., lecture hall G)
Prof. Dr. Markus Aebi, Department of Microbiology, ETH Zurich:
Mechanisms and principles of Nlinked protein glycosylation
11.01.2012 (6 pm c.t., Lecture Hall M)
Prof. Sabine Kloth, PhD, TÜV SÜD AG, München:
Anforderungen an das Risikomanagement und die biologische Sicherheit Zell-basierter Produkte: Europäische und internationale Initiativen
Thomas Breymann, MD, Dept. of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover:
Tissue engineered heart valves – first clinical results
14.12.2011(4 pm c.t., Lecture Hall G)
Prof. Dr. Sarah Ferber, MD PhD, Centre for Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel and Dpt. of Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University:
Cell replacement therapy for diabetes: direct reprogramming of human adult cells into insulin producing cells
09.11.2011 (6 pm c.t., Lecture Hall M)
Dagmar Wirth, PhD, Model Systems for Infection and Immunity, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig:
Rational engineering of cells and mice
Prof. Andreas Günther, MD, Dept. of Internal Medicine II, University of Giessen Lung Center, Giessen:
Chronic alveolar epithelial cell injury as underlying principle in lung fibrosis
13.10.2011, Special lecture (1.00 pm c.t., Seminar Room of the Institute of Cell and Molecular Pathology, Building I6, Level 01, Room 2013)
Sabine Mai, BSc, MSc, PhD, Director, The Genomic Centre for Cancer Research and Diagnosis (GCCRD), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada:
Nuclear architecture, genomic instability and cancer
12.10.2011, Special lecture (lecture hall C, 6 pm c.t.)
Prof. Gerald Schumann, PhD, Dept. of Medical Biotechnology, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, Langen
LINE1-mediated retrotransposition in human pluripotent stem cells: Reprogramming induces reactivation of LINE-1
31.08.2011, Special lecture (lecture hall N, 17 pm c.t.)
Teruo Okano, PhD, Professor and Director, Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science (Tokyo Women‘s Medical University, Japan)
Cell Sheet Tissue Engineering
12.07.2011, Special lecture (lecture hall B, 4.00 pm c.t.)
Neal S. Young, MD, Chief, Hematology Branch, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institute of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA: Aplastic anemia, telomere attrition, and the new telomeropathies
17.06.2011, Special lecture (11.00 am c.t., in building I11, HBZ, seminar room 6040)
Steve Watson, PhD, FMedSci, BHF Professor in Cardiovascular Sciences and Cellular Pharmacology, University of Birmingham, England:
Critical role of platelets in lymphatic development
06.06.2011, Special lecture of the Cluster of Excellence REBIRTH in cooperation with the HTTG's Scientific Afternoon (4 pm c.t., lecture hall N)
Prof. Gaetano Thiene, MD, Hon FRCP (London), University of Padua Medical School, Padua, Italy:
Peter Miethe, PhD, Managing Director, Forschungszentrum für Medizintechnik und Biotechnologie, Bad Langensalza, Germany:
12.05.2011, Special Lecture: Induced Totipotency (6 pm, c.t., lecture hall M)
Tobias Cantz, REBIRTH Junior Research Group Stem Cell Biology, Hannover Medical School:
Viable mice generated directly from induced pluripotent stem cells
Hans-Georg Dederer, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Public International Law, European and International Economic Law, University of Passau:
Patentability of inventions in the field of hESC-research at the crossroads: Brüstle vs. Greenpeace, Annotations to the EU Advocate General's opinion of March 10, 2011
11.05.2011 (5 pm, s.t., lecture hall G)
Prof. Hugues Abriel, MD, PhD, Director, Departement of Clinical Research University of Bern, Switzerland:
Cardiac channelopathies: the case of the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5
10.05.2011(6 pm, c.t., lecture hall M)
Dr. Sotirios Korossis, PhD, Institute of Medical & Biological Engineering, University of Leeds:
Regeneration through Modeling and Simulation: the Future of Mitral Valve Repair
Prof. Dr. Theresia Kraft, Institute for Molecular- and Cellphysiology, Hannover Medical School:
What can we learn about pathogenic mechanisms in Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy by studying patient's cardiomyocytes?
19.04.2011, special lecture (6 pm s.t., lecture room of the Institute for Multiphase Processes, Callinstr. 36, Hannover)
Denys Pogozhykh, PhD, Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:
Clinical Application of Low Temperatures
24.03.2011 (5 pm, lecture hall B, building I2)
Dr. Lilia Kuleshova, Melbourne, Australia
New Strategy for Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Native and Engineered Tissues
26.01.2011, (6 p.m.,c.t., lecture hall G)
Prof. Martijn van Griensven, MD, PhD, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration, Vienna/Austria:
Stem cells, growth factors and natural biomaterials for bone engineering
Prof. Roland Jacobs, PhD, Clinic for Immunology and Rheumatology, Hannover Medical School:
Immunosuppression of natural killer cells mediated by umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSC)
08.12.2010, Special lecture (5 pm, c.t., building J1, lecture hall G)
Miguel A. Esteban, Professor, South China Institute of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS):
Mechanisms of nuclear reprogramming with exogenous factors and disease modelling
22.11.2010, Special lecture (1.15 p.m., s.t., Gr. Seminarraum, Laser Zentrum Hannover, Hollerithallee 8, Hannover)
Prof. Fumitaka Mafuné, Univ. of Tokio, Japan
Fundamentals of Laser Nanosurgery: Degradation of proteins in the nano-reaction field caused by resonant photoexcitation of gold nanoparticles
05.11.2010, Special lecture (12:00 c.t., Seminarraum - TPFZ I11-SO-1420)
Dieter C. Gruenert, Ph.D., Professor - Dept. of Otolaryngology, University of California, San Fransisco:
"Modification of Genomic HPRT, CFTR, and β-globin, in Somatic and Pluripotent Cells by SFHR"
03.11.2010, (6.00 p.m., c.t., lecture hall N)
Dirk Strunk, MD, Stem Cell Research Unit and Dept. of Hematology & Stem Cell Transplantation, Medical University of Graz, Austria:
Therapeutic vasculogenesis in vivo by co-transplantation of human endothelial and mesenchymal progenitor cells
Professor Ulrich Kalinke, PhD, Managing Director TWINCORE, Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research, Hannover:
Function of virus-induced type I IFN in periphery and brain
02.11.2010, Special lecture (6.00 p.m.,c.t., building J1, lecture hall N)
Martin Bastmeyer, Professor, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), Zoological Institute, Cell- and Neurobiology:
Tailored Three-dimensional Microstructure Scaffolds for Cell Culture Studies
20.10.2010 (4.00 pm, s.t., lecture hall M)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Heisterkamp, Abt. Biomed. Optik, Biophotonik, Laser Zentrum Hannover:
Innovation im Laser-gestützten Imaging für das Tissue Engineering
Prof. Dr. Mathias Ochs, Institut für Funktionelle und Angewandte Anatomie, MHH:
Ultrastrukturanalyse mit Elektronenmikroskopie und Stereologie
Prof. Dr. Bodo Rosenhahn, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung, Leibniz Universität Hannover:
Bildinterpretation zur automatisierten Zell- und Gewebeanalyse
14.10.2010, Special lecture (1.00 pm, c.t., Gr. Seminarraum, Laser Zentrum Hannover)
Prof. Francesco Stellacci, Associate Professor Paul M. Cook, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, USA: Cell Membrane Penetrating Particles for RNA Delivery
04.10.2010, Special lecture (lecture hall G, 5.00 p.m s.t.)
Beat H. Walpoth, MD, PD, FAHA Director, Cardiovascular Research, Service of Cardiovascular Surgery, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
Non-cell-based Vascular Tissue Engineering
27.09.2010, Special lecture (5.00 p.m. s.t., seminar room 30, K05, level 02)
Michael J. Pencina, PhD, Harvard Clinical Research Institute, Boston University:
Issues in developing and improving risk prediction models
22.09.2010, Special lecture (6.00 pm, c.t., building J1, lecture hall N)
Alberto Saiani, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Materials Characterisation, School of Materials, University of Manchester, UK:
Designing functional biomaterials exploiting peptide self-assembly
20.09.2010, Special lecture (5.00 pm, s.t., building J1, lecture hall H)
Michelle Tallquist, Ph.D., University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas:
Genetic regulation of coronary vascular smooth muscle and cardiac fibroblasts
15.09.2010, Special lecture (6.00 pm, s.t., building J1, lecture hall N)
Dr. Carl-Philipp Heisenberg, Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden:
Cell and Tissue Mechanics in Zebrafish Gastrulation
07.09.2010, Special lecture (2.00 pm , s.t., building J1, lecture hall N)
Mauro Giacca, MD, PhD, Director, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy:
AAV Gene Transfer in Small and Large Animal Models of Cardiovascular Disease
09.09.2010, Special lecture (6.00 pm, c.t., building J1, lecture hall N)
Nicholas R. Forsyth, PhD, Institute for Science & Technology in Medicine, Guy Hilton Research Centre, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK:
Hypoxia - Implications of Physical Normoxia for Stem Cell Cultivation and Tissue Engineering
25.08.2010, Special lecture (6.00 pm, c.t., building J1, lecture hall N)
Frank Gunn-Moore, PhD, BSc, School of Biology, North Haugh University of St Andrews Fife,
Scotland, UK:
Making Light Deliver: Using Lasers to Guide and Transfect Mammalian Cells
19.08.2010, Special lecture (6.00 pm, c.t., building J1, lecture hall N)
Prof. Ken Suzuki, Dept. of Translational Cardiovascular Therapeutics, William Harvey Research Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London:
Cell Transplantation for Heart Failure
06.08.2010, Special lecture (1.00 p.m.,c.t.,lecture hall N)
Prof. Guoliang Xu, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China:
Role of DNA methylation in development
28.07.2010, Special lecture (12.00 noon, s.t., building J6, level 01, seminar room Institute of Cellular and Molecular Pathology)
Prof. Konstanze Döhner, University Hospital of Ulm, Department of Internal Medicine III:
Genetics in acute myeloid leukemia
08.07.2010, Special lecture (6:00 p.m.,c.t., lecture hall G)
Juan A. Bueren, Ph.D., Head of the Hematopoietic Gene Therapy Division, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain:
Gene Therapy and Cell Reprogramming in Fanconi Anemia
21.06.2010, Special lecture (5:00 p.m., s .t., lecture hall G)
Ziad Mallat, MD, PhD, Director of Research at INSERM, Paris, France:
Regulatory T-Cell Immunity in Atherosclerosis
22.06.2010, (3.00 p.m.,c.t., lecture hall C)
Prof. Sonja Schrepfer, University Heart Center Hamburg, Transplant and Stem Cell Immunobiology Lab (TSI), Hamburg:
Genetically-engineered low-antigenicity MHC I knockdown human embryonic stem cells to escape T cell response
Dr. Jörg Heineke, Dept. of Cardiology and Angiology, Hannover Medical School
21.06.2010, Special lecture (4.00 p.m., s.t., lecture hall H)
Dr. Alexey V. Pshezhetsky, PhD, Departments of Pediatrics and Biochemistry, University of Montreal, Canada:
'New role of the old enzyme: neuraminidase 1 as a modulator of cell signaling'
03.06.2010, Special lecture (1:15 pm, s.t., Laser Zentrum Hannover, Hollerithallee 8, 30419 Hanover, Großer Seminarraum)
Prof. Michel Meunier, Department of Engineering Physics, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada:
Ultrafast laser applications in processing biomedical nanoparticles and cell nanosurgery
01.06.2010, Special lecture ( 6.00 pm, c.t., building J6, lecture hall Q)
Farzin Farzaneh, PhD, and Lucas Chan, PhD, Rayne Cell Therapy Suite (MA IMP), Department of Haematological Medicine, King's College London School of Medicine, London, UK:
Autologous lentiviral transduced CD80/IL-2 expressing leukemic blasts for immune gene therapy of AML
27.05.2010, Special lecture ( 2.00 pm, s.t., building J1, lecture hall N)
Dr. Katja Schenke-Layland, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology, Dept of Cell and Tissue Engineering, Stuttgart:
Impact of Extracellular Matrix in Biomedical Research
26.05.2010, Special lecture (6.00 pm, s.t., building J1, lecture hall G)
Prof. Niels-Bjarne Woods, Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy, Lund Strategic Center for Stem Cell Biologie and Cell Therapy, Lund University, Sweden:
Human Embryonic Stem Cell and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation to Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells
20.05.2010, Special lecture (6.00 pm, s.t., in building J1, lecture hall N)
Dr. Ulrike G. K. Wegst, Drexel University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, USA:
Biological Materials, Biomaterials and Biomimetics
29.04.2010, Special lecture (6.00 pm, c.t., lecture hall G)
Prof. Gregory R.D. Evans, MD, FACS, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Institute, University of California, Irvine/CA:
Tissue Engineering in Plastic Surgery
28.04.2010, Special lecture (5.00 pm, s.t., building I3, room 1280, level 4)
Dr. Dirk Lefeber, Dept of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory of Genetic Endocrine and Metabolic Disease, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre:
Disorders of the secretory pathway: lessons from genetic glycosylation defects
15.04.2010 (6.15 pm, lecture hall HS H)
Lynn Enquist, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Princeton, USA:
Studying mechanisms of spread of herpesvirus infection in peripheral nervous system neurons
23.03.2010, Special lecture ( 5.00 pm, s.t., lecture hall G)
Kenneth Walsh, Ph.D., Director, Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston University School of Medicine:
Molecular control of body composition and its impact on cardiovascular disease
Dr. Silke R. Sperling, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Cardiovascular Genetics, Berlin:
DPF3 a novel epigenetic transcription factor essential for cardiac development and functions
Prof. Dr. Beate Sodeik, Institute of Virology, Hannover Medical School:
Nuclear targeting of Herpes Simplex Virus Vectors
18.02.2010, Special lecture (2.00 pm, s.t., lecture hall G)
Prof. Andrea Robitzki, Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BBZ), University of Leipzig:
Biochip-based High Content Screening and Real-time Monitoring of Viable Cells and Organotypic Tissues
04.02.2010, Special lecture (6.30 pm, s.t., lecture hall N)
Peter C. Johnson, MD, President and CEO Scintellix and Chief Editor 'Tissue Engineering', Raleigh, North Carolina/USA:
Strategic Directions in Tissue Engineering
14.01.2010, (6 pm, c.t., lecture hall N)
Dr. Simone Hess / Dr. Anna Katrin Dinkla, Hannover Medical School:
How to get money from the EU - Funding for research in the 7th Framework Programme
30.11.2009, Special lecture (5 pm, s.t., lecture hall H, J1, level H0)
Michael Potente, Institute for Cardiovascular Regeneration, Centre of Molecular Medicine & Department of Cardiology Internal Medicine III, Goethe University Frankfurt
SIRT1 – A novel regulator of Angiogenesis (Control of vascular homeostasis and blood vessel growth by the SIRT1 deacetylase)
12.11.2009, Special lecture (12 am s.t., HBZ (Hans Borst Center)-K11, Seminar Room 6040)
Prof. Dr. Matthew D. Weitzman, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies La Jolla, California, USA:
Cellular Recognition and Restriction of Viruses and Vectors
13.10.2009, Special lecture (10.30 am s.t., Hotel Mercure, Karl-Wiechert-Allee 68, Hannover)
Christian Kratz, National Institute of Health/National Cancer Institute, Rockville, MD, USA:
MDS/AML in individuals with underlying genetic predispositions
28.09.2009, (5 pm s.t., seminar room 30, K5, level 2, lift group D)
Martin Bergmann, Asklepios Klinik St. Georg, Hamburg:
Role of Wnt signaling for embryonic heart development and adult myocardial regeneration
24.09.2009 (6 pm c.t., lecture hall H)
Dr.-Ing. Stephan Barcikowski, Dept. Nanotechnology, Laser Centre Hannover:
Design of Nano-Markers for Drug Targeting
Prof. Dr. Joachim Spatz, Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart:
Mechano-Responsive Synthetic Cell Environments
27.08.09 Special lecture (5 pm, s.t., seminar room S30, building K5, liftgroup D, level 2)
Loren J. Field, PhD, Riley Heart Research Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis/USA:
Mechanisms of Cardiac Repair
06.07.2009, Special lecture (6 pm c.t., lecture hall H)
Eric S. Hayes, Ph.D., Head Reproductive Biology, University of Washington, Seattle:
Twins, Chimeras and Stem Cells: Nonhuman Primate Models for Biomedical Research
30.06.2009, Special lecture (6 pm c.t., seminar room 6040, K11-HBZ-S0)
Prof J. Escher, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute for Applied Mathematics:
Modeling and Analysis of Tumor Growth
22.06.2009, Special lecture (5 pm s.t., lecture hall H)
Paul Riley Ph.D., BSc, University College London, GB:
The Epicardium as a Source for Cardiovascular Regeneration
04.06.09, (6 p.m. c.t., lecture hall N)
Dr. Martin Zenke, Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Department of Cell Biology, Aachen:
Stem Cells, Biomaterials and Nanoparticles
Dr. Anneke Loos, Hannover Medical School, BioMedimplant, Hannover:
The Way from bench to bedside from a regulatory point of view: the medical device approval process
25.05.09, Special lecture (5 pm s.t., lecture hall H)
Wolfram Zimmermann M.D. , Head, Dept of Pharmacology, Georg-August-University of Göttingen:
Parthenogenesis as a novel source of pluripotent stem cells
16.04.2009, (6 p.m. c.t., lecture hall N)
PD Dr. Frank Edenhofer, University of Bonn, Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology, Stem Cell Engineering Group:
Exploring non-genetic pathways to induce pluripotency
Dr. Lars Zender, Hannover Medical School, Dep. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology and Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig:
In vivo RNAi screening to dissect signaling pathways in liver cancer and liver regeneration
02.04.2009, Special lecture (6.00 pm c.t., lecture hall N)
Dr. Mathias Oelke, Dept. of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore MA:
The ABCs of aAPC: Artificial Antigen Presenting Cells - From Activation to Depletion
09.03.2009, Special lecture (5.00 pm s.t., seminar room S30, K5-02, lift group D)
Dr. Arnd Siekmann, Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Biomedizin, Münster:
The vascular big bang: Dissecting the origins of vascular patterning
06.03.2009, Special lecture (11.30 am s.t., lecture hall M)
Dr. Greg Cost, Sangamo Biosciences Inc., Richmond CA, USA:
Genetic Engineering in Mammals and in Mammalian Cells using Zinc-finger Nucleases
17.02.09 (5.30 p.m., room R226, Institute of Multiphase Processes, Leibniz University of Hannover)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rakhorst, University Medical Center Groningen, NL, Dept. of BioMedical Engineering:
Animal Experiments in Biomedical Engineering and New Techniques to Improve the Quality of Donor Organs
12.02.09 (6 p.m., Lecture hall N)
Dr. Timm Schröder, Institute of Stem Cell Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen:
Tracking stem cells at the single cell level: New tools for old questions
15.01.2009, Special lecture (6 p.m. c.t., Lecture hall N)
Dr. Jason Acker, Research & Development, Canadian Blood Services, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Advances in Red Blood Cell Preservation
16.12.2008 , Special lecture (4 p.m. c.t., Hans-Borst-Zentrum, ground floor, Seminar room 6040)
PD Dr. Manfred Jücker, Zentrum für Experimentelle Medizin, Institut für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie I, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf:
Effects of SHIP on PI3-Kinase/Akt signaling in human leukemia cells
10.12.2008, Special lecture (6 p.m. c.t., lecture hall E)
Andreas Sputtik, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin, Univ.-Klinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf:
Some like it cold. How Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Survive Cryopreservation
04.12.2008 (6 p.m. c.t., lecture hall N)
Prof. Dr. Bernd K. Fleischmann, Institute of Physiology І, Life & Brain Centre, University of Bonn:
Potential and pitfalls of cellular replacement approaches in the heart
Dr. Marcus Furch, Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Hannover Medical School:
Target-directed Drug Design in Regenerative Medicine
24.11.08, Special lecture ( 1 p.m., K11-TPFZ building, Room SO-1420)
Thomas Woelfel, Prof. Dr. med., Dept. of Hematology and Oncology, University Hospital Mainz:
Molecular analysis of the anti-tumor T cell repertoire in melanoma patients
30.10.2008, Special lecture (6 p.m. s.t., lecture hall M)
Renate Koenig, Burnham Institute for Medical Research, La Jolla/USA
Global Analysis of host pathogen interactions that regulate early stage HIV-1-replication
20.10.08, Special lecture, (6 p.m. s.t., lecture hall G)
David Stout, PhD, Director of the Crump Institute for Preclinical Molecular Imaging Faculty, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA):
Imaging Center Design
20.10.08, Special lecture, (12 p.m. s.t., lecture hall G)
David Stout, PhD, Director of the Crump Institute for Preclinical Molecular Imaging Faculty, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA):
Animal Models of Imaging Disease
06.10.2008, Special lecture (5 p.m. s.t., seminar room 30, K5, level 2)
M. Nahrendorf, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA:
Molecular Imaging in Cardiovascular Injury and Repair
06.10.2008, Special lecture ( 5.30 p.m. s.t., seminar room "Hans-Borst-Zentrum", ground floor, room 6040 )
Professor Dr. Christian Buske, Klinikum Großhadern & Helmholtz Zentrum München:
Leukemic stem Cells with lymphoid characteristics in AML
17.09.2008, Special Lecture (5 p.m. lecture hall Q)
Dr. Manfred Wuhrer, Department of Parasitology, Centre for Infectious Diseases, LUMC (Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum), Leiden, NL:
Mass spectrometry-based glycomics and glycan microarrays: clinical applications
28.08.2008, Special lecture (6 p.m. s.t. , lecture hall M)
PD Dr. Wolfgang Herr, DFG Clinical Research Group 183 'Optimized Allogeneic Lymphocyte Therapy', University Hospital Mainz:
Towards specific T cell therapy in acute leukemia
27.08.2008, Special lecture (6 p.m. s.t., lecture hall M)
Prof. Hans-Peter Kiem, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Washington School of Medicine:
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy: Efficacy and Safety in Large Animal Models
26.08.2008, Special lecture (6 p.m. s.t., lecture hall M)
Dr. Claudia Mitchell, Institut Cochin, Genetic and Development Department, Paris:
Liver regeneration: progressing through the cell cycle
21.08.2008, Special lecture (5 p.m. s.t., lecture hall G)
Dr. Joe Tiralongo, Griffith University, Australia, Institute for Glycomics, Gold Coast Campus:
Role of carbohydrates in disease: Focus on cancer progression and microbial pathogenesis
14.08.2008, Special lecture (5 p.m. s.t., lecture hall G)
Prof. Hisashi Narimatsu, Research Center for Medical Glycoscience (RCMG), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan:
Development of advanced technology and its application to discover cancer glyco-biomarkers
23.06.2008, Special lecture (5 pm c.t., lecture hall B)
Prof. Dr. Freddy Radtke, Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC), Epalinges, Switzerland:
Notch Signaling in Cell Fate Decisions
20.06.2008, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal N der MHH)
PD Dr. Gerald Schumann, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Langen:
Intracellular defense against human LINE-1 retrotransposition
19.06.2008 Special Lecture (18 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal N der MHH)
Dr. Sebastian Carotta, The Walter and Eliza Hall Intitute of Medical Research, Immunology Division, Melbourne:
PU.1 and IRF-8 suppress the formation of B cell leukemia
18.06.2008 Special Lecture (17 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal M der MHH)
Dr. Robert Zweigerdt, Institute of Medical Biology (IMB), Singapore:
Mending broken hearts - harnessing the potential of human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes
Prof. Dr. Beate Sodeik, Institute of Virology, MHH:
How viral vectors negotiate their way to deliver their therapeutic message to the host nucleus
Dr. Michael Bock, Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology, MHH:
Murine and Human Hepatocytes for Transplantation
22.05.2008, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr s.t., Hörsal N der MHH)
Dr. Matthias W. Hentze, Associate Director, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg:
Understanding metabolic regulatory networks: iron metabolism and its diseases
20.05.2008, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr c.t., Hörsaal G der MHH)
Prof. Moshe Flugelman, Lady Davis Carmel Medical Center, Dept. of Cardiovascular Medicine, Haifa/Israel:
Engineering blood vessels by gene and cell therapy
19.05.2008 Special lecture (17:15 Uhr, Seminarraum S30, K5, 2. Stock, Knoten D)
Dr. Christian Kupatt, MD, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, Klinikum Großhadern, München:
Myokardprotektion durch parakrine Effekte endothelialer Progenitorzellen: Rolle des Thymosin beta4
28.04.2008, Special lecture (18:00 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal N der MHH)
Dr. Robert David, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik 1 der LMU, München Großhadern:
MesP1 induces vertebrate cardiovascular differentiation by Dkk-1 driven inhibition of wnt-signaling
22.05.2008, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal N der MHH)
Dr. Matthias W. Hentze, Associate Director, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg:
Understanding metabolic regulatory networks: iron metabolism and its diseases
17.04.2008, Special lecture (18.30 Uhr s.t., Institut für Mehrphasenprozesse der Leibniz-Universität Hannover, Callinstr. 36, Seminarraum)
Dr. John C. Bischof, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis/MN, USA:
Gold and Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biothermal Disease Treatment
Dr. Michel Pucéat, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research INSERM, Evry, Frankreich:
Epigenetic and genetic regulation of cardiac commitment of Primate Embryonic stem cells and preclinical studies in a primate model of heart disease
Dr. Christina Mauritz, Leibniz Forschungslaboratorien für Biotechnologie und künstliche Organe, MHH:
Generation of functional murine cardiac myocytes from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells
02.04.2008, Special lecture (11.00 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal N)
Dr. Shai Izraeli, Head, Research section, pediatric Hemato-Oncology Cancer Center, Sheba Medical Center Tel-Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Israel:
Megakaryocytic differentiation and leukemic transformation of fetal hematopoietic stem cells - the role of the ERG gene
28.02.2008, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal N)
Prof. Mavrilas, Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Dep. Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras/Griechenland,
An approach to biomechanical modelling clinical treatment
Dr. Tobias Cantz, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Dept. Cell and Developmental Biology, Münster:
Pluripotency and Differentiation Analyses of Reprogrammed Somatic Cells
Prof. Jörn Bullerdiek, Zentrum für Humangenetik Bremen, Universität Bremen:
Nuclear programming of HMGA proteins
7.02.2008, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr s.t., Hörsaal M)
Dr. Oertel, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York/USA
Liver repopulation after cell transplantation: Fetal liver stem/progenitor cells win the competition
17.01.2008, Special lecture (17.00 Uhr c.t., Hörsaal H)
Prof. Jürgen Roth, Division of Cell and Molecular Pathology, University of Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland,
Quality Control of Protein Folding and Protein Folding Diseases
Dr. Holm Zaehres, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Dept. Cell and Developmental Biology, Münster:
Transcription Factor - Induced Pluripotency
Dr. Christian Hess, Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs, MHH:
Von der Kunstlunge zum biologischen Lungenersatz
04.12.2007, Special lecture (17.00 Uhr, Hörsaal G)
Prof. Farzin Farzaneh, Dept. Haematological Medicine, King's College, London:
High titre retroviral vectors for the functional analysis of the genome and immune gene therapy of poor prognosis acute myeloid leukaemia
04.12.2007, Special lecture (12.15 Uhr, Hörsaal N)
Prof. Georg Füllen, Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald:
Stem Cells, Ageing, lots of Data - how could Bioinformatics help Rebirth and other MHH/LUH Projects?
26.11.2007, Special lecture (15.45 Uhr, Hörsaal N)
Dr. Allison Hubel, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis/MN, USA:
Cryopreservation of stem cells
12.11.2007, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr, Hörsaal N)
Dr. Manfred Gossen, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin:
Functional autonomy of transgenic transcription units
Prof. Dr. Alexander Heisterkamp, Dept. of Biomedical Optics, Laser Centre Hannover e.V.:
Cellular Imaging and Manipulation by Laser Radiaton
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Borlak, Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine:
A toolbox of enabling technologies: possibilities for collaborations with the molecular toxicology unit of REBIRTH
11.10.2007, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr, Hörsaal N)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schaper, Max-Planck-Institut für Herz- und Lungenforschung, Bad Nauheim:
Mechanisms of postnatal arteriogenesis and vascular regeneration
11.09.2007, Special lecture (14.00 Uhr c.t., Hörsaal des Instituts für Tierzucht, FAL Mariensee „Konferenzhaus Pferdestall“)
Dr. Tobias Brambrink, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA, USA :
Restoration of pluripotency in somatic cells by genetic manipulation: Facts, Fiction and Future
13.07.2007, Special lecture (15.00 Uhr, Hörsaal N)
Dr. Harald Ott, Department of Surgery , Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston:
Building a Bioartificial Heart - Initial Results Based on Nature´s Own Platform
09.07.2007, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr, Hörsaal N )
Prof. Graham Lieschke, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Cancer and Haematology Division Melbourne, Australia:
Zebrafish myeloid mutants point to new pathways regulating hematopoietic development
27.06.2007, Special lecture (18.00 Uhr, Hörsaal N)
Prof. Hans Stauss, University College London, Royal Free Hospital, Department of Immunology and Molecular Pathology
TCR gene therapy of tumours
20.06.2007, Special lecture (17.00 Uhr, Hörsaal N)
Pauline Rudd, Dublin-Oxford Glycobiology Laboratory, National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training, Conway Institute, University College Dublin Belfield
The impact of glycosylationon the biological function and structure of immunoglobulins
PD Dr. M. Bergmann, Franz-Volhard Klinik am MDC, Charité Campus Buch:
Myokard-spezifische Bedeutung von Beta-catenin bei Reparaturprozessen im adulten Herzen
Prof. Dr. Theresia Kraft, Molekular- und Zellphysiologie, MHH:
Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Functional effects of point mutations studied in isolated cardiomyocytes
07.06.2007 Special lecture (18.00 Uhr, Hörsaal G)
Loren J. Field, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indiana
New developments in cardiac regeneration strategies: Cell transplantation vs. cell cycle regulation
07.06.2007, Special lecture (17.00 Uhr , Hörsaal H)
Erika Sasaki, Central Institute for Experimental Animals (CIEA), Division of Laboratory Animal Science, Kawasaki, Japan
Novel Primate Embryonic Stem Cell Lines: Establishment and Characterization
07.06.2007, Special lecture (17.00 Uhr, Hörsaal H)
Erika Sasaki, Central Institute for Experimental Animals (CIEA), Division of Laboratory Animal Science, Kawasaki, Japan
Novel Primate Embryonic Stem Cell Lines: Establishment and Characterization
07.05.2007 Special lecture (13.00 Uhr, Hörsaal M)
James Ellis, Hospital for sick children MaRS Centre, Toronto, Canada
Epigenetics of retrovirus silencing and variegation in stem cells
03.05.2007 Special lecture (18.00 Uhr, Hörsaal G)
Sebastian Brenner, Department of Pediatrics, University Clinic Dresden
Homing and Engraftment of Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Implications for Gene Therapy
Dr. T. Saric, Institut für Neurophysiologie, Universität Köln
Molecular basis of immune privilege of murine embryonic stem cells
Dr.-Ing. S. Barcikowski, Dept. Nanotechnology, Laser Centre Hannover:
Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications
Prof. Dr. Juergen Bode, Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung, Braunschweig:
Chromosome-based Expression Systems: Origin, Applications and Performance
Dr. A. Emmendörffer, euroderm GmbH, Leipzig:
Hair follicles as stem cell source - Clinical use of outer rooth sheath cells for generation of artificial epidermis
Prof. A. Kispert, Molekularbiologie, MHH:
T-Box genes in cardiac development
Dr. U. Gehling, Klinik für Hepatobiliäre Chirurgie und Viszerale Transplantation, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf:
Stammzellen zur Leberregeneration
Dr. D. Hilfiker-Kleiner, Abt. Kardiologie, MHH:
Postpartum Kardiomyopathie: Prolaktin und die dunkle Seite der Macht
Dr. Ch. Radtke, Klinik für Plastische-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, MHH:
Cell transplantation of peripheral-myelin-forming cells to repair the injured spinal cord
Prof. Dr. A. Seltsam, Transfusionsmedizin, MHH:
Regulating MHC expression for cellular therapeutics
24.03.2006, Special Lecture
Shin-Ichi Nishikawa, MD/PhD, Riken Center For Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan:
Gene discovery by a DNA microarray data base of ES cell differentiation and stem cells
Dr. Ch. Templin, Abt. Kardiologie, MHH:
Verbesserung der kardialen Funktion im murinen Ischämie/Reperfusionsmodell durch eine mittels retroviraler Transduktion von ß-catenin neu generierten multipotenten hämatopoetischen Progenitorzelllinie
Dr. N. Malek, Abt. Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Endokrinologie, MHH:
Die Funktion von Cyclinen und Cyclin Kinase Inhibitoren in der Regulation der Leberzellproliferation
Prof. Dr. H.-J. Fehling, Abt. Immunologie, Universität Ulm:
"Knock-in" strategies to visualize developmental fates "in vitro" and "in muro"
Prof. M. Stojkovic, Institute of Human Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne:
Human embryonic stem cells, experiences from UK
Dr. H. Klump, Abt. Hämatologie / Onkologie, MHH:
Converting Embryonic Stem Cells to Blood - HOXB4 mediated Stem Cell Tuning
Dr. F. Bahlmann, Nephrologie, MHH:
EPO-Therapie, zirkulierende Stammzellen und Progression von Nierenerkrankungen
Dr. C. Kasper, Institut für Technische Chemie, Universität Hannover:
Neue Ansätze zur Gewinnung von Knorpel- und Knochengewebe mittels Tissue Engineering
Dr. P. Nayudu, Deutsches Primatenzentrum, Göttingen:
First take a good egg - a prerequisite for success with embryo stem cells
PD Dr. S. Kubicka, Abt. Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Endokrinologie, MHH:
Virotherapie von Tumoren durch tumorspezifisch replizierende Adenoviren
Dr. W. Kues, FAL, Mariensee:
Isolation of murine and porcine fetal stem cells from somatic tissue
M. Iken, Abt. Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Endokrinologie, MHH:
Evaluierung verschiedener Techniken zur Präservierung von porzinen Pankreata für die nachfolgende Isolierung Langerhansscher Inselzellen
PD Dr. D. Schultheiss, Abt. Urologie, MHH:
Regenerative Therapien bei Fehlbildungen und Funktionsstörungen des Penis
Dr. P. Horn, Abt. Transfusionsmedizin, MHH:
In vivo Selektion hämatopoetischer Stammzellen
Dr. L. Rudolph, Abt. Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Endokrinologie, MHH:
Telomere shortening and Senescence: Implications for Regeneration, Aging and Cancer
Prof. M. Kühl, Abt. Biochemie, Universität Ulm:
Wnt Signaling During Vertebrate Cardiogenesis
Dr. S. Kuci, Päd. Hämatologie und Onkologie, Universität Tübingen:
Transdifferenzierungspotential hämatopoetischer CD133+ Stammzellen
Dr. C. Dammann, Päd. Pneumologie und Neonatologie, MHH:
NRG and Erbß Receptors in the Fetal Lung
Dr. C. Puschmann, THG-Chirurgie, MHH:
Tissue Engineering von Venenklappen
Dr. Igor M. Sauer, Klinik für Allgemein-, Visceral- und Transplantationschirurgie, Experimentelle Chirurgie, Charité,
Berlin: Bioartifizielle extrakorporale Leberunterstützung - Status Quo
R. Rohde, LEBAO, MHH:
Koronare Magnesiumstents. Ein neues Prinzip zur Vermeidung von Restenosen?
PD Dr. J. Seufert, Med. Poliklinik Würzburg:
Perspektiven der Stammzelltherapie für die Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus
Prof. Dr. Ing. J. Lehmann / Dipl.-Biol. S. Niebrügge, Universität Bielefeld, Technische Fakultät:
Large-Scale-Zellkultur und Selektion von aus ES-Zellen abgeleiteten Kardiomyozyten im Bioreaktor
PD Dr. M. Tiedke, Abt. klinische Biochemie, MHH:
Gen- und Zelltherapie des Diabetes mellitus
Dipl. Biochem. I. Gruh, LEBAO, MHH:
"Vom humanen Endothelzell-Vorläufer zur Herzmuskelzelle: Beweise für eine kardiale Differenzierung von EPCs?"
Dr. K. Weisel, Hämatologie und Onkologie, Universität Tübingen:
Aspekte zur Mesodermentwicklung und -differenzierung im Mausmodell
PD Dr. C. Stamm, Klinik u. Poliklinik für Herzchirurgie, Universität Rostock:
Tissue Engineering von AV-Knoten - Ersatzgewebe zur Behandlung des kompletten AV-Blocks
PD Dr. K. C. Wollert, Kardiologie u. Angiologie, MHH:
Intrakoronare Infusion autologer Knochenmarkzellen nach Myokardinfarkt: Ergebnisse einer prospektiven, randomisierten und kontrollierten klinischen Studie an der MHH
Dr. Susanne Kall, Klinik für PHW-Chirurgie, Klinikum Oststadt:
Tissue Engineering von Sehnen und Bändern
Prof. Dr. M. van Griensven, Unfallchirurgie, MHH:
Mesenchymale Stammzellen: Quo Vadis? Möglichkeiten der Differenzierung mit chemischen und physiologischen Reizen
PD Dr. M. Thie, Institut für Anatomie, Universität Essen:
In vitro Differenzierungsleistungen einer embryonalen Stammzelllinie von Rhesusaffen (R366.4)
PD Dr. U. Martin, LEBAO, MHH:
Entwicklung von lentiviralen Vektoren zur zelltypspezifischen Expression von Reporter- und Selektionsgenen
Dr. rer. nat. Ballmaier, Päd. Hämatologie und Onkologie, MHH:
Thrombopoietin - Regulator der Thrombozytenbildung und "Stammzellfaktor"
Dr. med. M. Ott, Gastroenterolgoie, MHH:
Stand der Stammzellforschung in der Hepatologie
Prof. Dr. Karin Ulrichs, Chirurgie, Universität Würzburg:
Die xenogene Inselzell-Transplantation in der modernen Diabetes-Behandlung. Eine Erfolg versprechende Strategie
Dr. med. M. Elsner, Klinische Biochemie, MHH:
Gentherapie des Diabetes mellitus mittels viraler Vektorsysteme
Dr. med. U. Stock, THG-Chirurgie, Universität Jena:
Tissue Engineering von Blutgefäßen unter Verwendung biresorbierbarer Polymere
Dr. med. T. Walles, THG-Chirurgie, MHH:
Mimicking Nature: Biologische Matrices im kardiovaskulären Tissue Engineering
Dr. med. C. Winkler, Neurologische Klinik, MHH:
Charakterisierung neuronaler Stammzellen nach intracerebraler Transplantation in das neonatale und adulte Gehirn
Dr. med. J. Großkreutz, Neurologische Klinik, MHH:
Funktionelle Charakteristika neuronaler embryonaler Progenitorzellen, die zur Transplantation im experimentellen Parkinson-Modell verwendet werden
Prof. Dr. S. Dimmeler, Kardiologie der Universität Frankfurt:
Regulation und Funktion von Endothelialen Progenitorzellen
Prof. Dr. C. Stief, Urologie, MHH:
Tissue Engineering zur Schaffung von bioartifiziellen Hohlorganen des Urogenitaltraktes
Prof. Dr. H. Drexler, Kardiologie und Angiologie, MHH:
Transplantation von Knochenmarksstammzellen zur Regeneration von ischämisch geschädigtem Myokard
Dr. H. Mertsching, LEBAO, MHH:
Einsatz von Endothel-Progenitorzellen zum Tissue Engineering eines Myokard-Patches
Prof. Dr. H. Haller, Nephrologie, MHH:
Untersuchungen zur Regulation der Regeneration renalen Gewebes im Squalus acanthias
PD Dr. S. Kubicka, Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, MHH:
Gentherapeutische Strategien zur Hepatozyten-Transplantation und zur Behandlung der regenerativen Dysfunktion bei chronischer Leberschädigung
Prof. Dr. U. Bosch, Unfallchirurgie, MHH:
Tissue Engineering von Röhrenknochen mit stromalen Knochenmarkszellen unter Einsatz einer biologischen Matrix
PD Dr. M, Eder /PD Dr. M. Scherr, Abtg. Hämatologie / Onkologie, MHH:
Gene Silencing durch si-RNA in hämatologischen Stammzellen
Dr. A. Niederbichler, Abteilung Plastische Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, MHH:
Kotransplantation von CD95L-tragenden Sertoli-Zellen in eine dermale Kunsthaut (INTEGRA) – erster Schritt zur Entwicklung eines immunpriveligierten Fremdhauttransplantates
Dr. L. St-Onge, Firma Develogen, Göttingen:
Stem cells and their future in the treatment of diabetes

Das internationale Symposium „Lung Regeneration and Beyond – BREATH meets REBIRTH“ wird vom Deutschen Zentrum für Lungenforschung (DZL) - Standort Hannover BREATH zusammen mit dem Exzellenzcluster REBIRTH organisiert. Es findet vom 8.-10. Mai im Schloss Herrenhausen in Hannover statt.
Schwerpunkte des Symposiums sind Regeneration, Transplantation, Stammzellforschung und Tissue Engineering, Imaging, ethische Fragestellungen der regenerativen Medizin sowie Patientenmeinungen zu regenerativer Wissenschaft.
Mehr als 30 national und international führende Wissenschaftler der genannten Forschungsgebiete werden ihre neusten Ergebnisse vor bis zu 400 erwarteten Teilnehmern präsentieren, darunter angesehene Wissenschaftler, Nachwuchswissenschaftler und Studenten. Posterpräsentationen und gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen bieten den Teilnehmern zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Diskussionen und Networking.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.