Scientist with flask


Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs



Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs


Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs

I11 - LEBAO / HBZ Building


Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs



The Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs (LEBAO) were founded by Professor Axel Haverich at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) in 1996 finaced through the prestigious Leibniz prize awarded by the DFG.

The resulting synergies between application-driven basic research and clinical practice are supported by the co-directorship of a clinical director, Professor Axel Haverich, and a research director, Professor Ulrich Martin.

The LEBAO as a basic research area of the Clinic for Cardiac, Thoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery of the MHH is considered one of the central institutions of REBIRTH.

After Prof. Haverich took his well-deserved retirement on March 31, 2023, the clinical leadership of the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery was taken over by Prof. Dr. Arjang Ruhparwar on April 01, 2023.

The close connection of application-oriented basic research in LEBAO and the clinic will now be implemented via a dual leadership with Prof. Dr. A. Ruhparwar as clinic director and Prof. Dr. U. Martin as head of experimental research.



All groups are involved in research projects that serve to develop novel therapies for the treatment of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. There are cross connections and close collaborations with other projects within the MHH and the Research Center for Translational Regenerative Medicine REBIRTH as well as with the Competence Center for Cardiovascular Implants (Medimplant), Leibniz Universität Hannover, the Lower Saxony Center for Biomedical Engineering, Implant Research and Development (NIFE), Fraunhofer ITEM, the German Primate Center, corlife oHG, the medical technology network CrossBIT and a large number of other national and international scientific institutions and industrial companies.


Research Prize of the Dresdner Herz-Kreislauf Tage

Lika Drakhlis was awarded with the research prize of the Dresdner Herz-Kreislauf Tage.

Further Information

Graduation 2025

We warmly congratulate Nils Kriedemann and Fawaz Saleh on successfully completing their doctorate.

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Miniature Hearts for Research

Replacing animal experiments: Success in producing a haematopoietic heart organoid for the first time.

Further Information

Obituary Dr Andres Hilfiker

Our esteemed colleague, Dr Andres Hilfiker, passed away on 21.09.2024 at the age of 67 after a long, serious illness.

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Emmy Noether Research Prize Winner Joins LEBAO as New Colleague

We welcome Dr. Carola Voss and look forward to collaborating with her!

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20th Work Anniversary

We congratulate our colleague Mirela Wilkening on 20 years at LEBAO!

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Graduation 2024

Congratulations to Laura, Miriana, Rajesh and Tamari on successfully completing their doctoral theses!

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DAAD funds project with Georgia

DAAD is funding a cooperation project between MHH and two Georgian universities, TSMU and SSU, with over € 270,000 over 4 years.

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UniStemday 2024

Largest european educational outreach event of stem cell science and research at the LEBAO.

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Proposal for Cluster of Excellence R-Cube

"R-CUBE - Organ Regeneration, Repair and Replacement" convinces the DFG.

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Graduation 2024

The LEBAO congratulates Ian Shum and Aynaz Kianmehr on successfully completing their PhD!

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Inaugural lecture

On November 17, Ruth Olmer and Robert Zweigerdt gave their inaugural lecture on their habilitation at the MHH.


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Teaching Award 2022/23

The module "Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering" received a Teaching Award in the Master Program in Biomedicine.

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MHH Trains U.S. Students in Cell and Tissue Biomanufacturing

International research and education program between MHH and Auburn University (Alabama, U.S.) brought five students for two month to MHH.


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The research project "HEAL", funded by the EU with more than six million euros, in which a total of ten partners from Europe and Israel are involved, is coordinated by the MHH.

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The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has been funding the national joint project TACTiC for three years since 01.06.2022.


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Graduates Winter 2023

Graduation 2023 Winter

Congratulations to Santoshi Biswanath Devadas, Wiebke Triebert, Kevin Ullmann, Mark-Christian Jaboreck und Mikhail Magdei for your successful defence of your Phd-Thesis!

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Veronika Fricke and Preaploy Pongpamorn

Graduation 2022 Summer

We congratulate Veronika Fricke and Preaploy Pongpamorn on their excellent doctoral thesis which was passed on June 24, 2022!

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COFONI - Lower Saxony

LEBAO is part of the Covid 19 research network. In the latest round of funding, the state of Lower Saxony is supporting four studies on Long Covid with two million euros.

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Abdulai Usman and Sanja Sladic

Graduation 2022

We congratulate Abdulai Usman and Sanja Sladic for completing their doctoral theses with excellent results on January 14, 2022!

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Advanced Protocol

Novel publication on an advanced protocol for the generation of heart-forming organoids from human pluripotent stem cells

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photo of the certificate

Teaching Award 2021

We are proud about the teaching price of the student body 2021 for our module "Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering"

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Embryonic development in cell culture

MHH research group can for the first time reproduce early heart development in cell culture dishes using human stem cells

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Scalable process for Differentiation

Scalable process for differentiating pluripotent stem cells into definitive endoderm

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Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell lines

Check out our new paper in Stemcell Reseach about encoding for genetically encoded calcium indicators RCaMP1h and GCaMP6f

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Research groups

There are currently six research groups at the LEBAO. They use a variety of different technologies, e.g. reprogramming of somatic cells for the production of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), so-called "gene editing" for the targeted genetic modification of cells, scalable bioreactor systems for stem cell expansion and differentiation, or tissue engineering for production of cardiovascular tissue and organ replacements. Long-term goals of our research include the elucidation of disease mechanisms, the development of new drugs and novel cell- and gene-based therapies for regeneration and the repair of damaged organs, especially in the cardiovascular field.



MHH coordinates, in a highly interdisciplinary network with partners from the EU and Israel, the EU finances research project "HEAL" on cell-based heart repair.

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The TACTiC joint research project investigates from preclinical development to clinical translation of an autologous iPSC-based therapy.

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The former cluster of excellence REBIRTH (2006 - 2019) continues as 'REBIRTH - Research Center for Translational Regenerative Medicine'.

Further Information about REBIRTH


The joint research project iCARE aims to prepare the first worldwide clinical application of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes for heart repair.

Further information about iCARE


The target of 3D-Heart-2B is to develop a biological cardiac support system with the help of induced pluripotent stem cells.

Further information about 3D-Heart-2B

Further projects

In addition to REBIRTH, iCARE and 3D-Heart-2D, LEBAO is also involved in many other projects - you can find an overview here.

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Social Activties

Further informations

LEBAO Christmas Party 2024

Once again this year, LEBAO has organized a wonderful Christmas party. 

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Staff Outing 2024

This year, our staff outing took us to Steinhuder Meer, where we tried stand-up paddling.

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Hannover Marathon 2024

The LEBAO team took successfully part in the Hannover Marathon. Congratulations!

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LEBAO Christmas Party 2023

A spectacular Christmas Party was celebrated this week at the LEBAO.


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Staff Outing 2023

This year's staff outing was rainy and eventful!

And in the end the sun was shining.


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Farewell for Auburn Students

Time to say goodbye to our Auburn University students with a final poster presentation and farewell party.


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Table Soccer Tournament

The LEBAO team held its first table football tournament in April 2023. And the winner was... 


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UniStem Day

On March 10th, 2023, UniStem Day took place at the LEBAO. To get a first insight into stem cell research 33 pupil were able to attend. 

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Hannover Marathon

Great teamwork!

We congratulate the LEBAO teams on their successful participation in the Hannover Marathon.

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Future Day at the LEBAO

As part of this year's Future Day, 6 students had the opportunity to get to know professions in the LEBAO.


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Ihr Weg zum Lebao


Einfahrt Frauenklinik

Gebäude J11, Ebene H0

Anfahrt zur MHH

Telefon Sekretariat

0511 532 8820 oder

0511 532 8821

Anfahrt zur MHH