MHH information for students
Please make sure that you always inform us on your latest contact information.
If you change your address, please send an email with your new contact information and (if applicable) marriage certificate to the Registrar´s Office with CC to
AStA stands for ‘Allgemeiner Studierenden-Ausschuss” and is the students' union executive committee here at MHH. The AStA’s responsibility is to speak for all students and their needs who are enrolled at MHH. It is running many on-campus meetings, parties and talks. Usually the student representatives are in close contact with this body and speak for their peers.
The midwifery master programme is a distance learning programme with many students unable to speak German, it is more of a challenge to stay in a close connection. Anyhow, it is advised to use this body to support your needs and discuss complaints in relation to the programme. If you wish to participate in meetings and/or discussion you should be on campus and ideally speak German. Please contact to get in touch and/or refer to the website for more information. Usually, the students speak English, so please do not hesitate to write your emails in English. If you experience problems within the communication, please inform the student representative.
An introduction how to download a current certificate of entrollment can be find in the Student handbook (on our elearning plattform ILIAS)
It is also described here:
For further information (currently only in German) please visit the website:
After successfully finishing or in case that you want to quit the MSc programme, please complete the exmatriculation form (you can find it here: --> "Antrag auf Exmatrikulation") and send it to and
Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In line with the Bologna Process and each university’s guidelines for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), students entering the European MSc Midwifery programme are able to claim prior credit for experiential and/or certificated learning above Bachelor-level. Any claim for prior credit can be made before or after the programme has started (the sooner the better) and will be processed as soon as possible. Each claim will be considered on an individual basis, based on university and school procedures. At Hannover Medical School, the current Conditions of Study and Examination Regulations apply.
A maximum of 60 ECTS at Master’s level may be accredited (only for replacing elective EMScM modules) through study of previous modules. Study achievements that have been accredited for other qualification or degrees cannot be accredited again.
If you have taken an external module
- after your Bachelor degree
- on Masters level
- with relevant learning outcomes
- before you´ve started the MSc Midwifery,
you can send a request whether the course is appropriate for recognition as an elective module within the EMScM programme.
Please contact Hebammenstudiengang and ask for the template for the accreditation letter.
Application for recognition of External modules during study
You can take other modules on Master’s level and get them accredited during the programme. If it is aimed to pass any other modules outside the university during the course of study, we advise you to inform oneself prior (6 months) to the start of the external study efforts if it fulfils the standards expected (Master´s level, relevant learning outcomes, sufficient assessments). Please note that most likely you will have to enroll at the external institution, which requires timely planning.
The workload in hours of your external module is decisive for the number of ECTS points you will you get credited.
At MHH, the calculation is 1 ECTS = 25 working hours for students.
To confirm your external course can be accredited, a first decision will be made by the Dean of Studies. The final decision through the Dean can only be made after completion of the external study efforts.
For the application for recognition a formal letter must be written to the Dean Prof. Ingo Just and sent to the student tutor for approval. Please contact Hebammenstudiengang to receive the template.
For the accreditation procedure following documents have to be provided in English or German before and/or after external study efforts:
- a formal letter to the Dean of Studies
- a list of study courses and/or achievements
- a proof of the length and complexity of courses / achievements in hours
- a reference to the institution or supervisor offering the courses / achievements
Conditions of study and examination regulations of the European Master of Science in Midwifery
§ 8 Structure of the programme
(3) The degree Master of Science in Midwifery requires the successful participation in a sufficient number of modules as described in § 6 sect. 4 as well as the successful completion of the Master thesis. 60 ECTS credit points must be attained in mandatory (core) modules. Further 60 ECTS credit points must be attained in elective modules (at least 30 of these must be midwifery-specific modules).
(4) Recognition of prior learning can only be granted for study achievements that are equal to the contents, level, range, competencies and requirements of a study programme at Master’s level in the amount of 50%.
§ 19 Crediting of study and examination achievement
(1) According to Lisbon Convention, passed examination or/and courses of study which completed in Germany or abroad can be credited under condition that the content, level, range, competencies and requirements of the study programme comply with those of the master’s course. Hannover Medical School must carry out the report of proof and has to inform with referring to the students’ right of objection. The right of objection contains information on remedies indicating legal action. The credit transfer is not possible for examinations or/and courses of study already provide for the admission.
(2) The credit transfer will be determined by the Dean of Studies. If the same scale was used for grading the achievements, the final grade will be accepted. In case of a different grading scale, the credited achievement will be marked as “pass” (examination grades from partner universities are accepted according to the conversion table laid out in the Programme handbook).
(3) Students must provide in the application all certificates and proof of study achievements.
The "Principles of Hannover Medical School for the Safeguarding of Good Scientific Practice and Procedural Rules for Dealing with Scientific Misconduct" are binding for all students of the MHH. Here is the link to the document on our e-learning platform ILIAS.
If you would like to take a module as a guest student, please inform us via
It´s necessary to register as a guest student at the Registrar´s Office
and complete the form "Antrag auf Gasthörerschaft"
- until 15th March for the summer semester
- until 15th September for the winter semester
If you need help with the application form in German, please contact the Registrar´s Office
Module overview and download of the current module plan
Fees (subject to changes)
Registration fees for guest students: currently approximately 75€ (Registrar´s Office)
Module fees for external students: regular module fees (1 ECTS = 70€) + 190€ per module for additional administration effort
Please visit the Website:
The ASTA provides information about the international student identity card on their website:
The ISIC offers a number of international discounts for students and is an official proof of student status all around the world.
Visit the Website:
Students can apply for a leave of absence for the next semester. In this case you will not be allowed to take modules and examinations and have no access to the library.
Apply until
- 7th February for the Summer semester
- 7th July for the Winter semester
In order to be able to take a leave of absence, students must present a written request "Antrag auf Beurlaubung / Application for academic leave of absence" (download here) and a significant reason for their request in accordance with the admission regulations (German version) of Hannover Medical School within the re-registration period, preferably by e-mail (via the student e-mail account) to the Registrar´s Office. A leave of absence is only valid for full semesters and is normally only allowed for a maximum of two consecutive semesters.
Covid-19: Specific circumstances due to Covid-19 can be mentioned manually with a proof (e.g. no childcare options).
Students are not allowed to bring study and test performances during the leave of absence.
Please send the form to the registrar´s office and us
Further information of the Students office (so far only in German):
For a leace of absence you don´t have to pay the full amount of the semester fee, only an administration fee of around 76€.
If you already paid the semester fees:
The Registrar´s Office can transfer you the money back within four weeks after the semester has started. Please complete the "Antrag auf Rückerstattung / Application for reimbursement" (download here) and send it to the Registrar´s Office The bank transfer for the semester fees and the matriculation process is organized centrally for all MHH students via the Registrar´s Office.
Conditions of study and examination regulations, § 7 Leave of Absence
(1) Students must present a written request in accordance withthe reasons named inthe admission regulations of Hannover Medical School. A leave of absence is only valid for a full semester and can be granted for a maximum of four semesters. Continuous leave of absence can only be granted for a maximum of two consecutive semesters.
(2) A leave of absence may not be taken in the first semester of the course programme.
(3) During a leave of absence, students do not have the right to participate in classes or complete study achievements at other universities.
MHH provides students with access to the electronic library of Hannover Medical School, which offers various e-books, access to databases, journals, articles and a web-based reference management software package.
To enter the electronic library, you need a Hannoversches Online Bibliothek SYstem number (= HOBSY number) which is printed on to the back of your student ID card.
After two years, the library demands a proof, that students are still enrolled. For that matter, you received an Email from the library, probably in German.
- Please download your current matriculation certificate
- with a copy of an ID showing your address to Ms. Heering (see contact)
You find a description how to download your certificate of enrollment above and in your Student handbook.
You find a further information about MHH library and a description how to change your password in the Students handbook (on our elearning plattform ILIAS).
Please visit the website of MHH´s library (English website available - click EN top left):
and the subpage "information for Students" (so far only in German):
Literature Tutorial
MHH library offers also tutorial about how to search and retrieve literature.
Visit the website (only in german):
We advise you to contact the head of programme (Mechthild Gross) and the Master thesis module lecturer (Laura Zinsser) as soon as you begin to consider your topic. Weekly tutorials to support you with preparing your study plan (research proposal) will begin about three months before the commencement of the actual master module. Tutorials are not mandatory but participation is highly recommended.
Current EMScM students can download an info sheet with information about data protection, ethics, submission and grading, passing and failing under student help on ILIAS
Cover sheet
You can download the cover sheet from ILIAS (folder of your current Master thesis module).
Your Thesis (digital and paper version) must arrive at MHH on the last day of the current semester (March 31st or September 30th) at the latest.
Oral presentation
You can also download the template for your oral presentation in the folder of your current Master thesis module (Musterfolie_Template_MSc_presentation pptx) so you can start after the submission when you feel ready for it.
We recommend to convert your Thesis into a PDF, print one version and see it through to make sure all the tables, headlines and everything else was printed the way it should be before you get the paper glued together with a cover. Then print the other four versions but please check them too, before you get it glued.
You need to hand in five versions of your Thesis. The first two are for the written assessors, the third and fourth for the oral examiners and the fifth is for our archive.
The Affidavit should be the very last page inside the cover (inside the glued bond) without a page number and handwritten signed.
Please send it to the address mentioned in the Master thesis handbook.
You can use any shipping service but please don´t send it as a registered mail because MHH is such a huge building and we made the experience that registered mails, that has to be signed by Mechthild do not arrive because the post officer are not able to enter some buildings or ward (especially during the Corona situation) and Mechthild is not always in her office. If you send a regular package, you will get a tracking number as safety. Please send us the tracking number (whatever shipping company you might take) so we can be extra aware of incoming mail. We made very good experiences with UPS so we recommend it.
After the submission
We forward your Thesis to the two written assessors. They usually have four weeks to write their assessment but sometimes request an extension.
After we received the results of the written assessments and both assessments rate the Master thesis with “passed”, we are scheduling date and time for your oral examination with the two oral examiners and you.
You are free to go on vacation after submitting the thesis. Please tell us your preferred period of time for your oral examination, and if you are on vacation after the submission of the Thesis.
After passing the oral presentation, you will receive a module certificate for the module Master thesis and – if this was your last examination to complete 120 ECTS - a certificate to carry the title MSc. Afterwards we will prepare your official MSc documents.
After finishing the MSc programme, please complete the exmatriculation form (you can find it here: )
Plaese also inform
Semester fees and re-registration after submission
If you hand in your Master thesis at the end of a semester, please remember to to re-register for the next semester within the re-registration period. You can reclaim your tuition fees within four weeks of the start of the semester if you have (successfully) completed your studies. As long as you still have an examination to take (like your oral examination), you have to stay enrolled. This is especially important if you fall ill on the day of the exam or fail it. This way you are legally protected. You will also keep your student email address, which will be used for all secure communication. If you don´t have to take any more modules, handed in your Thesis in the last semester and only have to take your oral exam in the new semester, please contact us direcly after you´ve passt the examination regarding the semester fees.
If you are pregnant and plan to provide study and test performances during maternal leave job protection (usually 6 weeks before estimated due date and 8 weeks after delivery) you need to:
- sign a waiver (download here, please ask the programme coordinator or the students office for an English version)
- and send it to and
Further information for students who are parents (in German):
So far only in German:
Visit the
e.g. Consultation, Grippeschutzimpfung (Flu shot), ...
Informationen für Studierende aller Fakultäten der Medizinischen Hochschule:
With the offer of psychosocial counselling ("Psychosoziale Beratung", PSB), students have the opportunity to talk about themselves, their situation and their problems and, if necessary, about further support options in a confidential conversation with a neutral person.
Further information and contact on the website:
If you whish to publish your Master thesis after you successfully finished the oral examination, please contact Prof. Mechthild Gross, Head of the Midwifery Research and Education Unit.
- By publishing a Master thesis written at MHH, MHH must always be included in the publication. You can ask the programme coordinator for the MHH logo.
- Unlike a doctoral (PhD) thesis, a Master´s thesis does not have to be corrected. But if you wish to publish your thesis, you have to correct possible errors before publishing your results. This is to ensure that no false information is scientifically published. In the written assessments, the reviewer often mention issues that needs to be solved before publishing the thesis. If you didn´t received the assessments, you can simple ask for them via phone or e-mail (to Prof. Mechthild Gross or Hebammenstudiengang), because we need an informal request from you to see the assessments.
You receive an e-mail on your MHH student e-mail account with the details for the re-registration.
In order to be able to continue your studies in the next semester you have to re-register in time:
- Summer semester: 15.01. - 07.02.
- Winter semester: 15.06. - 07.07.
Further information of the Registrar´s Office (so far only in German):
Website Registrar´s Office:
Building J1, Ground floor S0, Room 1460
Map, Contacts, Office hours:
Contact via E-Mail:
Case of illness
If you fall sick during an assignment period you will be protected in the usual way. The regulations are specified in the ‘conditions of study and examination regulations’. In case of illness the submission deadline of your assignment will be extended by exactly the number of days on the sick leave. A medical certificate (in English or German) has to be presented as soon as possible to the module leader and to Hebammenstudiengang via e-mail and by mail to:
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Gross / Ute Borrmann
Midwifery Research and Education Unit
Hannover Medical School (MHH)
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover
Illness and core modules
The same as for any module applies for the Master thesis module. Please get in touch with your module leader as soon as possible. It must be emphasised that in the interests of fairness to those students who adhere to the published submission date an extension will be only able with respect to the reasons mentioned in the Student handbook (on our elearning plattform ILIAS).
In case of illness during the Advanced research methods core module, please contact the module leader and the head of programme at MHH immediately.
Failed module examinations and partial examinations can each be repeated twice. A failed Master thesis can only be repeated once (see Conditions of study and examination regulations).
Your student ID and library card is valid for the whole time of your studies as long as you pay semester fees. Since you are not ‘on campus’ and mainly use the card for the online-library it is up to you if you wish to renew the validation stamp each semester. If you wish to do so and you´re not in Hannover to do it yourself, please send the ID card to the programme coordinator so the stamp can be re-printed.
Please send an e-mail to Hebammenstudiengang to inform the team that your student ID card is on the way.
Sending and receiving the ID card lies within your responsibility.
In case of loss, please contact the Registrar´s Office via .
As recently suggested by our current students, we will in the future hold annual elections for your student representatives at the European MSc Midwifery programme. Your elected representatives represent you in the study committee, examination committee, and admission committee. We are currently preparing the formal steps of this election process. Elections will be each year in fall. We appreciate to candidate for such a position already in the first year.
Please contact our IT service if you have technical problems e.g. StudMail login:
MHH IT service ZIMt (Zentrum für Informationsmanagement)
Phone: 0049 511 5327777
ILIAS (e-learning)
For problems with ILIAS, please contact the e-learning team:
MHH Logos, Word and PowerPoint templates in German and English for PC and Mac are available on request from the digital media at Tel: 0049-511-532-3941 or via Mail to:
Depending on the language of your work, please use the English (Hannover Medical School) or German (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover) logo.
Students can download MHH logos in grey, black and white in English and German (all jpg) and PowerPoint templates for PC and Mac (4:3 and 16:9) on ILIAS: