From the MHH

Art in the workplace

Colorful and diverse: MHH employees provide insights into their work. This has resulted in a photo exhibition that can be seen in the art gallery until the end of July.

A person in a green coat stands at a metal sliding door to an operating theater and looks in through a small gap.

Spontaneously captured with a cell phone: Jörg Brokof takes a photo of a colleague standing at a sliding door to the operating theater and carefully peering inside. "She wanted to protect herself from X-rays, but didn't want to get too far away," he recalls. Copyright: Jörg Brokof / MHH

Two ladies in blue coats stand in front of a picture on the wall, which also shows them.

"We have an eye for people, so in one photo I'm looking at my colleague through an otoplast and she's listening to me. Since we're friends, we feel free when we work together, like we're in the flow," says Bianca Mrsuek about her picture. Copyright: Bianca Mrusek / MHH.

They smile at the camera, showcase their workplace and provide insights into their work areas that you would otherwise not get to see. The 60 photos that have been on display in the "My workplace" photo exhibition in the university's art gallery since the beginning of May are just as varied and diverse as the workplaces at Hannover Medical School (MHH).

The Fotografie & Kommunikation e.V. association invited MHH employees to photograph their workplace at the beginning of February. "Many very different motifs and insights were created that show how diverse and colorful the work at the MHH is," says Andreas Kaiser, Chairman of the association, which has been presenting photo exhibitions at the MHH for a year now. "It is important to us to also address and integrate the employees of the university, which is why we are particularly pleased that we have succeeded in doing so with this exhibition."

Desks, doctors' coats and medical instruments can be seen from unusual perspectives, as well as nursing staff on the ward and employees in the laboratory who have staged themselves. Marc-Oliver Lüpkemann shares his view from the rescue helicopter. Sarvinoz Jalilova from Transfusion Medicine and Bianca Mrusek and Dana Siever, who work together as nursing staff on ward 46, convey with their pictures that their work is fun. "We have an eye for people, so in one photo I'm looking at my colleague through an otoplast and she's listening to me. As we are friends, we feel free when we work together, like we are in a flow. That's why we had ourselves photographed together on a serving trolley in a second photo," says Bianca Mrusek.

Jörg Brokof, head of two operating theaters, also submitted three motifs. One of them can be seen on the exhibition's inviting posters. "The photo was taken spontaneously with my cell phone," he recalls. It shows a colleague standing at a sliding door to the operating theater and carefully peering inside. "She wanted to protect herself from X-rays, but didn't want to get too far away," he reveals. Jörg Brokof observed and recorded this moment through a window in the next room. "I was happy to answer the call and am delighted that this motif was chosen for the invitation." Daniel Halupka from the Technical Facility Management department shows a completely different working environment. In his photo, a colleague is sitting on a passenger elevator and welding. There are also many other beautiful motifs and team pictures from Ward 15, Pastoral Care and Quality Management.

Photo exhibition "My workplace" in the MHH art gallery

The exhibition "My Workplace" can be seen until the end of July. Visitors can access the MHH art gallery via the main entrance of the MHH, Carl-Neuberg-Straße 2, 30625 Hannover. The exhibition is open from 8 am to 9 pm.

Text: Bettina Dunker