Hermann Rappe died on January 30 2022

Honorary Senator Hermann Rappe Copyright: MHH-Archiv
The Hannover Medical School (MHH) mourns the loss of its Honorary Senator Hermann Rappe, who died on 30 January 2022 at the age of 92. Rappe, who represented the constituency of Hildesheim in the Bundestag as a directly elected MP for the SPD from 1972 to 1998, was chairman of the chemical, paper and ceramics industrial union from 1982 to 1995. Hermann Rappe was awarded the title of Honorary Senator in May 1985.
At the handover of the then MHH Rector Professor Heinz Hundeshagen to his successor Professor Dr. Klaus Alexander, the first five Honorary Senators in the history of the MHH were honoured. The MHH Senate had decided in February 1985 to confer the dignity of an honorary senator. "The university thus recognizes the special achievements and merits in public and non-profit activities," the university justified the selection.
„The MHH has never been inflationary about honors and awards. In the twentieth year of the university, Hermann Rappe belonged to the first five personalities alongside former Prime Minister of Lower Saxony Alfred Kubel, the physician Dr. Adolf Dercum, former Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Werner Remmers, and Dr Günther Saßmannshausen, a graduate geologist”, emphasizes MHH President Professor Dr. Michael Manns. “Our thanks go to Honorary Senator Rappe. We grieve with the bereaved family members.”