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EU application support

for life scientists at the MHH

Together we will find the right EU funding format for your research project and support you in all phases, from the application to the finalisation of the project. Please feel free to contact us.

EU application support in detail

National Contact Points (NCP)...

Background, advice, information, events and networking: the national contact points

...are available for all programme parts of Horizon Europe.

...have been set up in almost all countries participating in Horizon Europe.

...are financed in Germany by the federal government and are usually located at project management organisations.

...form an important link between those interested in funding, EU liaison officers at institutions and other advisors, the federal ministries and the European Commission.

Source: BMBF flyer “Competent advice for research and innovation in Europe”, 2019

Also of interest

Third country regulations

Eligible countries


Enterprise Europe Network

For small & medium-sized companies


Ethics review process

Consideration of ethical aspects


Europ. Innovation Partnership

Active and Healthy Ageing


Intellectual property helpdesk

Intellectual Property (IP)


Expert / Evaluator

Take part in proposal evaluation!



European Technology Platform


Please also note:

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