Informationen for Parents (to be)
Event: „Start in die Familienphase! Eine Veranstaltung für alle, die ein Kind erwarten." (Start into the Family Phase! An Event for Everyone Expecting a Child) Organized by the Equal Opportunities Office of MHH. Participation is free for employees and students of MHH. This course for (expecting) parents answers questions regarding topics such as pregnancy and maternity protection, parental leave and parental allowance, as well as childcare options at MHH and in Hannover. Registrations are possible online through the Academy of Continuing Education. The courses are held twice a year. For more information, please refer to the event page of the Equal Opportunities Office under Family Services Events at MHH.
The brochure "Rückenwind. Informationen für Eltern und Kinder an der MHH" ("Information for Parents and Children at MHH") presents the extensive support services that MHH offers to its employees and students with family responsibilities, as well as information about related services in the state capital, Hannover.
Further information about the Family LOM for female doctors and researchers who return to their workplace at MHH within 365 days after the birth of their child/ren from maternity leave or parental leave can be found here.
You can find the service agreements of MHH in the organizational handbook. For further questions, the personal contacts in the Personnel Management are available to assist you.
Pregnant and What Now? - Child Sick - What to Do? An overview is provided on the Family page of Personnel Management with information on maternity protection, parental leave, and childcare issues. For any other questions that may arise while balancing work and parenting, feel free to contact your Personal clerk in Personnel Management.
The Clinic for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy supports mothers and fathers in mental crises, situations of overload related to parenting, and psychosomatic complaints. Contact: Parental Outpatient Clinic, Building K2 - Level SO - Room 4060, Daniela Draschner-Calcada, Phone: (0511) 532-3136, Email: or
Since January 1, 2018, pregnant students also fall under the comprehensive reform of the Maternity Protection Act. More information for students and employees can be found on the Family Portal of the BMFSFJ as well as in the Maternity Protection Guidelines. To rule out potential hazards for you and your child, please contact the Occupational Health Service of MHH.
A legal guide for higher education and research titled "Vereinbarkeit von Familie und wissenschaftlicher Qualifizierung" (November 2017, GEW) (Reconciliation of Family and Academic Qualification) provides information regarding pregnancy and childcare, detailing the conditions under which researchers can assert their rights during the qualification phase. Information is also available for scholarship holders.
On the BMFSFJ website, you can find numerous resources regarding parental allowance, child allowance, supplementary child allowance, as well as a parental allowance calculator (“Elterngeldrechner”).
Brochure from BMFSFJ on parental allowance, ElterngeldPlus, and parental leave.
The legal text of the Federal Parental Allowance Act can be found here.
Applications for parental allowance can be obtained from the City of Hannover, Youth and Family Department - Parental Allowance - Ihmeplatz 5, 30449 Hannover, Phone: 168-46262.
The application for parental allowance can now also be filled out digitally but must still be printed and sent by post to the responsible parental allowance office. By the end of 2022, a complete transition to a digital application system is expected for Lower Saxony.
A family guide, "Families Should Know Their Rights and Quickly Know Who to Contact," provides comprehensive information for families through the service portal of the BMFSFJ. The topics addressed are pregnancy, child benefit, families with caregiving responsibilities, childcare, work, health, and housing. Calculators for parental leave and taxes help families determine their entitlement to benefits.
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Federal Center for Health Education have developed an information program on pregnancy, family planning, and prenatal diagnostics. The Federal Foundation "Mutter und Kind - Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens" (Mother and Child – Protection of Unborn Life) has created an online portal that provides information about the foundation’s assistance for pregnant women in crisis situations. The foundation supports approximately 150,000 pregnant women annually with around 92 million euros, for example, for the initial equipment of the child or household setup. The website is directly linked to the online offering of BZgA at, where pregnant women can quickly and easily find counseling centers near their residence. Here you can access the website of the Federal Foundation "Mother and Child."
The family portal "Familien in Niedersachsen" provided by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, Women, Family, Health, and Integration, offers information and resources for parents in Lower Saxony.
Since August 1, 2013, children from their first birthday until they start school have a legal right to attend a daycare facility. If you are unable to find a childcare place for your child, you can assert this legal right with your local municipality, for example, at the FamilienServiceBüro of the City of Hannover. Further information and the corresponding application form from the City of Hannover will be available from January 1, 2020, on the registration portal for childcare in Hannover.
The updated "Familienkompass" of the City of Hannover provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse offerings for mothers, fathers, and children in Hannover. It covers topics from birth to work-family balance, lists contact points, and provides tips and information on events. The brochure is available at the Equal Opportunities Office, the Family Service Office, citizen offices, and for download (Einnahmenteil, Ausgabenteil).
“Der Kleine Geldbeutel” (The Little Wallet) is a flip brochure from the City of Hannover for families with low income. It consists of a revenue section on possible social benefits and grants and an expense section detailing existing discounts and free offerings.
The flyer "Wohngeld ab 2022" (Accommodation Allowance from 2022) from the City of Hannover provides concise and important information about eligibility for and application of housing benefits.
The Hanover Region consolidates comprehensive information on pregnancy, birth, and the early life phase in the brochure "Schwangerschaftswegweiser" (Pregnancy Guide).
An overview of breastfeeding and changing facilities at MHH is provided by a layout plan from the Family Service.
The breastfeeding and changing room in Building J1 offers employees and students a quiet place to retreat with their child or baby for breastfeeding/formula feeding and changing. Pregnant individuals can also use this room as a rest area.
Additionally, students have access to a parent-child room in Building J2. The key for this room can be obtained at the information desk in Building K6, in the library in Building J1, or at the Family Service/Equal Opportunities Office in Building K5.
On campus, there are 21 parent-child parking spaces available in front of the Women's Clinic (K11) and between the Children's Clinic and Dental Clinic (K10 and K20), as well as additional parking spaces in front of the daycare centers.
Since July 2018, the cafeteria has featured a children's area called "Mensalino," a designated space where children of students, employees, and patients can retreat to eat and play with other children while their parents dine in the cafeteria.
If needed, we offer tours to showcase and explain the family-friendly infrastructure at MHH. If you are interested, please contact the Family Service at MHH.
Information for Pregnant Employees of MHH:
- Risk assessments in the operating room
- Performing surgeries during pregnancy
- No career setback for female doctors at the Hannover Heart Rhythm Center
- Workplace in anesthesiology, pain therapy, intensive care, and palliative medicine
- Recommendations in the nursing field