PhD Programs "Infection Biology" and "DEWIN"

Infection Biology / Dynamics of host-pathogen interactions - DEWIN

Starting in fall 2003, the Center for Infection Biology (ZIB) launched the international PhD Program Infection Biology. In 2010, a new PhD program with the title "Dynamics of Host Pathogen Interactions - DEWIN" was launched. The 3-year programs, with English as the teaching language, play a pivotal role in the training of young scientists in the field of infection biology. The objective of both programs is to investigate the complex interactions between host and pathogen as well as basic research with the combined tools of immunology, cell biology and molecular biology.

20 students from across the world are accepted each year after a rigorous selection procedure.  In the past, the study programs Infection Biology / DEWIN were supported by the Wilhelm-Hirte Foundation, through Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg scholarships, administrative positions funded by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and via the elite program "Miditrain" which is funded by the EU "Marie Curie Actions" program. Currently, the program is supported through scholarships provided by Hannover Medical School as well as scholarships granted by the Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) offered by the DAAD.

Approximately 60 students enrolled in the PhD Program work on a three-year research project and attend seminars, congresses, as well as lab courses.  Students are encouraged and supported by a network of supervisors and support teams and finish the program after the PhD examination at the end of the third year as highly qualified scientists.

So far 265 students successfully graduated from the PhD Program Infection Biology / DEWIN. On average it took them 3.5 years to complete their PhD thesis’. Now they are working in different positions in research, industry, or administration.

Find out more about research interests and group leaders here.

The application site is now closed.

Online applications for the October 2026 intake can be submitted between 1st December 2025 and 1st March 2026. Please note that we only accept applications made through our online system which can be found here:


Information on the PhD Programs Infection Biology and DEWIN

Grüne und rote Zellen, Copyright: Worbs, Tim/Immunologie/MHH

Program Details

Information on the Center for Infection Biology and the two PhD programs Infection Biology and DEWIN

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Students in Lecture Hall, Copyright MHH


Information for current and future PhD students at MHH as well as our ZIB-Alumni.

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Computerarbeitsplatz, Copyright: Johann, Sabine/Immunologie/MHH


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