54th Workshop on Inner Ear Biology and Symposium
13th - 16th September 2017

Interventions in the ear:
From inner ear biology to advanced therapy of hearing loss
We take over the relay and continue the tradition of the meeting that has the longest history in auditory research. The first Inner Ear Biology meeting took place in Nov. 6-7, 1964. It was organized by Prof. S. Rauch and Prof. A. Meyer zu Gottesberge in Düsseldorf, Germany. This was 7 years before the first Society of Neuroscience meeting and 12 years before the first meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology took place.
In 2017, we want to provide a platform for an excellent scientific conference. Due to the strong cochlear implant program here in Hannover we want to bridge basic research into clinical application and demonstrate you also research programs in the field of auditory rehabilitation. The whole research and development chain has been built up over the last 30 years with basic research, translation into medical products and clinical research for the use of new products in patients. The Hannover team wants to guide you through the research facilities and give you also a good appreciation of Hannover and its surroundings.
The meeting will start with a Symposium “Interventions in the Ear: From inner ear biology to the therapy of hearing loss”.
Within the program we will have special sessions on “Hearing and light” and “Bioinspired signal processing”. There will be in addition an ARO-sponsored symposium entitled “Developmentalconsequences of hearing loss“. All other topics of inner ear research will be covered as well.
We organize this IEB workshop also in honor of our colleague Günther Reuter who passed away recently. He made major contributions to the field and built up the Laboratories of Experimental Otology in Hannover.
We are proud to organize the Inner Ear Biology Meeting 2017 and hope to see you in Hannover!
Thomas Lenarz & Andrej Kral
Further information
Conference program
Click here to download the conference program containing all of the relevant information on IEB 2017.