AG Auditorische Prothetik (Hearing4all)

The Auditory Prosthetic Group of the German Hearing Center, part of the Medical University Hannover conducts research in signal processing and auditory modelling applied to implantable hearing prostheses including cochlear implants and hybrid electroacoustic stimulation devices. The group is very interdisciplinary covering fields of acoustics, signal processing, auditory models and psychophysics.
The group started in September 2013 as part of the Excellence Cluster Hearing4all.
Waldo Nogueira
Jun. Prof. Dr.-Ing
- Since 2013 Junior Professor and head of APG
- 2011-2013 Post-Doc Music Technology Group, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
- 2009-2011 Principal Research Engineer – Signal Processing, Advanced Bionics, Hannover, Germany
- 2008-2009 Research Engineer – Signal Processing, Advanced Bionics, Antwerp, Belgium
- 2003-2008 Ph. D. (Dr.-Ing) Student Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover
(Ph. D. Thesis: Design and Evaluation of Signal Processing Strategies for Cochlear Implants
based on Psychoacoustic Masking and Current Steering) - 1997-2003 (Dipl.-Ing) Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
(Master Thesis: Envelope estimation for audio signals based on predictive techniques in the frequency domain) - Master of Science at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover
(Thesis: Conception and implementing of a RICT-based, mobile hardware platform for real-time capable movement sonification, Institute of Microelectronic Systems (IMS), Hannover) - Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hannover
(Thesis: Integration of a reverberation algorithm into SAOC-Binaural, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS)
Research and Interests
- Audio and speech signal processing, neural processing, computational models of electric acoustic hearing,
electrophysiology in humans, binaural hearing - Teaching
- Audio 3D, Audio and Speech Signal Processing
- Development of CI sound coding strategies for combined electric and acoustic stimulation
- Psychoacoustics and electrophysiology
Selected Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
- W. Nogueira, L. Litvak, D. M. Landsberger, A. Büchner (2017), Loudness and Pitch Perception using Dynamically Compensated Virtual Channels, Hearing Research, Volume 344, February 2017, 334:223-234.
- W. Nogueira, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, E. Lopez-Poveda, “Contralateral Suppression of Human Hearing Sensitivity in Single-sided Deaf Cochlear Implant Users”, Hearing Research, 2018
- W. Nogueira, T. Rode, A. Büchner (2016), Spectral Contrast Enhancement Improves Speech Intelligibility in Noise for Cochlear Implant, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- W. Nogueira, L.M. Litvak, A. A. Saoji, A. Büchner, Design and Evaluation of a Cochlear Implant Strategy Based on a “Phantom” Channel, PLoS ONE 10(3): e0120148. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0120148, 2015.
- W. Nogueira, D. Schurzig, R. Penninger, A. Büchner, Validation of a Cochlear Implant Patient Specific Model of the Voltage Distribution in a Clinical Setting, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. | doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2016.00084, 2016.
- W. Nogueira, L. Litvak, B. Edler, J. Ostermann, A. Buechner, Signal Processing Strategies based on Current Steering for Cochlear Implants, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Hearing Instrumentation, 2009.
- W. Nogueira, A. Buechner, Th. Lenarz, B. Edler, A Psychoacoustic "NofM"-type Speech Coding Strategy for Cochlear Implants, Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on DSP in Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants, Vol. 127, Nr. 18, pp. 3044-3059, November 2005
Benjamin Krüger
Dr.-Ing candidate
- Since January 2015 Ph. D. student in the APG
- Master of Science at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover
(Thesis: Conception and implementing of a RICT-based, mobile hardware platform for real-time capable movement sonification, Institute of Microelectronic Systems (IMS), Hannover) - Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hannover
(Thesis: Integration of a reverberation algorithm into SAOC-Binaural, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS)
Research and Interests
- Digital signal processing, audio and speech signal processing
- Development of CI sound coding strategies for combined electric and acoustic stimulation
- Psychoacoustics and electrophysiology
- B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, “Simultaneous masking between electric and acoustic stimulation in cochlear implant users with residual low-frequency hearing”, Hearing Research, 2017.
- M. Imsiecke, B Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, W. Nogueira, „Electric-Acoustic Forward Masking in Cochlear Implant Users with Ipsilateral Residual Hearing”, Hearing Research, 2018
- W. Nogueira, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, E. Lopez-Poveda, “Contralateral Suppression of Human Hearing Sensitivity in Single-sided Deaf Cochlear Implant Users”, Hearing Research, 2018
- Brückner, H.-P.; Krüger, B.; Blume, H., “ Reliable orientation estimation for mobile motion capturing in medical rehabilitation sessions based on inertial measurement units”, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 45, Issue 12, pp. 1603-1611, 2014
Florian Langner
Dr. rer. nat. candidate
- Since August 2015 a Ph.D. student in the APG
- Master of Science at the University of Oldenburg in the Medical Physics Department
(Thesis: Frequency selectivity improvement with a biologically inspired preprocessing algorithm) - Bachelor of Engineering at the Institute of Hearing Technology and Audiology Oldenburg
(Thesis: Binaural summation effects of speech in SSD and binaurally implanted CI listeners)
Research and Interests
- Different forms of electrical stimulation (current steering and focusing, parallel stimulation)
- Modelling the loudness perception of CI listeners
- Investigating ways to improve power consumption while maintaining a trade-off with performance
- Inventing my own sound coding strategy
- Langner, F., Saoji, A.A., Büchner, A. & Nogueira, W., 2017. Adding simultaneous stimulating channels to reduce power consumption in cochlear implants. Hear. Res. 345, 96–107. doi:10.1016/j.heares.2017.01.010
- Langner, F. & Jürgens, T., 2016. Forward-Masked Frequency Selectivity Improvements in Simulated and Actual Cochlear Implant Users Using a Preprocessing Algorithm. Trends Hear. 20, 1–14. doi:10.1177/2331216516659632
- Langner, F. & Jürgens, T., 2016. Frequency selectivity improvements in individual cochlear implant users with a biologically-inspired preprocessing
algorithm. Proceedings of ISAAR 2015: Individual Hearing Loss – Characterization, Modelling, Compensation Strategies. 5th symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research. August 2015, Nyborg, Denmark.
Marina Imsiecke
Dr. rer. nat. candidate
- Research Associate at APG since July 2016
- Master of Science Physics at the University of Oldenburg in the Medical Physics Department
(Thesis: Relation of Speech-Specific Representations of Audio Signals and Electro-Cortical Activity in the Human Brain) - Bachelor of Science Physics at the University of Oldenburg in the Medical Physics Department
(Thesis: Evaluation of the activation of the auditory cortex for comprehensible and incomprehensible speech signals with functional MR-Imaging)
Research and Interests
- Cochlear implants and residual hearing in the implanted ear
- Electric-acoustic stimulation (EAS) and masking effects
- Speech perception and objective measures for EAS subjects
- Imsiecke, M., Krüger, B., Büchner, A., Lenarz, T., Nogueira, W., 2018. Electric-Acoustic Forward Masking in Cochlear Implant Users with Ipsilateral Residual Hearing. Hearing Research. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2018.04.003
- Frye, M., Micheli, C., Schepers, I. M., Schalk, G., Rieger, J. W., & Meyer, B. T., 2016. Neural Responses to Speech-Specific Modulations Derived from a Spectro-Temporal Filter Bank. INTERSPEECH Conference Proceedings, San Francisco.
Tom Gajecki
Dr. rer. nat. candidate
- Since January 2018 a Ph.D. student at the APG
- Master of Science in Sound and Music Computing at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
(Thesis: Singing Vocal Enhancement for Cochlear Implant Users Based on Deep Learning Models) - Bachelor in Physics at the University of the Basque Country, Lejona.
- Bachelor in Electrical Engineering at the University of the Basque Country, Lejona
Research and Interests
- Audio signal processing
- Deep learning
- Music perception
- Binaural sound coding strategies
- T. Gajecki, W. Nogueira. A Synchronized Binaural N-of-M Sound Coding Strategy to Improve Speech Ineligibility in Noise of Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users. ITG Speech Communication, 2018.
- T. Gajecki, W. Nogueira. Deep Learning Model to Remix Music for Cochlear Implant Users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018.
- W. Nogueira, T. Gajecki, B. Krüger, J. Janer, A. Büchner. Development of a Sound Coding Strategy based on a Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Monaural Source Separation in Cochlear Implants. ITG Speech Communication. Padeborn, Germany, 2016.
Daniel Alrutz
Dr. rer. nat. candidate
- Since August 2018 Ph.D. Student in the APG
- Master of Science Physics at the Leibiz University Hannover
(Thesis: Transport and scattering in semiclassical Holstein wires, Institute for Theoretical Physics) - Bachelor of Science Physics at the Leibniz University Hannover
(Thesis: Coherence of the hydrogen molecular ion after ionization in a strong laser field, Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Research and Interests
- Interactions between electric and acoustics stimulation (EAS) in CI users
- Computational modelling
- coming soon
List of Selected Publications
Journal Papers
- W. Nogueira, B. Krüger, A. Büchner (2018), E. Lopez-Poveda, Contralateral Suppression of Human Hearing Sensitivity in Single-sided Deaf Cochlear Implant Users, Hearing Research (Accepted).
- T. Gajecki and W. Nogueira (2018), Deep Learning Models to Remix Music for Cochlear Implant Users, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Accepted).
- S. Klawitter, D. Landsberger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira (2018), Perceptual Changes with Monopolar and Phantom electrode stimulation, Hearing Research, 359: 64-75.
- M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, W. Nogueira (2018), Electric-Acoustic Forward Masking in Cochlear Implant Users with Ipsilateral Residual Hearing, Hearing Research, (Accepted).
- J. P. Marcoleta, W. Nogueira, U. Floriep, T. Doll (2018), Flexible High Density Active Neural Implants combining a Distributed Multiplexing Transceiver Architecture with Biocompatible Technology, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science (In Press).
- T. Jürgens, Volker Hohmann, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira (2018), The effects of electrical field spatial spread and some cognitive factors on speech-in-noise performance of individual cochlear implant users – a computer model study, PlosOne (In Press).
- G. Roma, P. Herrera, W. Nogueira (2017), Environmental sound recognition using short-time feature aggregation, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, pp 1-19, doi:10.1007/s10844-017-0481-4.
- B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira (2017), Simultaneous Masking between Electric and Acoustic Stimulation in Cochlear Implant Users with Low Frequency Hearing, Hearing Research,
- F. Langner, A. Saoji, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira (2017), Adding Simultaneous Stimulation Channels to Reduce Power Comsumption in Cochlear Implants, Hearing Research, 345:96-107.
- W. Nogueira, L. Litvak, D. M. Landsberger, A. Büchner (2017), Loudness and Pitch Perception using Dynamically Compensated Virtual Channels, Hearing Research, Volume 344, February 2017, 334:223-234, 2017.
- W. Nogueira, G. Ashida, Development of a parametric model of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve, Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Springer Verlag, 84: 349-362.
- W. Nogueira, T. Rode, A. Büchner (2016), Spectral Contrast Enhancement Improves Speech Intelligibility in Noise for Cochlear Implant, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- W. Nogueira, D. Schurzig, R. Penninger, A. Büchner, Validation of a Cochlear Implant Patient Specific Model of the Voltage Distribution in a Clinical Setting, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. | doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2016.00084, 2016.
- J. Pons, T. Rode, J, Janer, W. Nogueira, Remixing music using source separation algorithms to improve the musical experience of cochlear implant users, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2016.
- C. Thiel, J. Özyurt, W. Nogueira, S. Puschmann, Effects of age on long term memory for degraded speech, Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2016.
- W. Nogueira, L.M. Litvak, A. A. Saoji, A. Büchner, Design and Evaluation of a Cochlear Implant Strategy Based on a “Phantom” Channel, PLoS ONE 10(3): e0120148. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0120148, 2015.
- R.T. Penninger, E. Kludt, A. Buechner, W. Nogueira, Stimulating on multiple electrodes can improve temporal pitch perception, Int J Audiol 2015 Jan 29: 1-8, 2015.
- K.H. Dyballa, P. Hehrmann, V. Hamacher, W. Nogueira, T. Lenarz, A. Büchner, Evaluation of a transient noise reduction algorithm in cochlear implant users, Audiology Research 5 (2), 2015.
- W. Nogueira, L. Hoepner, V. Hamacher, Th. Lenarz, A. Buechner, Use of hearing aid preprocessing techniques with cochlear implant users,International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Volume 75, issue (May, 2011), p. 94. ISSN: 0165-5876 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-5876(11)70482-7 , Elsevier Science.
- W. Nogueira, F. Vanpoucke, P. Dykmans, L. De Raeve, H. Van Hamme, J. Roelens, Speech Recognition Technology in CI Rehabilitation, Cochlear Implant International, pp. 449-453(5) pp. 449-453(5) , Volume 11, Supplement 1, June 2010.
- W. Nogueira, L. Litvak, B. Edler, J. Ostermann, A. Buechner, Signal Processing Strategies based on Current Steering for Cochlear Implants, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Hearing Instrumentation, 2009.
- Buechner, W. Nogueira, B. Edler, R. D. Battmer, Th. Lenarz, Results from a Psychoacoustic Model-based Strategy for the N-24 and Freedom Cochlear Implants, Otology and Neurotology, 2007.
- Andreas Buechner, Martina Brendel, Beate Krüeger, Carolin Frohne-Büchner, Waldo Nogueira, Bernd Edler, Thomas Lenarz, Current Steering and Results From Novel Speech Coding Strategies, Otol Neurotol. 2008 Feb ;29 (2):203-207.
- W. Nogueira, A. Buechner, Th. Lenarz, B. Edler, A Psychoacoustic "NofM"-type Speech Coding Strategy for Cochlear Implants, Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on DSP in Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants, Vol. 127, Nr. 18, pp. 3044-3059, November 2005.
- W. Nogueira, V. Hamacher, Method and system for electrical stimulation of a patient's cochlear, WO 2014086400 A1, June, 2014.
- S. Fredelake, W. Nogueira, System and method for neural hearing stimulation, W0 2014086400 A1, July, 2014.
- W. Nogueira, A. Saoji, L. Litvak, Methods and Systems for Lowering a Pitch Sensation as Perceived by a Cochlear Implant Patient, WO Patent 2,013,082,185, 2013.
- B. Edler, A. Buechner, F. Klefenz, W. Nogueira, Cochlear implant, device for generating a control signal for a cochlear implant, device for generating a combination signal and combination signal and corresponding methods, International Patent, Publication Number: WO/2007/033762, 2006-2007.
Book Chapters
- W. Nogueira, W. Würfel, R. T. Penninger, A. Büchner, Development of a model of the electrically stimulated cochlea, in Book: Biomedical Technology, Pages 145-161, Publisher: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
- W. Nogueira, T. Rode, A. Büchner, Optimization of a Spectral Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Cochlear Implants based on a Vowel Identification Model, International Symposium of Hearing (ISH) Conference Proceedings (To appear as a book chapter by Springer), 2015
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- W. Nogueira, T. Gajęcki, B. Krüger, J. Janer, A. Büchner (2016), Development of a Sound Coding Strategy based on a Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Monaural Source Separation in Cochlear Implants, ITG Speech Commungication, Pabeborn, Germany, 2016.
- W. Nogueira (2016), Sound Scene Classification based on Monaural and Binaural Features, IEEE DCASE 2016 Challenge: Acoustic Scene Classification.
- W. Nogueira, M. Lopez, T. Rode, S. Doclo, A. Büchner, Individualizing a Monaural Beamformer for Cochlear Implant Users, IEEE ICASSP, Brisbane, Australia 2015.
- G. Roma, W. Nogueira, P.Herrera, Recurrence Quantification Analysis Features for Environmental Sound Recognition, IEEE WASPAA, New Paltz, USA 2013.
- W. Nogueira, A. Büchner, Conveying Low Frequency information through analoge stimulation in Cochlear Implants, EUSIPCO 2012, Bucarest, August 2012.
- W. Nogueira, T. Harzcos, A. Buechner, J. Ostermann, B. Edler, Automatic Speech Recognition with a Cochlear Implant Front-End, Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.
- W. Nogueira, A. Katai, Tamas Harzcos, F. Klefenz, B. Edler, A. Buechner, An Auditory Model Based Strategy for Cochlear Implants, IEEE EMBC 2007, Lyon, France, August 2007.
- W. Nogueira, A. Giese, B. Edler, A. Buechner,
Wavelet Packet Filterbank for Speech Processing Strategies in Cochlear Implants, Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 2006.
- W. Nogueira, A. Buechner, B. Edler, Fundamental Frequency Coding in NofM Strategies for Cochlear Implants,118th AES Convention, p. Preprint 6515, Barcelona, May 2005.
Conference Contributions
- W. Nogueira, Psychoacoustic masking models applied to sound coding strategies for cochlear implants, CIAP, Lake Tahoe, 2017 (Invited).
- F. Langner, C. McKay, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Loudness perception for simultaneous electrical stimulation, CIAP, July 2017.
- B. Krüger, T. Fiedler, P. Baumhoff, D. Shah, A. Kral, A. Büchner, H. Maier, W. Nogueira, A model based sound coding strategy for laser stimulation in cochlear implant users with residual hearing, CIAP, Lake Tahoe, July 2017.
- N. El Boghdady, F. Langner, W. Nogueira, D. Baskent, E. Gaudrain, The role of spectral resolution in cochlear implant processing under cocktail-party scenarios, CIAP, Lake Tahoe, July 2017.
- S. Sharma, J. Chalupper, M. van Wnrooij, L. Mens, A. Snik, J. avn Opstal, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Effect of frequency compression on spatial hearing of bimodal cochlear implant listeners, CIAP, July 2017.
- S. Klawitter, D. M. Landsberger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Perceptual differences between monopolar and phantom electrode stimulation in cochlear implant users, CIAP, Lake Tahoe, July 2017.
- M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Electric-acoustic forward masking in cochlear implant users with ipsilateral residual hearing, CIAP, Lake Tahoe, July 2017
- F. Langner, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, IFOS World Congress Paris, Effect of dynamic range in different stages of signal processing in Cochlear Implant Listeners on Spech, June, 2017.
- W. Nogueira, E. Lopez-Poveda, A. Büchner, B. Krüger, Contralateral Efferent Suppresion of Human Hearing Sensitivity, Association Research Otolaryngology (ARO), Baltimore, February, 2017.
- S. Klawitter, D. M. Landsberger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Perceptual Differences between Monopolar and Phantom Electrode Stimulation, Association Research Otolaryngology (ARO), Baltimore, February, 2017.
- W. Nogueira, E. Lopez-Poveda, A. Büchner, B. Krüger, Die kontralaterale efferente Unterdrückung der Hörempfindlichkeit bei einseitig ertaubten Cochlea-Implantat Trägern, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Aalen, Germany, Ferburary, 2016.
- W. Nogueira, I. Schierholz, M. Goffredo, G. Cosatti, Towards Decoding Speech Sound Source Direction from Electroencephalography in Cochlear Implant Users, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Aalen, Germany, Ferburary, 2016.
- B. Krüger, K. Koka, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Physiologische und Psychometrische Characterisierung ipsilateraler Maskierung bei electro-acoustischer Stimulation der Cochlea, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Aalen, Germany, Ferburary, 2016.
- M. Imsiecke, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Elektrisch-akustische Vorwärtsmaskierung bei Cochlea-Implantat Trägern mit ipsilateralem Restgehör, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Aalen, Germany, Ferburary, 2016.
- S. Klawitter, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Development of Electric-Acoustic Pitch Comparisons in Single-Sided-Deaf Cochlear Implant Users, ARO MidWinter Meeting, 20-24 February, San Diego 2016.
- W. Nogueira, L. Litvak, A. Stein, C. Chen, D. M. Landsberger, A. Büchner, Loudness and Pitch Perception using Dynamically Compensated Virtual Channels, ARO MidWinter Meeting, 20-24 February, San Diego 2016.
- B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Characterization of Ipsilateral Masking between Acoustic and Electric Stimulation through Cochlear Implants, ARO MidWinter Meeting, 20-24 February, San Diego 2016.
- W. Nogueira, Individualized Speech Processing to Improve Hearing Outcomes, 19 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, 9-12 March, Hannover (Invited Talk).
- W. Nogueira, Th. Lenarz, A. Büchner, Analysis of Data Logging in Cochlear Implant Users, 19 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, 9-12 March, Hannover.
- T. Jürgens, A. Büchner, V. Hohmann, W. Nogueira, Factors affecting Individual Speech Intelligibility Prediction in Cochlear Implant Listeners using a Model-Based Analysis, 19 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, 9-12 March, Hannover.
- S. Klawitter, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Betrachtung der Tonhöhenwahrnehmung bei Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern mit einseitiger Taubheit über ein Jahr nach Erstanpassung, 19 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie, 9-12 March, Hannover.
- W. Nogueira, B. Krüger, D. Landsberger, A. Büchner, Development and Application of a Personalized Model of the Electrically Stimulated Auditory Nerve, 47. Jahrestagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinphysik, Würzburg, .7-10 September, 2016.
- W. Nogueira, musIC 2.0: Musik für Cochlea-Implantate, Digital Sounds, October 20, Hannover,
- W. Nogueira, Signal Processing Algorithms for Improved Speech and Music Perception with Cochlear Implants, ICanHear Conference, 23rd November, 2016 (Invited Talk).
- W. Nogueira, Sound Coding Strategies for Cochlear Implants, Medical Bionics Summer School, August 27th-September 3rd, Split, Croatia, 2016 (Invited Talk).
- W. Nogueira, J. Pons, J. Janer, A. Büchner, Source Separation Algorithms to Remix Music Pieces for Improving the Music Experience in Cochlear Implant Users, Music and Cochlear Implants Symposium, Eriksholm Research Center, Denmark, October, 2016.
- W. Nogueira, I. Schierholz, C. Kantzke, P. Sandmann, Decoding Speech Sound Source Direction from Electroencephalography Data using Cochlear Implant Vocoder Simulations, 9th Interantional Symposium on Objective Measures in Audiotry Implants, June 15-18, Szeged, Hungary.
- B. Krüger, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, W. Nogueira, Elektro-akustische Interaktionen bei Hybridversorgung, 87 Jahresversammlung Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie Kongress, 4-7 Mai, Düsseldorf, 2016.
- B. Krüger, K. Koka, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Physiological and Psychometric Characterization of Ipsilateral Masking between Acoustic and Electric Stimulation through Cochlear Implants, 9th Interantional Symposium on Objective Measures in Audiotry Implants, June 15-18, Szeged, Hungary.
- W. Nogueira, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, Cochlear Implant Technology, European Congress of Neurorehabilitation, Vienna, December 2015.
- W. Nogueira, A. Büchner, G. Ashida, W. Würfel, Development of a Model of the Electrically Stimulated Auditory Nerve, International Conference on Biomedical Technology, Hannover, October 2015.
- B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Characterization of Ipsilateral Masking between Acoustic and Electric Stimulation through Cochlear Implants, Closing the Auditory Loop Symposium, Hannover, October 2015.
- W. Nogueira, Signal Processing for Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Tutorial at the Closing the Auditory Loop Symposium, Hannover, October 2015.
- F. Langner, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Analysis of Simultaneous Multi-Electrode Stimulation Strategies: Creating Independent Channels, Closing the Auditory Loop Symposium, Hannover, October 2015.
- W. Nogueira, L .Litvak, A. Stein, C. Chen, D. Landsberger, A. Büchner, Loudness and pitch perception using Balanced Quadrupolar Virtual Channel Stimulation, CIAP 2015, Lake Tahoe, 2015.
- T. Rode, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Spectral Contrast Enhancement improves Speech Intelligibility in NofM Strategies for Cochlear Implants, CIAP 2015, Lake Tahoe, 2015.
- T. Jürgens, V. Hohmann, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, A Model of Individual Cochlear Implant User's Speech-in-Noise Performance, CIAP 2015, Lake Tahoe, 2015.
- R. Penninger, W. Nogueira, A. Büchner, Stimulating on multiple electrodes improves temporal pitch perception, CIAP 2015, Lake Tahoe, 2015.
- E. Kludt, W. Nogueira, A. Büchner, Individualization of a temporal masking parameter in a cochlear implant speech processing strategy: TPACE, CIAP 2015, Lake Tahoe, 2015.
- W. Nogueira, P. Herrera, Creation and Analysis of New Music Compositions for Cochlear Implant Users, European Symposium Pediatric Cochlear Implants, Tolouse, June, 2015.
- W. Nogueira, T. Rode, A. Büchner, Optimization of a Spectral Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Cochlear Implants based on a Vowel Identification Model", International Symposium in Hearing (ISH), Groningen, Netherlands, June 2015.
- W. Nogueira, P. Herrera, Creation and Analysis of New Music Compositions for Cochlear Implant Users, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA) Conference, Bochum, February 2015.
- W. Nogueira, T. Lenarz, A. Büchner, A Personalized Model of the Cochlear Implant Electrode-Nerve-Interface and its Applications, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA) Conference, Bochum, 2015.
- T. Jürgens, V. Hohmann, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Individuelle Vorhersage der Sprachverständlichkeit von Cochleaimplantatträgern, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA) Conference, Bochum, 2015.
- S. Klawitter, B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Betrachtung der Tonhöhenwahrnehmung bei Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern mit einseitiger Taubheit über ein Jahr nach Erstanpassung, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA) Conference, Bochum, 2015.
- T. Rode, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Spectral Contrast Enhancement Improves Speech Intelligibility in NofM CI Coding Strategies, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA) Conference, Bochum, 2015.
- B. Krüger, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Charakterisierung von ipsilateraler Maskierung zwischen akustischer und elektrischer Stimulation durch Cochlea Implantate, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA) Conference, Bochum, 2015.
- W. Nogueira, W. Würfel, T. Rode, A. Büchner, Optimization of a Spectral Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Cochlear Implants based on an Individualized Electrode-Nerve-Interface Model, ARO 2015, Baltimore, USA, February 2015.
- S. Klawitter, A. Büchner, W. Nogueira, Development of electric-acoustic pitch comparisons in single-sided-deaf cochlear implant users, ARO 2015, Baltimore, USA, February 2015.
- W. Nogueira, A. Büchner, A Model of Music Complexity for Cochlear Implants, EAONO 2014, Siena, 2014.
- W. Nogueira, P. Herrera, Towards a Model of Music Complexity for Cochlear Implants, CI2014, Munich, 2014.
- W. Nogueira, T. Rode, R. Penninger, E. Kludt, A, Büchner, Towards a Model Based Coding Strategy for Cochlear Implants based on Spectral Contrast Enhancement, CI 2014, Munich, June, 2014, Invited.
- T. Rode, A, Büchner, W. Nogueira, Spectral Contrast Enhancement in CI coding Strategies: A Real Time Implementaion, CI 2014, Munich, June, 2014.
- W. Nogueira, W. Würfel, A. Büchner, A Model of the Electrically Stimulated Cochlea, DAGA 2014, Oldenburg, March 2014.
- W. Nogueira, Finite element study on chochlear implant electrical activity, ICBT 2013 : International Conference on Biomedical Technology, Hannover, Germany, November 20-22, 2013.
- G. Roma, W. Nogueira, P.Herrera, Recurrence Quantification Analysis Features for Environmental Sound Recognition, IEEE WASPAA, New Paltz, USA 2013.
- W. Nogueira, New Music Compositions for Cochlear Implant Users, Conference on Implantable Auditory Protheses, Lake Tahoe, USA 2013.
- A. Buechner, T. Lenarz, L. Gaertner, W. Nogueira,Spread of Excitation Measures using Current Steering stimuli, Objective Measures Conference 2012, Amsterdam, September 2012.
- W. Nogueira, J. Hidalgo, R, Marxer, J. Janer, A Low Latency Source Separation Algorithm for Cochlear Implants, Audis Workshop 2012, Aachen, September, Germany
- W. Nogueira, A. Büchner, Conveying Low Frequency information through analoge stimulation in Cochlear Implants, EUSIPCO 2012, Bucarest, August 2012.
- W. Nogueira, M. Haro, P. Herrera, X. Serra, Music Perception in Cochlear Implant Users, ISABEL 2011, Barcelona, 2012.
- W. Nogueira, A. Buechner, T. Lenarz, L. Gaertner,Spread of Excitation Measures for Virtual Channels Stimuli in Cochlear Implant Users, IEARSG 2011, Moscow, June 2011
- W. Nogueira, A. Foerstel, A. Saoji, L. Litvak, V. Hamacher,T. Rottmann, T. Lenarz, A. Buechner Evaluation of a new signal processing strategy including a partial bipolar channel to transmit low frequency information,CIAP 2009, Asylomar, USA, July 2011.
- W. Nogueira, L. Hopner , V. Hamacher , Th. Lenarz, A. Büchner, Use of hearing aid preprocessing techniques with cochlear implant users, 10th European symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation, Athens, May 2011
- L. M. Litvak, A. Saoji, A.Bhattacharya, Smita Agrawal, W. Nogueira, C. Frohne-Büchner , A. Büchner, Charles Finley, and D.M. Landsberger, Functionally Extending The Electrode Array Longitudinally Using Phantom Stimulation Protocols, CIAP 2009, Asylomar, USA, July 2011.
- C. Frohne-Büchner, W. Nogueira, L. Hoeppner, T. Rottmann, V. Hamacher, T. Lenarz, A. Büchner, Benefit Of Directional Microphone Systems From Hearing Aids For Cochlear Implant Users, CIAP 2009, Asylomar, USA, July 2011.
- W. Nogueira, A. Foerstel, A. Saoji, L. Litvak, V.r Hamacher, T. Rottmann, T. Lenarz, A. Buechner, Evaluation Of A New Signal Processing Strategy Including A Partial Bipolar Channel To Transmit Low Frequency Information, CIAP 2009, Asylomar, USA, July 2011.
- W. Nogueira, L. Hoepnner, T. Rottmann, V. Hamacher, T. Lenarz, A. Büchner, Nutzen der Richtmikrofontechnik von Hörgeräten bei Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern, DGA Jena, 2011.
- A. Büchner, L. Hoepner, W. Nogueira, V. Hamacher, T. Lenarz, Einsatz von Hörgeräte-Vorberarbeitungs-Techniken bei Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern, DGA Jena, 2011.
- L. Hoepner, W. Nogueira, T. Rottmann, V. Hamacher, T. Lenarz, A. Büchner, Nutzen eines Algorithmus zur Unterdrückung transienter Störgeräusche in Cochlea-Implantat-Systeme, DGA Jena, 2011.
- L. Gärtner, A. Büchner, T. Lenarz, W. Nogueira, Spread-of-Excitation-Messungen mit virtuellen Stimulationskanälen bei Cochlea-Implantat-Patienten, DGA Jena, 2011.
- W. Nogueira,, Parameterization of individual’s neural interface, Objective Measures in Auditory Implants -6th International Symposium, St. Louis, USA, Sept 2010.
- W. Nogueira, P. Dyckmans, F. Vanpoucke, HRStream: The High resolution streaming interface, CIAP 2009, Lake Tahoe, USA, July 2009.
- W. Nogueira, P. Dyckmans, F. Vanpucke, Speech Recognition Technology in cochlear implant rehabilitation, ESCPI 2009,Warshaw, Poland, March 2009.
- W. Nogueira, A. Buechner, J. Ostermann, B. Edler, Signal Processing Strategies for Current Steering strategies in Cochlear Implants, itg 2008, Aachen, Germany, October 2008.
- W. Nogueira, T. Harzcos, A. Buechner, J. Ostermann, B. Edler, Automatic Speech Recognition with a Cochlear Implant Front-End, Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.
- W. Nogueira, A. Katai, Tamas Harzcos, F. Klefenz, B. Edler, A. Buechner, An Auditory Model Based Strategy for Cochlear Implants, IEEE EMBC 2007, Lyon, France, August 2007.
- W. Nogueira, A. Giese, B. Edler, A. Buechner,
Wavelet Packet Filterbank for Speech Processing Strategies in Cochlear Implants, Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 2006.
- W. Nogueira, A. Buechner, B. Edler,
Fundamental Frequency Coding in NofM Strategies for Cochlear Implants
118th AES Convention, p. Preprint 6515, Barcelona, May 2005.
Challenge Submissions
- W. Nogueira, Sound Scene Classification based on Monaural and Binaural Features, IEEE DCASE 2016 Challenge: Acoustic Scene Classification.
- W. Nogueira, EEG Sound Browser, Maker Faire Hannover, 2014
- Waldo Nogueira, Gerard Roma and Perfecto Herrera, Automatic Event Classification Using Front End Single Channel Noise Reduction, MFCC features and a Support Vector Machine Classifier, IEEE AASP Challenge, IEEE WASPAA, October 2013.
- G. Roma, W. Nogueira, P.Herrera, Recurrence Quantification Analysis Features for Environmental Sound Recognition, IEEE AASP Challenge, IEEE WASPAA, October 2013.
- Waldo Nogueira, Gerard Roma and Perfecto Herrera, Sound Scene Classification based on MFCC features and a Support Vector Machine Classifier, IEEE AASP Challenge, IEEE WASPAA, October 2013.