Zhi Qu

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Tel. +49 511 532 4451

Mail Qu.Zhi@mh-hannover.de


Research Field

Clinical and epidemiological research, health economic evaluation, and policy development in organ allocation, distribution and transplantation


Academic and Professional Background


Hannover Medical School

Research Scientist

Peking University

Ph.D. and M.S., Epidemiology and Health-statistics

North China Coal Medical College

B.Sc., Preventive Medicine


Ph.D. Graduate Research

Conducted a systematic review and developed an inpatient-specific risk score using a large database of discharge summary reports, which outperformed existing administrative data in China, and built a comprehensive hospital evaluation framework based on hospitalization discharge summary report data.                                                                                             

M.S. Graduate Research 

Applied a modified randomized response technique to conduct an epidemiological survey on substance dependence, which demonstrated good reliability and validity for investigating youth substance abuse behavior.



  1. Felgendreff, P., Hosseiniasl, S. M., Felgendreff, L., Amiot, B., Minshew, A., Ahmadzada, B., Qu, Z., ... & Cook, C. Comprehensive analysis of brain injury parameters in a preclinical porcine model of acute liver failure. Frontiers in Medicine, 11, 1363979.
  2. Qu Z, Oedingen C, Bartling T, Schrem H, Krauth C. Factors influencing deceased organ donation rates in OECD countries: a panel data analysis. BMJ open 2024; 14: e077765.
  3. Qu, Z. (2024). Interpreting COVID-19 data from China: a call for caution. The Lancet, 403(10422), 144.
  4. Qu, Z. (2023). Cautionary notes on the COVID-19 re-infection study. The Lancet, 402(10408), 1130-1131.
  5. Qu, Z, Schmelzle, M. (2023). UK liver transplantation allocation algorithm: transplant benefit score. The Lancet, 402(10399), 371.
  6. Qu, Z., Oedingen, C., Bartling, T., Schrem, H., & Krauth, C. (2023). Systematic review on the involvement and engagement of patients as advisers for the organisation of organ transplantation services. BMJ Open 2023; 0:e072091.
  7. Panagiotakis, E., Selzer, T., Böhm, G., Schrem, H., Vondran, F. W. R., Qu, Z., Ockenga, J., Hertenstein, B., Winterhalter, M., & Bektas, H. (2023). Preoperative hemoglobin levels, extended resections and the body mass index influence survival after pancreaticoduodenectomy. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 408(1), 124.
  8. Qu, Z. (2023). International cooperation to end the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet, 401(10379), 820.
  9. Qu, Z., Oedingen, C., Bartling, T., Beneke, J., Zink, M., Krauth, C., & Schrem, H. (2021). Systematic review on potential brain dead donor estimations and conversion rates to actually realized organ donations. Transplantation Reviews, 35(4), 100638.
  10. Qu, Z., Oedingen, C., Bartling, T., Schrem, H., & Krauth, C. (2020). Organ procurement and transplantation in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet, 396(10260), 1395.
  11. Qu, D., Qiao, D. F., Klintschar, M., Qu, Z., & Yue, X. (2021). High-throughput 16S rDNA sequencing assisting in the detection of bacterial pathogen candidates: a fatal case of necrotizing fasciitis in a child. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 135, 399-407..
  12. Gwiasda, J., Qu, Z., Schrem, H., Oldhafer, F., Winny, M., Klempnauer, J., ... & Kaltenborn, A. (2019). Prediction of survival after left-sided pancreatic resection for adenocarcinoma: Introduction of a new prognostic score. Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International, 18(6), 569-575.
  13. Qu, Z., Zhang, S., Krauth, C., & Liu, X. (2019). A systematic review of decision analytic modeling techniques for the economic evaluation of dental caries interventions. Plos one, 14(5), e0216921.
  14. Homeyer, R. S., Roberts, K. J., Sutcliffe, R. P., Kaltenborn, A., Mirza, D., Qu, Z., ... & Schrem, H. (2019). Ventilation after pancreaticoduodenectomy increases perioperative mortality: Identification of risk factors and their relevance in Germany that do not apply in England. Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International, 18(4), 379-388.
  15. Qu, Z., Krauth, C., Amelung, V. E., Kaltenborn, A., Gwiasda, J., Harries, L., ... & Liersch, S. (2018). Decision modelling for economic evaluation of liver transplantation. World Journal of Hepatology, 10(11), 837.
  16. Harries, L., Gwiasda, J., Qu, Z., Schrem, H., Krauth, C., & Amelung, V. E. (2019). Potential savings in the treatment pathway of liver transplantation: an inter-sectorial analysis of cost-rising factors. The European Journal of Health Economics, 20, 281-301..
  17. Qu, Z., Gwiasda, J., Schrem, H., Kaltenborn, A., Harries, L., Beneke, J., ... & Krauth, C. (2018). Evaluation of published assessment tools for comorbidity in liver transplantation: a systematic review protocol. BMJ open, 8(6), e021181.
  18. Qu, Z., Ling, Q., Gwiasda, J., Xu, X., Schrem, H., Beneke, J., ... & Emmanouilidis, N. (2018). Hangzhou criteria are more accurate than Milan criteria in predicting long-term survival after liver transplantation for HCC in Germany. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 403, 643-654.
  19. Qu, Z., Zhao, L. P., Ma, X., & Zhan, S. (2016). Building a patient-specific risk score with a large database of discharge summary reports. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 22, 2097.
  20. Ma, X. M., Chen, X. H., Wang, J. S., Lyman, G. H., Qu, Z., Ma, W., ... & Zhao, L. P. (2015). Evolving healthcare quality in top tertiary general hospitals in China during the China healthcare reform (2010–2012) from the perspective of inpatient mortality. PloS one, 10(12), e0140568.
  21. Zhang, Y., Feng, Y., Qu, Z., Qi, Y., & Zhan, S. (2014). Current situation and challenge of registry in China. Frontiers of Medicine, 8, 294-299.
  22. Zhou, B. Y., Yan, S. Y., Shi, W. L., Qu, Z., Zhao, X., Liu, Z. M., & Pu, X. P. (2014). Serum proteomic analysis reveals high frequency of haptoglobin deficiency and elevated thyroxine level in heroin addicts. Plos one, 9(4), e95345.
  23. Li, S. X., Yan, S. Y., Bao, Y. P., Lian, Z., Qu, Z., Wu, Y. P., & Liu, Z. M. (2013). Depression and alterations in hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal and hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis function in male abstinent methamphetamine abusers. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 28(5), 477-483.
  24. Bao, Y. P., Liu, Z. M., Lian, Z., Li, J. H., Zhang, R. M., Zhang, C. B., Hao, W., Wang, X. Y., Zhao, M., Jiang, H. F., Yan, S. Y., Wang, Q. L., Qu, Z., Zhang, H. R., Wu, P., Shi, J., & Lu, L. (2012). Prevalence and correlates of HIV and HCV infection among amphetamine-type stimulant users in 6 provinces in China. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 60(4), 438–446.
  25. Wu, Y., Yan, S., Bao, Y., Lian, Z., Qu, Z., & Liu, Z. (2016). Cross-sectional study of the severity of self-reported depressive symptoms in heroin users who participate in a methadone maintenance treatment program. Shanghai archives of psychiatry, 28(1), 35–41.
  26. Zhou CK, Qu, Z., & MA, W. (2015). Avoidable hospitalization: concept and implications. Chinese Health Quality Management, 22(6), 18-22.
  27. Sun L, Kong GL, Qu, Z.. The Development of PATH and Its Potential Application in China. Chinese Health Quality Management. 2014:05.
  28. Wang J, Ma XM, Yu GP, et al. Construction of Hospital Evaluation Framework Based on Hospitalization Summary Reports. Chinese Hospital Management. 2013,12(12): 45-48.
  29. Qu, Z., Liu ZM. Application of Improved Randomized Response Technique in Epidemiological Survey on Cigarette Smoking Behavior among Middle School Students in Beijing. Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence. 2012,6(21):432-438.
  30. Qu, Z., Liu ZM. Methcathinone and abuse controls. Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment. 2011,1(18):45-48.


Conference Poster

  • Qu Z, Krauth C (2023). Rural-Urban Disparity in Mortality in Germany From 1999 to 2021. Das Gesundheitswesen 2023; 85(08/09): 815 - 815. doi:10.1055/s-0043-1770620
  • Harries, L., Gwiasda, J., Qu, Z., Schrem, H., Krauth, C., Amelung, V.E. 2018, "Potenzielle Kosteneinsparungen beim Behandlungsverlauf von Lebertransplantationen", Poster und Vortrag: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie, Hamburg
  • Hein, J., Schrem, H., Marcheel, I., Stupak, J., Qu, Z., Gwiasda, J., Kaltenborn, A., Arelin, V., Grannas, G., Klempnauer, J., Beneke, J..2018, "Chronische Nierenerkrankungen nach primärer  Lebertransplantation", Poster: Integrierten Forschungs- und Behandlungszentrums Transplantation (IFB-Tx), Hannover
  • Qu, Z., Zhao, LP., Ma, XM., Zhan, SY. A Novel Broadly Applicable Risk Score for Predicting Mortality of Patients with Circulatory System Diseases Within Hospitalization Duration. The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 6th Asia-Pacific Conference, Beijing, 2014; 36th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Taipei, 2014



Zhi Qu. 2013. Sensitive question investigating device. CN 201220130831/CN202694342 U

  • The utility comprises a plurality of question distribution devices and answer sheets corresponding to each question distribution device and a statistical device. The invention relates to the survey method, and more particularly to a method for investigating sensitive issues of investigative techniques.