Dr. med. Caroline Perner
Research Group "Neuro-Immune-Interactions"

Institut für Immunologie, OE 5240
Tel: 0511 532 9737
E-Mail: Perner.Caroline@mh-hannover.de
The scope of the research group focuses on the close communication between peripheral neurons, especially sensory neurons and innate and adaptive immune cells in physiological conditions, in aging and in different neurological diseases.
Dr. Perner and colleagues deciphered the necessity of sensory neuron function in the initiation of type 2 immune responses to allergens where they studied the interface of the neuropeptide Substance P and skin resident innate immune cells (Perner C. et al. Immunity 2020). With this study they added to an arising field of peripheral neuroimmunology, proving that sensory neurons can be necessary for the initiation of immune responses by direct paracrine communication via neuropeptides. Vice versa, recent studies show how sensory neurons are influenced by the release of specific cytokines that shape their activation threshold and with this sensation, perception and the respective functional behaviour in the individuum. The research group “Neuro-Immune-Interactions” is therefore investigating, how immune cells are shaping sensory neuron physiology during aging and which communication axis (chemokines/cytokines) is provoking sensory neuron dysfunction that can lead to symptoms of neurodegeneration and neuropathy.