Signalübertragung und Genregulation

Projektleitung: Dr. R. Huber, Prof. Dr. K. Brand,
Forschungskonzept: Unsere Arbeitsgruppe beschäftigt sich mit Mechanismen, die an der Terminierung TNF-induzierter Signalübertragung während der TNF-Langzeitinkubation beteiligt sind bzw. die Ausprägung der TNF-Toleranz vermitteln.
Laufende Forschungsprojekte:
- Regulation des nicht-kanonischen NF-κB-Signalwegs durch GSK3 unter TNF-Langzeitinkubation
(Dr. R. Huber, Prof. Dr. K. Brand) - Funktion von MARCKS bei TNF-Toleranz
(Dr. B. Welz)
Leonie Hoffmeister (M.Sc. Biochemie)
Telefon: 0511 532 2522
Friederike Kühl (M.Sc. Molecular Bioscience)
Telefon: 0511 532 5388
Förderung: DFG, DGKL
Ausgewählte Publikationen:
- Welz B, Bikker R, Hoffmeister L, Diekmann M, Christmann M, Brand K, Huber R. (2021). Activation of GSK3 Prevents Termination of TNF-Induced Signaling. J Inflamm Res. 14: 1717-1730.
- Huber R, Augsten S, Kirsten H, Zell R, Stelzner A, Thude H, Eidner T, Stuhlmüller B, Ahnert P, Kinne RW. (2020). Identification of New, Functionally Relevant Mutations in the Coding Regions of the Human Fos and Jun Proto-Oncogenes in Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Tissue. Life. 11: 5.
- Hoffmeister L, Diekmann M, Brand K, Huber R. (2020). GSK3: A Kinase Balancing Promotion and Resolution of Inflammation. Cells. 9: 820.
- Chaturvedi A, Goparaju R, Gupta C, Weder J, Klünemann T, Araujo Cruz MM, Kloos A, Goerlich K, Schottmann R, Othman B, Struys EA, Bähre H, Grote-Koska D, Brand K, Ganser A, Preller M, Heuser M. (2020). In vivo efficacy of mutant IDH1 inhibitor HMS-101 and structural resolution of distinct binding site. Leukemia. 34: 416-426.
- Huber R, Kirsten H, Näkki A, Pohlers D, Thude H, Eidner T, Heinig M, Brand K, Ahnert P, Kinne RW. (2019). Association of human FOS promoter variants with the occurrence of knee-osteoarthritis in a case control association study. Int J Mol Sci. 20: 1382.
- Welz B, Bikker R, Junemann J, Christmann M, Neumann K, Weber M, Hoffmeister L, Preuß K, Pich A, Huber R, Brand K. (2019). Proteome and phospho-proteome analysis in TNF long term-exposed primary human monocytes. Int J Mol Sci. 20: 1241.
- Yu J, Duong VHH, Westphal K, Westphal A, Suwandi A, Grassl GA, Brand K, Chan AC, Föger N, Lee KH. (2018). Surface receptor Toso controls B cell-mediated regulation of T cell immunity. J Clin Invest. 128: 1820-1836.
- Jyotsana N, Sharma A, Chaturvedi A, Scherr M, Kuchenbauer F, Sajti L, Barchanski A, Lindner R, Noyan F, Sühs KW, Grote-Koska D, Brand K, Vornlocher HP, Stanulla M, Bornhauser B, Bourquin JP, Eder M, Thol F, Ganser A, Humphries RK, Ramsay E, Cullis P, Heuser M. (2018). RNA interference efficiently targets human leukemia driven by a fusion oncogene in vivo. Leukemia. 32: 224-226.
- Huber R, Bikker R, Welz B, Christmann M, Brand K. (2017). TNF tolerance in monocytes and macrophages: characteristics and molecular mechanisms. J Immunol Res. 2017: 9570129.
- Bikker R, Christmann M, Preuß K, Welz B, Friesenhagen J, Dittrich-Breiholz O, Huber R, Brand K. (2017). TNF phase III signalling in tolerant cells is tightly controlled by A20 and CYLD. Cell Signal. 37: 123-135.
- Frantzi M, Van Kessel KE, Zwarthoff EC, Marquez M, Rava M, Malats N, Merseburger AS, Katafigiotis I, Stravodimos K, Mullen W, Zoidakis J, Makridakis M, Pejchinovski M, Critselis E, Lichtinghagen R, Brand K, Dakna M, Roubelakis MG, Theodorescu D, Vlahou A, Mischak H, Anagnou NP. (2016). Development and validation of urine-based peptide biomarker panels for detecting bladder cancer in a multi-center study. Clin Cancer Res. 22: 4077-4086.
- Huber R, Pietsch D, Günther J, Welz B, Vogt N, Brand K. (2014). Regulation of monocyte differentiation by specific signaling modules and associated transcription factor networks. Cell Mol Life Sci. 71: 63-92.
- Gunther J, Vogt N, Hampel K, Bikker R, Page S, Müller B, Kandemir J, Kracht M, Dittrich-Breiholz O, Huber R, Brand K. (2014). Identification of two forms of TNF tolerance in human monocytes: differential inhibition of NF-κB/AP-1- and PP1-associated signalling. J Immunol. 192: 3143-3155.