AG Voss (Emmy Noether Research Group)
Our research group focuses on using three-dimensional alveolar lung organoids obtained either from murine adult stem cells or via directed differentiation of human iPS cells into functional type 2 alveolar epithelial cells. By co-culturing immune and structural cells into lung organoids, we model cellular crosstalk in the alveolus.
This helps us to decipher inflammatory processes triggered by environmental cues to understand chronic lung disease initiation.
By using patient-derived iPS cells, we also study the effect of gene deficiencies on alveolar cell functionality. Single-cell transcriptomics, data integration approaches and high-throughput imaging will help us to identify targets for future therapeutic interventions.
Voss, C., Han, L., Ansari, M., Strunz, M., Haefner, V., Ballester-Lopez, C., Angelidis, I., Mayr, C. H., Berthing, T., Conlon, T., Liu, Q., Ren, H., Zhou, Q., Schmid, O., Yildirim, A. Ö., Rehberg, M., Vogel, U., Gote-Schniering, J., Theis, F. J., Schiller, H. B., Stoeger, T. . Cell circuits underlying nanomaterial specific respiratory toxicology. Biorxiv preprint 2024.
Stoleriu, M. G., Ansari, M., Strunz, M., Schamberger, A., Heydarian, M., Ding, Y., Voss, C., Schneider, J. J., Gerckens, M., Burgstaller, G., Castelblanco, A., Kauke, T., Fertmann, J., Schneider, C., Behr, J., Lindner, M., Stacher-Priehse, E., Irmler, M., Beckers, J., Eickelberg, O., Schubert, B., Hauck, S. M., Schmid, O., Hatz, R. A., Stoeger, T., Schiller, H. B., and Hilgendorff, A. 2024. COPD basal cells are primed towards secretory to multiciliated cell imbalance driving increased resilience to environmental stressors. Thorax 79, no. 6:524.
Kastlmeier, M. T., Gonzalez-Rodriguez, E., Cabanis, P., Guenther, E. M., König, A. C., Han, L., Hauck, S. M., See, F., Asgharpour, S., Bukas, C., Burgstaller, G., Piraud, M., Lehmann, M., Hatz, R. A., Behr, J., Stoeger, T., Hilgendorff, A., and Voss, C. 2023. Cytokine signaling converging on IL11 in ILD fibroblasts provokes aberrant epithelial differentiation signatures. Front Immunol 14:1128239.
Kastlmeier, M. T., Guenther, E. M., Stoeger, T., and Voss, C. 2022. Lung Organoids for Hazard Assessment of Nanomaterials. Int J Mol Sci 23, no. 24.
Eberherr, A. C., Maaske, A., Wolf, C., Giesert, F., Berutti, R., Rusha, E., Pertek, A., Kastlmeier, M. T., Voss, C., Plummer, M., Sayed, A., Graf, E., Effner, R., Volz, T., Drukker, M., Strom, T. M., Meitinger, T., Stoeger, T., Buyx, A. M., Hagl, B., and Renner, E. D. 2021. Rescue of STAT3 Function in Hyper-IgE Syndrome Using Adenine Base Editing. Crispr j 4, no. 2:178.
Kokot, H., Kokot, B., Sebastijanović, A., Voss, C., Podlipec, R., Zawilska, P., Berthing, T., Ballester-López, C., Danielsen, P. H., Contini, C., Ivanov, M., Krišelj, A., Čotar, P., Zhou, Q., Ponti, J., Zhernovkov, V., Schneemilch, M., Doumandji, Z., Pušnik, M., Umek, P., Pajk, S., Joubert, O., Schmid, O., Urbančič, I., Irmler, M., Beckers, J., Lobaskin, V., Halappanavar, S., Quirke, N., Lyubartsev, A. P., Vogel, U., Koklič, T., Stoeger, T., and Štrancar, J. 2020. Prediction of Chronic Inflammation for Inhaled Particles: the Impact of Material Cycling and Quarantining in the Lung Epithelium. Adv Mater 32, no. 47:e2003913.
Strunz, M., Simon, L. M., Ansari, M., Kathiriya, J. J., Angelidis, I., Mayr, C. H., Tsidiridis, G., Lange, M., Mattner, L. F., Yee, M., Ogar, P., Sengupta, A., Kukhtevich, I., Schneider, R., Zhao, Z., Voss, C., Stoeger, T., Neumann, J. H. L., Hilgendorff, A., Behr, J., O'Reilly, M., Lehmann, M., Burgstaller, G., Königshoff, M., Chapman, H. A., Theis, F. J., and Schiller, H. B. 2020. Alveolar regeneration through a Krt8+ transitional stem cell state that persists in human lung fibrosis. Nat Commun 11, no. 1:3559.