Tools and Technologies for Breakthrough in Heart Therapies- in short TECHNOBEAT is part of the Horizon 2020 funding programme of the European Commission.
TECHNOBEAT is rooted in the extensive, interdisciplinary research by basic and applied scientists at the LEBAO and clinicians at the HTTG (Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery) on the MHH campus. Substantial recent progress in i) human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) reprogramming and tailored genetic engineering (RG Martin), ii) novel methods for hiPSC mass production in controlled bioreactors including cardiac (RG Zweigerdt) and endothelial differentiation (RG Olmer), as well as iii) animal models of heart failure and cell therapies (RGs Haverich, Cebotari, Martens) paved the way to the EU Horizon2020 funded, trans European Network TECHNOBEAT.
The interdisciplinary TECHNOBEAT consortium consists of renowned experts from six European countries and Israel working in the fields of cell therapy, tissue engineering, stem cell processing and clinical translation. Together we aim to provide new treatment options for patients suffering from heart failure due to the loss of heart muscle tissue following myocardial infarction (heart attack).

September 2019
TECHNOBEAT Pre X-Mas Sympoium on iPS Based Cell Therapies- From Bench to Bedside
3-4 December 2019 in Hannover
Click here for more information