Ayesha Sarfraz
PhD Student M.Sc.

Tel: +49 511 532-2737 (Büro) -3654 (Labor)
Fax: +49 511 532-161215
Adresse: Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1, MHH Campus,
Gebäude J03, Block 01, Ebene 03, Raum 1350
Ayesha completed her Bachelors studies (B.Sc.) in Microbiology from Government College University (GCU), Lahore, Pakistan. Later, she embarked on Masters studies (M.Sc) in Biology from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan.
Aktuelle Projekte:
In August 2022, Ayesha joined the research group of Dr. Mamta Amrute-Nayak at the Institute for Molecular and Cell physiology to pursue her doctoral studies. Her project involves the investigation of molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac dysfunction in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.