Mugeng Li


Copyright Mugeng Li, MHH, MZP
Mugeng Li, MHH, MZP


►Mugeng Li

Tel:  +49 511 532 -3803 (Büro),

Fax: +49 511 532-161215

Adresse: 30625 Hannover, Carl-Neuberg-Str.1

Büro:  Gebäude J03, Block 01, Ebene 03, Raum 1090

Mugeng Li


  • Since 07/2023 doctoral student in the research group of Dr. Arnab Nayak, Institute of Molecular and Cell Physiology, Hannover Medical School.
  • 2020-2023 MSc in Engineering in Bio-engineering (Biology and Medicine) at the Northeast Forestry University, China.
  • 2016-2020 BSc. In Seed Science and Engineering at the Northeast Agricultural University, China.



  • Emerging role of the SUMO pathway in myogenic differentiation and muscle function.



Western blot; ELISA; Yeast two-hybrid; In vitro Protein Ubiquitination Assays; Molecular cloning; Expression (in E. coli.) and purification of recombinant protein; Polyclonal Antibody Preparation; Protein structure prediction; Real time qPCR.



  • National Motivational Scholarship, highest scholarship, Minisitry of Education of China.
  • First-class Scholarship for Postgraduates, Northeast Forestry University.
  • First-class Scholarship in Agronomy, Northeast Agricultural University.
  • The Title of 'Merit student', Northeast Agricultural University.