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Hanke AA, Sundermeier T, Boeck HT, Schieffer E, Boyen J, Braun AC, Rolff S, Stein L, Kück M, Schiffer M, Pape L, de Zwaan M, Haufe S, Kerling A, Tegtbur U and Nöhre M (2020). Influence of Officially Ordered Restrictions During the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Patients after Kidney Transplantation in a Telemedicine Based Aftercare Program-A KTx360° Sub Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Dec 7;17(23):9144.
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Haufe S, Kahl KG, Kerling A, Protte G, Bayerle P, Stenner HT, Rolff S, Sundermeier T, Eigendorf J, Kück M, Hanke AA, Keller-Varady K, Ensslen R, Nachbar L, Lauenstein D, Böthig D, Terkamp C, Stiesch M, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Haverich A and Tegtbur U (2020). Employers With Metabolic Syndrome and Increased Depression/Anxiety Severity Profit Most From Structured Exercise Intervention for Work Ability and Quality of Life. Front Psychiatry. 2020 Jun 18;11:562.
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Hein M, Chobanyan-Jürgens K, Tegtbur U, Engeli S, Jordan J and Haufe S. Effect of normobaric hypoxic exercise on blood pressure in old individuals. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2021, Mar 121(3):817-825.
Gutenbrunner C, Briest J, Egen C, Sturm C, Schiller J, Kahl KG, Tegtbur U, Fuhr H, Korallus C. "Fit for work and life": an innovative concept to improve health and work ability of employees, integrating prevention, therapy and rehabilitation. J Rehabil Med. 2021 May 31;53(5):jrm00199.
Hennemann K, Bauer-Hohmann M, Klewitz F, Tegtbur U, Pape L, Schiffer L, Schiffer M, de Zwaan M, Nöhre M. Organ integration in kidney transplant patients - Results of a KTx360° substudy. J Psychosom Res. 2021 Jun;145:110464.
Horstmann H, Petri M, Tegtbur U, Felmet G, Krettek C, Jagodzinski M. Quadriceps and hamstring tendon autografts in ACL reconstruction yield comparably good results in a prospective, randomized controlled trial. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2021 Mar 19.
Falz R, Thieme R, Tegtbur U, Bischoff C, Leps C, Hillemanns P, Kohlhaw K, Klempnauer J, Lordick F, Stolzenburg JU, Aktas B, Weitz J, Bork U, Wimberger P, Thomas C, Biemann R, Jansen-Winkeln B, Schulze A, Gockel I, Busse M. CRBP-TS - evaluation of a home-based training and health care program for colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer using telemonitoring and self-management: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2021 Feb 23;13(1):15.
Schiffer L, Gertges R, Nöhre M, Schieffer E, Tegtbur U, Pape L, de Zwaan M, Schiffer M. Use and preferences regarding internet-based health care delivery in patients with chronic kidney disease. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2021 Feb 1;21(1):34.
Haufe S, Hupa-Breier KL, Bayerle P, Boeck HT, Rolff S, Sundermeier T, Kerling A, Eigendorf J, Kück M, Hanke AA, Ensslen R, Nachbar L, Lauenstein D, Böthig D, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Stiesch M, Terkamp C, Wedemeyer H, Haverich A, Tegtbur U. Telemonitoring-Supported Exercise Training in Employees With Metabolic Syndrome Improves Liver Inflammation and Fibrosis. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2021 Jun 18;12(6):e00371.
Yamada S, Takahashi S, Malchow B, Papazova I, Stöcklein S, Ertl-Wagner B, Papazov B, Kumpf U, Wobrock T, Keller-Varady K, Hasan A, Falkai P, Wagner E, Raabe FJ, Keeser D. Cognitive and functional deficits are associated with white matter abnormalities in two independent cohorts of patients with schizophrenia. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2021 Dec 21.
Ricke-Hoch M, Stelling E, Lasswitz L, Gunesch AP, Kasten M, Zapatero-Belinchón FJ, Brogden G, Gerold G, Pietschmann T, Montiel V, Balligand JL, Facciotti F, Hirsch E, Gausepohl T, Elbahesh H, Rimmelzwaan GF, Höfer A, Kühnel MP, Jonigk D, Eigendorf J, Tegtbur U, Mink L, Scherr M, Illig T, Schambach A, Pfeffer TJ, Hilfiker A, Haverich A, Hilfiker-Kleiner D. Impaired immune response mediated by prostaglandin E2 promotes severe COVID-19 disease. PLoS One. 2021 Aug 4;16(8):e0255335.
Heyken M, Horstmann H, Kerling A, Albrecht K, Kedia G, Kück M, Tegtbur U, Hanke A. COMPARISON OF WEARABLES FOR SELF-MONITORING OF HEART RATE IN CORONARY REHABILITATION PATIENTS. Georgian Med News. 2021 Jun;(315):78-85.
Kiehl A, Stein L, Kerling A, Tegtbur U, Kaeding TS. Sinus-like versus random vibration: Acute effects on elderly people with a high risk of falling. Gait Posture. 2021 Oct;90:36-42.
Grams L, Nelius AK, Pastor GG, Sillero-Quintana M, Veiga ÓL, Homeyer D, Kück M. Comparison of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet between Spanish and German School-Children and Influence of Gender, Overweight, and Physical Activity. Nutrients. 2022 Nov 7;14(21):4697.
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Frett T, Lecheler L, Speer M, Marcos D, Pesta D, Tegtbur U, Schmitz MT, Jordan J, Green DA. Comparison of trunk muscle exercises in supine position during short arm centrifugation with 1 g at centre of mass and upright in 1 g. Front Physiol. 2022 Aug 17;13:955312.
Horstmann H, Petri M, Tegtbur U, Felmet G, Krettek C, Jagodzinski M. Quadriceps and hamstring tendon autografts in ACL reconstruction yield comparably good results in a prospective, randomized controlled trial. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2022 Feb;142(2):281-289.
Sugianto RI, Memaran N, Schmidt BMW, Doyon A, Thurn-Valsassina D, Alpay H, Anarat A, Arbeiter K, Azukaitis K, Bayazit AK, Bulut IK, Caliskan S, Canpolat N, Duzova A, Gellerman J, Harambat J, Homeyer D, Litwin M, Mencarelli F, Obrycki L, Paripovic D, Ranchin B, Shroff R, Tegtbur U, von der Born J, Yilmaz E, Querfeld U, Wühl E, Schaefer F, Melk A. Findings from 4C-T Study demonstrate an increased cardiovascular burden in girls with end stage kidney disease and kidney transplantation. Kidney Int. 2022 Mar;101(3):585-596.
Birkefeld K, Bauer-Hohmann M, Klewitz F, Kyaw Tha Tun EM, Tegtbur U, Pape L, Schiffer L, Schiffer M, de Zwaan M, Nöhre M. Prevalence of Mental Disorders in a German Kidney Transplant Population: Results of a KTx360°-Substudy. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2022 Dec;29(4):963-976.
Walnik L, Kück M, Tegtbur U, Fischer V, Kerling A. Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Quality of Life in German Medical Students. Nutrients. 2022 Dec 17;14(24):5375.
Sugianto RI, Memaran N, Schmidt BMW, Doyon A, Thurn-Valsassina D, Alpay H, Anarat A, Arbeiter K, Azukaitis K, Bayazit AK, Bulut IK, Caliskan S, Canpolat N, Duzova A, Gellerman J, Harambat J, Homeyer D, Litwin M, Mencarelli F, Obrycki L, Paripovic D, Ranchin B, Shroff R, Tegtbur U, Born JV, Yilmaz E, Querfeld U, Wühl E, Schaefer F, Melk A. Response to the commentary "Modeling pulse wave velocity trajectories-challenges, opportunities, and pitfalls". Kidney Int. 2022 Oct;102(4):938-939.
Yamada S, Takahashi S, Malchow B, Papazova I, Stöcklein S, Ertl-Wagner B, Papazov B, Kumpf U, Wobrock T, Keller-Varady K, Hasan A, Falkai P, Wagner E, Raabe FJ, Keeser D. Cognitive and functional deficits are associated with white matter abnormalities in two independent cohorts of patients with schizophrenia. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2022 Sep;272(6):957-969.
Tsikas D, Maassen N, Thorns A, Finkel A, Lützow M, Röhrig MA, Blau LS, Dimina L, Mariotti F, Beckmann B, Shushakov V, Jantz M. Short-Term Supplementation of Sodium Nitrate vs. Sodium Chloride Increases Homoarginine Synthesis in Young Men Independent of Exercise. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 13;23(18):10649.
Haufe S, Boeck HT, Häckl S, Boyen J, Kück M, van Rhee CC, Graf von der Schulenburg JM, Zeidler J, Schmidt T, Johannsen H, Holzwart D, Koch A, Tegtbur U. Impact of electrically assisted bicycles on physical activity and traffic accident risk: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2022 Sep 12;8(4):e001275.
Huebner AK, Haufe S, Kerling A, Protte G, Bayerle P, Boeck HT, Rolff S, Sundermeier T, Kück M, Strunk S, Nachbar L, Tegtbur U and de Zwaan M (2022). Thriving on Job Demands? Exploring Associations between Goal Uncertainty, Anxiety, and Job Autonomy for Employees with Metabolic Syndrome. European Journal of Environment and Public Health, 6(2), em0119.
Huebner AK, Haufe S, Kerling A, Protte G, Bayerle P, Boeck HT, Rolff S, Sundermeier T, Kueck M, Strunk S, Nachbar L, Tegtbur U, De Zwaan M. The role of organizational exercise climate for physical activity promotion of employees with metabolic syndrome: Testing a psychosocial mediator model. J Health Soc Sci. 2022;7(3):296-311.
Bayerle P, Kerling A, Kück M, Rolff S, Boeck HT, Sundermeier T, Ensslen R, Tegtbur U, Lauenstein D, Böthig D, Bara C, Hanke A, Terkamp C, Haverich A, Stiesch M, de Zwaan M, Haufe S, Nachbar L. Effectiveness of wearable devices as a support strategy for maintaining physical activity after a structured exercise intervention for employees with metabolic syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2022 Feb 10;14(1):24.
Bayerle P, Haufe S, Kück M, Protte G, Kerling A, Ewers S, Boeck HT, Sundermeier T, Ensslen R, Kahl KG, Haverich A, Tegtbur U, Nachbar L. The Impact of Body Weight Changes versus Exercise Capacity Changes on Health-Related Factors following a Lifestyle Intervention in Employees with Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients. 2022 Oct 29;14(21):4560.
Bayerle P, Beyer S, Tegtbur U, Kück M, Adel J, Kwast S, Pökel C, Kerling A, Busse M. Exercise Capacity, Iron Status, Body Composition, and Mediterranean Diet in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. Nutrients. 2022 Dec 21;15(1):36.
von der Born J, Baberowski S, Memaran N, Grams L, Homeyer D, Borchert-Mörlins B, Sugianto RI, Paulsen M, Bauer E, Grabitz C, Schmidt BMW, Kerling A, Beerbaum P, Stiesch M, Tegtbur U, Melk A. Impact of Sex and Obesity on Echocardiographic Parameters in Children and Adolescents. Pediatr Cardiol. 2022 Oct;43(7):1502-1516.
Götte M, Söntgerath R, Gauß G, Wiskemann J, Buždon M, Kesting S. A National Implementation Approach for Exercise as Usual Care in Pediatric and Adolescent Oncology: Network ActiveOncoKids. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2022 Nov 1;34(4):219–226.
Radtke T, Kriemler S, Stein L, Karila C, Urquhart DS, Orenstein DM, Lands LC, Schindler C, Eber E, Haile SR, Hebestreit H; ACTIVATE-CF Study Working Group. Cystic fibrosis related diabetes is not associated with maximal aerobic exercise capacity in cystic fibrosis: a cross-sectional analysis of an international multicenter trial. J Cyst Fibros. 2022 Jul 5:S1569-1993(22)00599-9.
Hebestreit H, Kriemler S, Schindler C, Stein L, Karila C, Urquhart DS, Orenstein DM, Lands LC, Schaeff J, Eber E, Radtke T; ACTIVATE-CF Study Working Group. Effects of a Partially Supervised Conditioning Program in Cystic Fibrosis: An International Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial (ACTIVATE-CF). Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Feb 1;205(3):330-339.
Roy R, Kück M, Radziwolek L, Kerling A. Iron Deficiency in Adolescent and Young Adult German Athletes-A Retrospective Study. Nutrients. 2022 Oct 27;14(21):4511.
Maurus I, Röll L, Keeser D, Karali T, Papazov B, Hasan A, Schmitt A, Papazova I, Lembeck M, Hirjak D, Thieme CE, Sykorova E, Münz S, Seitz V, Greska D, Campana M, Wagner E, Löhrs L, Pömsl J, Roeh A, Malchow B, Keller-Varady K, Ertl-Wagner B, Stöcklein S, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Falkai P. Associations between aerobic fitness, negative symptoms, cognitive deficits and brain structure in schizophrenia-a cross-sectional study. Schizophrenia (Heidelb). 2022 Aug 2;8(1):63.
Roell L, Maurus I, Keeser D, Karali T, Papazov B, Hasan A, Schmitt A, Papazova I, Lembeck M, Hirjak D, Sykorova E, Thieme CE, Muenz S, Seitz V, Greska D, Campana M, Wagner E, Loehrs L, Stoecklein S, Ertl-Wagner B, Poemsl J, Roeh A, Malchow B, Keller-Varady K, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Falkai P. Association between aerobic fitness and the functional connectome in patients with schizophrenia. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2022 Oct;272(7):1253-1272.
Post-COVID-19 syndrome: Physical capacity, fatigue and quality of life.PLoS One. 2023 Oct 23;18(10):e0292928.
Beyer S, Haufe S, Meike D, Scharbau M, Lampe V, Dopfer-Jablonka A, Tegtbur U, Pink I, Drick N, Kerling A.
Impact of home-based training and nutritional behavior on body composition and metabolic markers in cancer patients: data from the CRBP-TS study. Front Nutr. 2023 Sep 19:10:1152218.
Darmochwal S, Bischoff C, Thieme R, Gockel I, Tegtbur U, Hillemanns P, Schulze A, Voss J, Falz R, Busse M.
Effect of home-based online training and activity feedback on oxygen uptake in patients after surgical cancer therapy: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Med. 2023 Aug 8;21(1):293.
Falz R, Bischoff C, Thieme R, Tegtbur U, Hillemanns P, Stolzenburg JU, Aktas B, Bork U, Weitz J, Lässing J, Leps C, Voß J, Lordick F, Schulze A, Gockel I, Busse M.
Oral fructose intake does not improve exercise, visual, or cognitive performance during acute normobaric hypoxia in healthy humans. Front Nut. 2023 Jul 21:10:1170873
Post TE, Schmitz J, Denney C, De Gioannis R, Weis H, Pesta D, Peter A, Birkenfeld AL, Haufe S, Tegtbur U, Frings-Meuthen P, Ewald AC, Aeschbach D, Jordan
Personalized training as a promoter for physical activity in people with depressive disorder-a randomized controlled trial in Germany. Front Psychiatry. 2023 Jun 29:14:1158705.
Keller-Varady K, Haufe S, Schieffer E, Kerling A, Tegtbur U, Kahl K G.
Cardiovascular health and potential cardiovascular risk factors in young athletes. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Jun 2:10:1081675.
Grabitz C, Sprung KM, Amagliani L, Memaran N, Schmidt BMW, Tegtbur U, von der Born J, Kerling A, Melk A.
Participating in a School-Integrated Daily Exercise Program Improves Motor Performance Significantly in School-Children. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Mar 8;20(6):4764.
Homeyer D, Memaran N, Kück M, Grams L, von der Born J, Bauer E, Schwalba M, Kerling A, von Maltzahn N, Albrecht A, Haverich A, Stiesch M, Melk A, Tegtbur U.
Effects of a randomized-controlled and online-supported physical activity intervention on exercise capacity, fatigue and health related quality of life in patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome - BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2024 Feb 2;16(1):33.
Kerling A, Beyer S, Dirks M, Scharbau M, Hennemann A-K, Dopfer-Jablonka A, Lampe V, Salzmann J H W, Tegtbur U, Drick N, Pink I, Haufe S
COVID-19 in Female and Male Athletes: Symptoms, Clinical Findings, Outcome, and Prolonged Exercise Intolerance-A Prospective, Observational, Multicenter Cohort Study (CoSmo-S) - Sports Med. 2024 Jan 11.
Widmann M, Gaidai R, Schubert I, Grummt M, Bensen L, Kerling A, Quermann A, Zacher J, Vollrath S, Bizjak D A, Beckendorf C, Egger F, Hasler E, Mellwig K-P, Fütterer C, Wimbauer F, Vogel A, Schoenfeld J, Wüstenfeld J C, Kastner T, Barsch F, Friedmann-Bette B, Bloch W, Meyer T, Mayer F, Wolfarth B, Roecker K, Reinsberger C, Haller B, Niess A M, CoSmo-S Consortium
Adiposity influences on myocardial deformation: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking study in people with overweight to obesity without established cardiovascular disease - Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2024 Feb 2
Bolz C, Blaszczyk E, Mayr T, Lim C, Haufe S, Jordan J, Barckow P, Gröschel J, Schulz-Menger J
A multimodal aftercare intervention improves the outcome after kidney transplantation - results of the KTx360° aftercare program using claims data - EClinicalMedicine. 2024 May
Lars Pape, Martina DeZwaan, Mariel Nöhre, Felix Klewitz, Eva Kyaw Tha Tun, Jenny Prüfe, Lena Schiffer, Raoul Gertges, Elisabeth Schieffer, Alexander Albrecht, Hedwig Theda Boeck, Volker Kliem , Julia Katharina Wolff, Paul Ludolph, Julia Talamo, Hans-Dieter Nolting, Marietta Lieb, Yesim Erim, Helge Krusemark, Olaf Gefeller, Isabelle Kaiser, Uwe Tegtbur, Mario Schiffer; KTx360°-Study Group
Physical activity and its impact on cardiovascular health in pediatric kidney transplant recipients - Pediatr Nephrol. 2024 May
Lena Kohlmeier, Jeannine von der Born, Elena Lehmann, Kerstin Fröde, Carl Grabitz, Anne-Sophie Greiner, Alexander Albrecht, Nima Memaran, Rizky I Sugianto, Uwe Tegtbur, Bernhard M W Schmidt, Nele Kanzelmeyer, Anette Melk
Role of human Kallistatin in glucose and energy homeostasis in mice - Mol Metab. 2024 Apr.
Leontine Sandforth, Sebastian Brachs, Julia Reinke, Diana Willmes, Gencer Sancar, Judith Seigner, David Juarez-Lopez, Arvid Sandforth, Jeffrey D McBride, Jian-Xing Ma, Sven Haufe, Jens Jordan, Andreas L Birkenfeld
COVID-19 in Female and Male Athletes: Symptoms, Clinical Findings, Outcome, and Prolonged Exercise Intolerance-A Prospective, Observational, Multicenter Cohort Study (CoSmo-S) - Sports Med. 2024 Apr.
Manuel Widmann, Roman Gaidai, Isabel Schubert, Maximilian Grummt, Lieselotte Bensen, Arno Kerling, Anne Quermann, Jonas Zacher, Shirin Vollrath, Daniel Alexander Bizjak, Claudia Beckendorf, Florian Egger, Erik Hasler, Klaus-Peter Mellwig, Cornelia Fütterer, Fritz Wimbauer, Azin Vogel, Julia Schoenfeld, Jan C Wüstenfeld, Tom Kastner, Friedrich Barsch, Birgit Friedmann-Bette, Wilhelm Bloch, Tim Meyer, Frank Mayer, Bernd Wolfarth, Kai Roecker, Claus Reinsberger, Bernhard Haller, Andreas M Niess; CoSmo-S Consortium
Adherence to long-term telemonitoring-supported physical activity in patients with chronic heart failure - Sci Rep. 2024 Sep.
Pauline Lödding, Sebastian Beyer, Christoph Pökel, Momme Kück, Christian Leps, Lukas Radziwolek, Arno Kerling, Sven Haufe, Antina Schulze, Stefan Kwast, Johannes Voß, Christian Kubaile, Uwe Tegtbur, Martin Busse
Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Show Fewer Sex-Related Differences in Their Dietary Behavior Than the General Population: A Qualitative Analysis - Nutrients. 2024 Sep
Lea Pueschel, Fabian Kockelmann, Momme Kueck, Uwe Tegtbur, Masoumeh Attaran-Bandarabadi, Oliver Bachmann, Heiner Wedemeyer, Henrike Lenzen, Miriam Wiestler
Exploring Physical Activity, Sleep, and Nutrition's Role in Fatigue Among Post-COVID-19 Patients - Nutrients. 2024 Nov
Isabell Pink, Miriam Wiestler, Lea Pueschel, Jannik Ruwisch, Nora Drick, Lennart Boblitz, Michele Scharbau, Tobias Welte, Sven Haufe, Uwe Tegtbur, Momme Kück, Arno Kerling, Sebastian Beyer
Effects of postoperative physical exercise rehabilitation on cardiorespiratory fitness, functional capacity and quality of life in patients with colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer - a systematic review and meta-analysis - J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2024 Dec 24
Mailin Beyer, Christian Bischoff, Johannes Lässing, Ines Gockel, Roberto Falz