AG Sodeik

Research summary

The Cell Biology of Viral Infections:
Herpes Simplex Virus - a hitch hiker’s guide to epithelial cells, neurons and immune cells

Our group is interested in the cell biology of alpha herpesviruses. How does a virus get access to a cell, disassemble to release its genome for transcription and replication, and how is - within a couple of hours - the viral program switched to virus assembly and egress?
Our focus is to analyze all virus-host interactions of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) in cell types that it also interacts with in the human host: epithelial cells, neurons and immune cells. Towards this end, we investigate the virus-host cell interactions that are required for efficient HSV1 cell entry, nuclear targeting of the viral genome, viral gene expression, virus assembly, egress and spread.  We use HSV1 mutants as well as state-of-the-art biochemical, life-cell imaging approaches and electron microscopy to characterize how HSV1 activates cellular signal transduction cascades to utilize the actin cytoskeleton, the microtubule transport machinery, the nuclear import machinery, and the membranes of the secretory pathway during HSV1 cell entry as well as assembly.

Group members

Prof. Sodeik/MHH Virologie
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Beate Sodeik

Team leader

  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Beate Sodeik

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (Hannover Medical School)
Institute of Virology, OE5230
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover

Phone +49 511 532 2846
Departmental Secretary +49 511 532 6736
Laboratory +49 511 532 - 2845 / -4225 | FAX +49 511 532 8736

Dr. Sodeik studied biology in Bonn (1982-88), and obtained a Diploma in Cell Biology analyzing autophagy in the single cell animal Amoeba proteus. She then trained as a DAAD fellow (German Academic Exchange Service; 1988/89) at Columbia University Medical School, College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, USA working on integrin receptors of human neutrophils. For her PhD project in cell biology (1989-93), she moved to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, and initiated a project on the assembly of vaccinia virus in the laboratory of Dr. Gareth Griffiths. She later joined the group of Prof. Ari Helenius at Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA as an EMBO postdoctoral fellow and later associate, to set up the analysis of virus-host interactions during the early phase of herpes simplex virus infection (1993-97). From 1997 until 2002 she was a senior scientist and research group leader at Hannover Medical School in the Institute of Physiological Chemistry. After her postdoctoral thesis in biochemistry ("Habilitation"), she became Assistant Professor in 2002, and Associate Professor in 2007 at the Institute of Virology at Hannover Medical School.

Annerose Binz/MHH

Annerose Binz

  • Research Assistant
    (since 01/2006)

Phone: +49 511 532 - 2845

Franziska Hüsers/MHH

Franziska Hüsers

  • MSc, Predoctoral Scientist
    (since 09/2019)

Phone: +49 511 532 -2845

Anja Pohlmann/MHH

Dipl. Ing. FH Anja Pohlmann

  • Dipl.-Ing. FH, Research Assistant
    (since 08/2009)

Phone: +49 511 532 -2845

Julio César Villalvazo Guerrero  /MHH

Dr. rer. nat. Julio César Villalvazo Guerrero

  • Pre- and Postdoctoral Scientist
    (since 10/2014)

Phone: +49 511 532 -2845/ -4225

Tsung-Yu Chao

  • MSc, Predoctoral Scientist
    (since 10/2021)

Phone: +49 511 532 -2845

Kai Wenk

  • MSc, Predoctoral Scientist
    (since 10/2022)

Phone: +49 511 532 -2845

Konstantinos Gaitanis

  • MSc, Predoctoral Scientist
    (since 10/2024)

Phone: +49 511 532 -2845

Sodeik Group

AG Sodeik/MHH

Sodeik Group 2018

Alumni of the Group

Richardo, Timmy - Dr. rer. nat., Predoctoral Scientist (2018-2023)
Deng, Liyao - Dr. rer. nat., Predoctoral Scientist (2021-2023)
Cornelius, Angela - Dr. rer. nat., Predoctoral Scientist (2018-2023)
Döhner, Katinka - Dr. rer. nat., Postdoctoral Scientist (1999-2022)
Serrero, Manutea - Dr. rer. nat., Pre and Postdoctoral Scientist (2016-2022)
Otoo, Dorcas - Dr. rer. nat., Predoctoral Scientist (2015-2018)
Hickford Martinez, Ana - MSc, Predoctoral Scientist (2014-2019)
Buch, Anna - Dipl.-Biotechnol., Predoctoral Scientist (2008-2018)
Hinz, Angelika - MSc, Predoctoral Scientist (2012-2016)
Prank, Ute - Research Assistant (1998-2016)
Hinz, Angelika - MSc, Predoctoral Scientist (2012-2016)
Ivanova, Lyudmila - MSc, Predoctoral Scientist (2011-2016)
Bialy, Dagmara - Postdoctoral Scientist (2010-2015)
Koithan, Thalea - Dipl.-Biotechnol., Predoctoral Scientist (2007-2014)
Devadas, Deepika - MSc, Predoctoral Scientist (2009-2013)
Daniela Kieneke - Postdoctoral Scientist (2008-2012)
Malte Sandbaumhüter - Postdoctoral Scientist (2008-2012)
Randi Diestel - Postdoctoral Scientist (2011-2012)
Maike Hegemann – MSc Biomedicine (2012)
Katharina Goris - Postdoctoral Scientist (2010-2012)
Yuan Zhao – Postdoctoral Scientist (2010-2012)
Lisa Oestereich - Diplom Biochemistry (2010-2011)
Julia Schipke - Dr. rer. nat., Pre and Postdoctoral Scientist (2005-2010)
Sandra Oetjen - MSc Biomedizin, MSc student (2010)
Michela Cappucci - MSc Animal Biology & MSc student (2010)
Kathrin Rode - Dr. rer. nat., Pre- and Postdoctoral Scientist (2003-2009)
Tanja Bosse - Dr. rer. nat., Postdoctoral Scientist (2007 - 2009)
Sandra Rittweger – Human biology Diploma Student (2008 - 2009)
Janus, Jessica - Dr. rer. nat., Predoctoral Scientist (2005-2009)
Kerstin Radtke - Dr. rer. nat., Pre- and Postdoctoral Scientist (2004-2009)
Bastian Schirmer - Dipl.-Biochem., Diploma Student (2008-2009)
Volker Rust - Dipl.-Biol., Diploma Student (2007-2008)
Claus-Henning Nagel - Dr. rer nat., Pre- and Postdoctoral Scientist (2002-2008)
Christof Bohnen - Dipl.-Biochem., Diploma Student (2006-2007)
Mojgan Fathollahy - Research Assistant (2001-2007)
Kristina Theusner - Dr. rer. nat., Predoctoral Scientist (2003-2007)
Klaas Mulder - Visiting Master Student from Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006)
Michaela Nygårdas - Visiting DAAD PhD Fellow from Turku, Finland (2006)
André Wolfstein - Dr. rer. nat., Pre- and Postdoctoral Scientist (1998-2006)
Falk Büttner - Dr. rer. nat., Diploma Student (2004)
Simone Schmidt - Veterinary Doctor, Predoctoral Scientist (2001-2003)
Stefan Borsutzky - Dr. rer. nat., Diploma Student (2002)
Sabrina Marozin - Veterinary Doctor, Predoctoral Scientist (2001-2002)
Tanja Strive - Dr. rer. nat., Postdoctoral Scientist (2001-2002)
Kirstin Suck (nee Kitzler) - Dr. rer. nat., Diploma Student (2001-2002)
Doris Meder - Dr. rer. nat., Diploma Student (1999)


Current funding

DFG - Collaborative Research Centre 900 (Chronic infections: microbial persistence and its control)
DZIF - German Center for Infection Research
  • Infections of the immunocompromised host – TTU IICH

  • Developing new antiviral therapies

DZIF website
EDGE (Training network providing cutting-EDGE knowlEDGE on Herpes Virology and Immunology)
Excellence Cluster “RESIST”

Identification of druggable steps during Herpesvirus Assembly – Project D2

Tackling innovative Drug Targets against…