Mitarbeiter der AG Behrens
Dr. Metodi Stankov, PhD in Molecular Biology an der MHH, 'Molecular analysis of the HIV-therapy associated lipodystrophy syndrome', 2007. Zunächst als Postdoc und weiter nach der Promotion in der Arbeitsgruppe.
Tel. 0511 532 9781 Fax -9783
email Metodi Stankov
Prof. Dr. med. Alexandra Jablonka, Flüchtlingsmedizin
Tel. 0511 532 5337 Fax -9783
Melanie Ignacio, Sekretariat
Tel. 0511 532 5337 Fax -9783
Anne Cossmann, Doktorandin, Studienassistentin
Tel. 0511 532 5755 Fax -9783
Marion Hitzigrath, MTA
Tel. 0511 532 9780 Fax -9783
Gema Morillas Ramos, PhD Studentin Molecular Medicine
Tel. 0511 532 9780 Fax -9783
Luis Manthey, Studentische Hilfskraft
Tel. 0511 532 5755 Fax -9783
Noemí Calderón Hampel, Bundesfreiwilligendienstleistende
Tel. 0511 532 5755 Fax -9783
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Till Redeker, Studentische Hilfskraft
Laura Hetzel, Bundesfreiwilligendienstleistende
Madeleine Rommel, Studentische Hilfskraft
Annkathrin Anton, Studentische Hilfskraft
Annika Heidemann, Bundesfreiwilligendienstleistende
Friederike Grundstedt-Rataj, MTA
Hannah Bartmann, MTA
Dr. Ramachandramouli Budida, PhD in Molecular Biology.
Dr. Hazel Lin, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).
Dr. Harshit Shah, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).
Hanna Holst, Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin B. Sc.
Dr. Deepika Pothiraju, PhD in Molecular Biology.
Dr. Kim Annchen Tappe, PhD MD/PhD Programm Infection Biology.
Dr. Adan Jirmo Chari, PhD MD/PhD Programm Molecular Medicine.
C.K. Prajeeth, PhD in the excellent MD/PhD Program Molecular Medicine.
Abdul Mannan Baru, PhD in the excellent MD/PhD Program Molecular Medicine.
Lizandra Pontes, PhD.
Andre Dejam, doctoral thesis in medicine.
Maximiliane Wiese, doctoral thesis in medicine.
Miriam Mazegga, doctoral thesis in medicine.
Michael Kaspari, doctoral thesis in medicine.
Heide Horstkotte, doctoral thesis in medicine.
Hannelore Constabel, PhD student.
Christina Hartwig, PhD student.
Jayendra Kumar Krishnaswamy, MSc, PhD student.