
The organisational structure of TECHNOBEAT is dedicated to ensure the timely management and achievement of scientific objectives within the budget. To this end, an organisational structure comprising the following consortium bodies is in place:


  • The coordinator Dr. Robert Zweigerdt acts as the intermediary between the consortium partners and the European Commission. Furthermore he oversees all aspects of work flow processes, scientific progress and publications

  • The project manager Hannah Arpke watches the day-to-day operations of the project in administrative matters, ensures fluid communication between all partners, between the European Commission and partners, conducts public outreach and oversees the reporting to the European Commission.

  • The Steering Committee (SC) is composed of the principal investigators of every partner. The SC is the ultimate decision-making body of the consortium supervising the execution of the project is comprised of a representative from each partner.

  • An external Advisory Board (AB) provides advice on ethics, scientific and regulatory questions as well as exploitation opportunities.