copyright: Nico Lachmann

Angewandte Stammzell- und Translationale Makrophagen- Forschung

copyright: Nico Lachmann

Applied Stem Cells and Translational Macrophage Research


Die AG Lachmann ist Mitglied im Cluster of Excellence „RESIST“,  „REBIRTH – Forschungszentrum für Translationale und Regenerative Medizin“ und dem „DZL - Deutschen Zentrum für Lungenforschung“. Die Arbeitsgruppe befasst sich mit der Entwicklung von neuartigen, zell-basierten Therapien für seltene und häufige Erkrankungen mit einem Schwerpunkt für Lungenerkrankungen. Dabei werden unterschiedliche Typen von Stammzellen, wie z.B. induzierte pluripotente Stammzellen (iPSC), genutzt. Die Arbeiten verbinden translationale Stammzellforschung mit neuesten Einblicken in die Entstehung von Krankheiten, hierbei liegt der Fokus auf Infektionskrankheiten. Das resultierende verbesserte Verständnis wird in die Entwicklung von innovativen Technologien zur Gewinnung von Blutzellen (Schwerpunkt Fresszellen) überführt, um daraus zukunftsfähige, zell-basierte Immuntherapien für Patienten zu entwickeln.

Focus of research

The lab is a member of the Cluster of Excellence “RESIST”, “REBIRTH – Research center for translational and regenerative medicine” as well as the “German Center for Lung Research (DZL)”. The lab´s main interest is to develop new cell-based treatment approaches for rare and common diseases, affecting primarily the lung but also different other organs. For this purpose, we are using multipotent and pluripotent stem cells. Furthermore, the lab aims to combine translational stem cell research with basic biology in order to gain new insights into human hematopoietic development and related disease pathophysiology of congenital diseases with a strong focus on infectious diseases. This understanding ultimately leads to the investigation of new ways of blood-cell-farming technologies, using scalable hematopoietic differentiation systems to pave the way for cell-based immunotherapies.


Second ERC PoC „iMAClung“ received.

The lab will further evaluate the safety and feasibility of macrophage therapy to combat lung diseases.

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copyright: Nico Lachmann

Medical Scientist Program

Join the new „nextGENERATION“ Medical Scientist program at MHH, in which Nico acts as the spokesperson. Congrats!

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copyright: M. Ackermann

"New" Focus 4

We are pleased to introduce the new Focus of the lab. We will use highly standardized subsets of human macrophages to develop new kind of bioassays and technologies.

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copyright: Nico Lachmann

Kids are our future

Nico is introducing the use of macrophages to more than 200 next generation scientists. Read more here!

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copyright: MHH

Macrophage Podcast

Listen to our first Podcast about macrophages given by Nico on his experience of macrophages for therapeutic and non-therapeutic applications.

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copyright: MHH

Focus of the lab

Please watch the new video from RESIST, in which Nico will explain how regenerative science will affect infection. Enjoy!

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Team and Open Positions
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Funding and Collaborations
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News (archive)
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IP/TEC Offer
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Stem Cell Goes Back 2 School
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Research Focus

Reprogramming and Disease Modelling

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Hematopoietic Differentiation and Cell Therapies

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Macrophage Development and Organoids

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copyright: Nico Lachmann

Bio-assay development

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