Eine Form des menschliches Kopfes, dargestellt wie ein Netzwerk, bestehend aus Punkten und deren Verbindungen.

Psychoneuroimmunology Research Group

Group leader: PD Dr. med. Alexandra Neyazi


Immunological processes play an important role in the development of neuropsychiatric disorders and are, therefore, increasingly considered in psychiatric diseases models and experimental therapeutic approaches. Moreover, numerous neuroimmunological diseases like autoimmune encephalitis or multiple sclerosis (40% psychiatric comorbidity) are characterized by cognitive, motivational and affective symptom complexes and do thus require an interdisciplinary approach. Etiologically based diagnostics are crucial for the characterization of psychiatric disorders with neuroimmunological changes and allow for a precise and personalized treatment. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is a fundamental component of differential diagnostics and of high interest if an identification of new biomarkers is desired. 

Aims of the research group

The main focus of the research group is to investigate the interactions between the immune system, neuronal processes and psychopathology, particularly focussing on CSF research and its molecular characterization (epigenetics).

Scientific collaborations

Cooperations within Hannover Medical School

  • Department of Neurology, Prof. Dr. Thomas Skripuletz

  • Department of Neurology, Dr. Stefan Gingele

  • Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Prof. Dr. Mike Wattjes

  • Laboratory for Molecular Neurosciences, Dr. Kirsten Jahn, PhD

External cooperations

  •  University Medicine Göttingen, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, PD. Dr. Niels Hansen
  • University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Dr. Daniel Lüdecke

Research group members

Research group leader

Prof. Frieling


Phone: +49 511 532 2397

Fax: +49 511 532 8375