The research focus of the Department of Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy lies on translational research (with particular emphasis on psychiatric care research) and aims to 1) develop and establish novel therapeutic interventions, and 2) to foster precision medicine for mental health diseases. To achieve these goals, our department’s clinicians and natural scientists work hand-in-hand with national and international research groups.
Our Research Groups Collaborative Projects
Laboratory for Molecular Neuroscience
On July 1, 2010, the Department of Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (director: Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Bleich) opened a laboratory for basic and translational research to analyze the molecular basis of mental diseases. The Molecular Psychiatry Research Group (director: Prof. Dr. med. Helge Frieling) is closely linked to the laboratory and focuses on epigenetics and precision medicine.
Cognitive Neuropsychiatric Research Laboratory‘Cognitive neuropsychiatry’ represents a systematic and theoretically oriented approach with the aim of understanding clinical psychopathologies in terms of deficits in cognitive mechanisms. This multidisciplinary research field requires close cooperation between psychiatrics, neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, and clinical psychologists.
Skyra (MRT)The 3T magnetic resonance tomograph (Magnetom, Skyra) from Siemens, which was acquired by the research group around Prof. Dr. med. Tillmann Krüger via third-party funding (BMBF), is available for scientific research projects at Hannover Medical School.
Science Management
Our science manager coordinates and bundles all research activities with the aim of creating efficient and effective structures from which all scientific employees can benefit.