Important User Information

Using the facility

The Research Core Unit for Laser Microscopy is a "user facility" where instruments are operated directly by the users. Operating any of the microscopes requires training which will be provided by the facility staff.

Before your first visit, please

(1) fill in the application form and (2) create an account in the online booking system (accessible from the MHH intranet only).

We will call you back and arrange an appointment for a training session.

You will get a detailed instruction in microscope operation and laser safety.

From now on you can use the microscope on your own, but feel free to ask any time for additional assistance. 



Operation of the microscopes, image acquisition and data anlysis require basic microscopy knowledge which can not be provided during the training session. We recommend  the online tutorials provided by the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Facility (Myscope).

Experienced users will quickly go through the pages, others have the opportunity to acquire the necessary basic knowledge through the online tutorials.


The user fees for the microscopes are:

Users from MHH, Leibniz University, and HZI Braunschweig: 12 Euro per hour.


For external academic users:

Leica-Inverted-2, -3, Zeiss 980, Nikon, and Olympus: 20 Euro per hour.

Leica--Upright-MP: 40 Euro per hour.


For external users from industry:

Leica-Inverted-2, -3, Zeiss 980, Nikon, and Olympus: 60 Euro per hour.

Leica-Upright-MP: 120 Euro per hour.


Use of the facility has to be acknowledged in publications.


In order to make working in the facility easy, convenient and fair for everyone, it is necessary for all users to follow some principle rules. Thank you for your co-operation.

A hand out for new users: How to use the laser microscopy facility (PDF)